What. The. Hell. Bastion

Honest question, because I can’t remember: were Stewards “created” or did they just nautrally pop up because of Death magic?

And why on God’s green earth does no one talk about the dredgers of Revendreth if the Stewards bother you so much? We literally create dredgers out of muck and then throw them at work by the neck (and I think they complain about that last part).

EDIT: From the Art of Shadowlands book:

Out of sight, out of mind, and absolutely subservient: that is the ideal dredger. For those muck-born simpletons to seek reward or appreciation for their work is a distasteful thought indeed.

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Of course not.

I was looking for sane, morally upright people who would agree that beating people you’re in charge of is not ok.

Yesterday there where plenty, but for some reason today only people who think beating people who won’t see things your way is fine have come to post anything.

Up until the late 1900’s this was considered discipline…A LOT has changed since even the late half of this century.

And it was still wrong back then too.

What about this is escaping you people? Wrong is wrong, regardless of your opinion of it.

How badly are you physically hitting them? If it’s full on brutality maybe, but a few smacks to tougher body parts has LONG been considered a form of discipline across several global cultures.

About half of them die.

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Yeah that might be a bit too brutal…Not even sure why they’d put that in there… Also considering about half the stuff in WoW I think someone in the dev team might be a sadist…

What’s the name of the world quest?

They’re revolting because at their lowest point an antagonistic force is whispering in their ear to give up. It’s like offering a recovering alcoholic a drink on a day they’re really jonsing for one. Ordinarily the Kyrians help the aspirants work through this rough spot but they are being preyed upon.

Arbiter being in sleep mode isn’t helping but it doesn’t seem like she is directly responsible for their doubts.


How many times have you agreed to kill people you never met before because someone offered you a magic ring and 5g? Are you really one to talk?


It’s how they do things in their fictional realm though.

Doubt yourself? That’s a paddling.

I’ll try and break It down:

The Cycle and purpose of a Healthy Kyrian:

A kyrian lets go of the past to embrace a higher state of being that allows them to be completely unbiased an impartial.
Said Kyrian then ascends and continues their immortal life by traveling to the infinite realms of the universe to ferry the souls back to the shadowlands without judgment or prejudice from their past lives.
Kyrian drops souls off at oribos where they’re judged and Anima is produced
The anima from those souls goes to all of the infinite shadowlands and ensures that the afterlife is kept healthy and running smoothly
Said Kyrian returns to bastion where they help teach aspirants to follow in their footsteps and continue an orderly cycle.

The Cycle and Deterioration of a Doubtful Kyrian:

Instead of letting go of their past burden, a kyrian remembers everything, refusing to let go of the flaws and limitations of mortality
Said Kyrian starts to question everything and trusts nothing. This makes them irritable, resistant to authority, violent, and easily manipulated
Said Kyrian is then recruited by the jailer or one of his generals and tries to undermine a system thats worked for countless eons. Killing thousands of other kyrians in the process.
Now instead of souls being judged mercifully, they’re all sent to the maw to suffer unimaginable horrors. Coincidentally, this also means that no anima is being produced for the afterlives, and the souls and creatures of their realms start to die.
End result: everyone goes to hell :arrow_forward: all afterlives wither and die :arrow_forward: there’s no one left to protect the innocent :arrow_forward: life sucks for everyone everywhere.

The sane and rational thing to do would be to understand that rules and methods of mortal society don’t necessarily apply or work for Immortal societies. Discipline is needed to bring them back from their chaotic state. People in a frenzy sometimes need to slapped in order to shock them enough to bring them back to a calmer state. Naaru, in void-lord form often times need to be defeated before they can return to being a Naaru.

It’s not all black and white. Just because you don’t consider it “sane” or “morally upright” doesn’t mean that it’s insane or wrong.

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The more I see the sudden moral outrage at some of these things about Bastion, a place in a fictional afterlife of a fictional world where MUCH WORSE THINGS HAVE HAPPENED, the more I think this is about real world disdain for organized religion leeching into the game because of the perceived symbolism and aesthetic. Which, in of itself, seems like a giant misconception, because Bastion is very much influenced by ancient Greece rather than, say, Christianity of some kind. I guess people can’t get past the angel wings :man_shrugging:t2:

Come to Ardenweald, we’re so laissez fair that Hakar the Soulflayer was just chilling there like he didn’t try to murder the planet.

Perhaps you’re supposed to not like what you see in Bastion, because you’re going to fix it later.

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In Cata they added another quest where you could torture an NPC. I did it without even batting an eye and only realized after there was a way to approach it with mercy. Oops.


And to be fair, those same students are running around like psychopaths and killing people. So to be completely honest, the uncorrupted kyrian are also just trying to protect themselves from further fatality.

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Reminds me of any of the Sith story-lines from the Old Republic MMO.

Any time you have to torture or kill someone, there’s always a more “kind” (well, as kind as a Sith can be) way out of it.

Yeah bastion is 100% a cult

But maybe that’s the vibe Blizzard was going for. Fanatical devotion to a “religion” so to speak, and no questioning allowed

A doubtful Kyrian would be helped by their fellow Aspirants and the Ascendants that are mentoring them, too.

Ascension is difficult and the tasks they perform for the Shadowlands are demanding and vital. It’s natural that some souls have a harder time of it than others.

The Jailer is exploiting them at their most vulnerable.

But apparently if the Kyrians help the ones who are struggling it’s “re-education” and “brainwashing”.