What the hell i never knew Mathias and Flynn where in that kind of relationship

C’mon man it’s Christmas! This isn’t the day to have a phobia against people for loving each other :slightly_frowning_face: relax get in a blanket and have a good time instead.

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I don’t have a phobia…

Good plan except some knucklehead or group of knuckleheads decided to ruin that for people like me…

…Depends on which thing you are talking about here.

I’ve never cared too much about either the stories here since neither Tracer or Solider 76 were interesting to me. Both story and gameplay. (I was a Junkrat/Reinhardt main) Heck i wasn’t even playing Overwatch back on these times when it happened. And all i got to say about it is… :man_shrugging:

Mmm. I think it’s more of how it’s executed by the devs and how it’s treated by the devs and to some extent, the viewers.

While i’m glad their relationships wasn’t established or hinted at before the comics, i kind of wish it wasn’t treated like it’s a big reveal or something and just treated like other relationships would. Simply put, i agree with you.

My man.

I agree, if it’s not done right, most people perceive things as a business decision to add diversity rather than create a compelling story or character, though I’m sure there have been times where artists have presented a homosexual relationship in a genuine fashion, only to have people see it as forced diversity.

Yeah, I agree, “pride” in general is pretty annoying to me, in my eyes it’s just another person doing their thing, we don’t need to throw a parade over it.

What do you mean you don’t agree with everything I said? wow, toxic, reported

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Well i say that because i’ve always never really dig the idea of saying “if it’s X, people wouldn’t be as shocked”, because to me it just sounds like making the people sound inconsistent in a way to discredit or write them off as “Y” and other nasty labels.

I am going to concede that because while i don’t engage with labels, i find it very counter-intuitive to the points one makes (in any topic, not just this one), i do take issue with the inconsistency that people has with their arguments here and there, and plus, i kind of referring to what i’ve said being the slight disagreement here. Simply put, i had a different idea then what i assume you have here that lead me to that slight disagreement.

Nothing in your post is actually wrong, it’s just me misreading it as something it’s not because of a certain phrase, so mea culpa.

Ha! jokes on you, Assassin Rogues lost their toxic blade talent! :grin:



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It wasn’t in game, it was hidden away in a novel, so that means obviously this gay relationship is being shoved in our faces and is just pandering now that people have learned about it, duh.

Milhouse and w/e her name is best wow relationship ever.

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Are you mad because Flynn stole your bf?

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Well most of us here learned about it many months ago when the book was released. Keep reachin their softy.

Edit: Oh wait sarcasm. Sorry. lol.

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Didn’t you know? Anything that strays away from staying the same/status quo is an insidious “woke” conspiracy out to oppress the “true geeks/gamers.” :stuck_out_tongue: I’ve once seen the fox news watching camp lose their collective poop over a cute Cheerios commercial back in 2012/2013 with a gay couple giving their adopted kid Cheerios.

I really thought Matthias is into Valeria.

Really, old news. Wait till you learn what Marcus has been doing…er who, since Vanilla.

I’m too late to say this is bait but…

Wait. Hold up. Is this relationship in RISING SHADOWS. By Madeleine Roux?

The same author that went on an anti-male, anti-white rant on Twitter?

angry deer noises :deer: