What the hell i never knew Mathias and Flynn where in that kind of relationship

What tipped you off?

There are plenty of straight relationships in the story, so why not? Gay people exist just like straight people do, and romance has always been an important element of storytelling.

That was kind of ambiguous in regards to it being a friendship or him wanting more, but even without Taelia I believe it was established during the Tiragarde Sound questline that he had a romantic history with one or two of the female NPCs we encounter. He also falls for the harpies’ charm effect in a rather hilarious part of the questline, but I don’t think it’s been established if their magic depends on them matching a victim’s preferences or not so that may not even matter. All any of this would mean though is that he’s simply bi rather than gay.


Yes where’s the gnome-Tauren relationship?!?

My man Earless Joe ain’t no simp!


I’m going to confess that after I heard about their relationship from the novel, I brought an alt through the Alliance campaign in BFA, just to see that quest line with 2 of them again. Listening to them bickering at each other, I can’t help wondering, maybe there was some sort of fatal attractions? :smirk::stuck_out_tongue:

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That’s the kind of rationalization people uses for BL fanfic…

Well I do admit, that I preferred to see Flynn as a ladies man? I don’t know why, he just came across as that type?

We have plenty of LGQBT representation in Shadowlands anyway.

And that’s the line that makes me HATE her.
When he went missing she went from strongish character to the most useless sack of elven flesh to ever be introduced in the game. Instead of her going all Mel Gibson from Ransom (or Liam Neeson from Taken) she went all useless weak character in a horror movie that get’s not only herself killed but someone else too.
For reference on the two different characters…


Where you been lol this is last years news.

Homie usin internet explorer

If they had made the relationship between two male dwarves, no one would have known the difference.

ROFL! That’s pretty much what happened, too! :rofl:

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Yes, I’m unhappy about it, because Wrathion wasn’t included.

puts another coin in the Sarcasm jar

Considering how female dwarves don’t exist and they are always drunk, it all makes sense.


Funny thing is…
the caveman romance I described is basically the way romance was handled in the movie Caveman.


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As much i agree with this comment here, and i do agree…

I’m sorry, but i got to ask. Where have you been during Tracer’s comic about her relationship with another lady and the internet’s reaction towards that? :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

Wait… is that the Overwatch thing?

I remember exactly where I was when I read that, I was at the Rainforest Cafe eating the epic brownie and icecream volcano dessert (really good) and I remember being very surprised by it.

I wasn’t upset by it of course, but I was very shocked, hence why I have such a vivid memory of when I first read it, it felt like they were trying to shock audience like it was a “big reveal,” because the kiss came out almost like a jumpscare, like “bet ya didn’t see that one coming!”

But I do believe if the Tracer comic had came out with a guy kissing her rather than another girl, people wouldn’t have been shocked/cared as much.