Calling 90% of the WoW Fanbase “no one” is pretty rude, don’t you think?
You seem like a no one
Brainwashing someone’s sibling is pretty terrible. He spared those that would surrender, he let people run away. He killed the ones that were going to fight to the death.
I think Sylvanas did it first with her Paradox-Billiards-Vostroyan-Roulette-Fourth-Dimensional-Hypercube-Chess-Strip Poker game being so far ahead of everyone else.
And you have Terrible tastes AND are imperceptive.
You don’t get to be Hero of your Faction by non-violence.
I figure that this was the stras that broke the camels back. you can only partake in so much you dont agree out of loyalty with before your done
This is why I have said that I see know why Calia isn’t a disaster for the Forsaken in her current form. The question for me is how much of a disaster she is.
90% huh? You must do some pretty extensive questioning to be able to provide such an accurate percentage without pulling it out of … ah… ‘thin air’.
Only 50% or so of the playerbase play horde primarily which is who should be liking Baine. Alliance players shouldn’t like every Horde character and vis versa. In fact the Horde is massively short changed on characters in the Alliance to hold a grudge against considering they are supposed to be a rival faction that we have a grudge against. If more Alliance players like a character (like seemly was the case with Koltira) than Horde characters do I think it is a pretty bad sign.
Realistically of the Horde players, I would guess that 10% care so little about the story they don’t even know who Baine is beyond ‘that cow dude’ and 70% don’t follow the story closely enough to really develop a view beyond ‘he is that guy we helped saved and seems nice’.
Of the rest, which would be a pretty small portion, it is anyone’s guess on wether he is liked or disliked more. My dislike is based upon the fact he to act more directly when he is protecting Alliance interests than when he has been protecting the Hordes. I can’t think of one occasion where he has willingly taken the Horde’s side on a disagreement with the Alliance and not been forced to be involved by duty. He even defended the Alliance attack on Taurajo as justified and exiled the Tauren who wanted to fight the Alliance for burning down their home.
hmm wasn’t because further bloodshed would lead to needledly death when the commander of the attack was already killed? or that happened before?
but you are correct that most people don’t care at all about the story.
You can explain it that way, but I would still respect him more if he’d put his foot (hoof) down earlier.
You have a point but baine is also not the leader his dad was
Imagine if Tyrande and Malfurion took that stance regarding Nightelves.
i belive that those are two different scenarios because in camp taco case, it was just a minor commander who was indeed killed for it.
i think that the entire horde under their warchief is a totally different scenario.
You mean the Druids of the Flame?
They were Japs… we really did not give a plugged nickel for how many civillians we burned. Massive civlillian casualties WAS THE POINT AND GOAL of the exercise. We needed to demonstrate to the Soviets that we could burn their cities at will. We expected that they would take that ultimatum and submit to an American Hegemony of the Planet.
We kind of seriously underestimated their resolve.
Many people angry at things baine say… I have different opinion. He not seem like character at all. In the BFA he is story team narrator voice, maybe.