How can they be out of position when they didn’t even know she was going to do that, seems pretty stupid in hindsight to blame people for being out of position for a maneuver they didn’t even know was going to be pulled until it was too late.
Even so, perhaps that is the case to those who lived, but what about those who were killed and raised from the dead?
Well, they don’t get an account on the matter, do they?
How long do you honestly think that excuse will hold up before you realize how absolutely stupid it is?
“It’s ok to kill my own guys so long as it’s in spite of the enemy.”
It’s a dumb excuse, stop trying to defend an immoral and rash action taken by someone who had intentionally committed literal genocide before that. We all know she never gave a dam about the lives of her troops.
It sure as hell is because;
Derek was not an Alliance prisoner, we had just resseructed him after almost 20 years of being KIA during the 2nd war with the intent on brainwashing him and using him as a weapon against the Alliance and he sure wasn’t going back to helping the Alliance any time soon, especially in a condition such as his.
Derek was of no military benefit to the Alliance whatsoever since he is no longer an active combatant or commander or military value, y’know since he’s been dead and way out of the loop for a long time.
The hell do we care that Kul’tiras killed Rastakhan(aside from the players perspective). We barely knew him anyways, it’s not like he was some great, long-time ally of the Horde. We knew Ratskahan for, like, a week before he got killed and the Horde only wanted him for his navy anyways which was destroyed. It’s not like the Horde particularly cared too much for him aside from wanting the stuff he has. His death practically sealed the allegiance of the Zandalari anyways, thanks to his millennial daughter. If anything, Rastakhan dying was a boon for the Horde as it got the Zandalari to officially sign up.(once again, from a purely lore standpoint, I’m actually peeved about Rastakhan dying)
Ok, well guess what?
It failed.
So now in hindsight, it was a boneheaded move that hurt the Horde more than it did the Alliance.
You can blame coincidental Jaina for that reckless and self-harming ploy all you want, doesn’t make it any less reckless of a plan or harmful to the people who were putting their lives on the line to defend her city, only for her to make all their sacrifices in vain.(y’know, by blowing the whole thing up in plague)
You know what’s an even greater threat to the Horde?
Sylvanas Windrunner.
Y’know, the twit who dragged her entire faction into a buffoonish war that serves them virtually no purpose other than to throw themselves to their deaths so that she can increase her own power and that of her own people. It offered no benefits to the Orcs, the Elves, the Tauren, or the Trolls. It’s cute how she basically mocks Baine at the BfL and tells him to tend to the living, since she doesn’t give a flying flock about them to begin with.
Baine taking drastic and desperate measures to forge a diplomatic relationship with the enemy faction in order to end the war as quickly and effectively as possible is probably one of the most useful things he’s ever done.(which is saying alot for Baine)
Her precious “military scheme” much like both at Teldrassil and Lordaeron would’ve blown up right in face anyways, since she really sucks at understanding how the Alliance works. Killing their loved ones’ isn’t going to demoralize them, EVER. It’s going to piss them off and make them even more determined to stop you.
Pure and simple; Sylvanas is an arrogant halfwit who you apparently think is more strategically competent than she actually is.