What the heck?

Golden path Q_Q


I guess there had to be at least one person that would mourn its removal.


Why was it not liked. I love yelling at my husband to stand in my light to passive heal. It was cute.


Im happy they added lots of new class talents but some of these read kind of unverwhelming, heal an ally when you cleanse them?

also they gutted fist of justice and made hoj flat 30seconds with the new talent. that takes away from people actively trying to reset their HoJ cd…

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Yeah I mean I also enjoyed it. I don’t get the hate. Like 2 tiers ago it actually pumped heals as prot as well.

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Nooo Golden Path. I actually loved that spell and use it in all my builds.

That said, it was an absolute dogcrap talent that basically healed for nothing.

But I did enjoy it lol

I’m…actually kinda pissed at what they did with Divine Steed.

It’s still basically a 3 point talent, but they just made Divine Steed itself “baseline” except now Blessing of Freedom is a talent that you either take for yourself or group utility. Which…okay.

EDIT 2: I’m really confused by some of these choices holy crap.

It looks like they buffed Lightforged Blessing a bit, its now 3% which which still isn’t good but its not better than the nothing it was…


Well I see why they hadn’t fixed the strength of conviction bug now … :joy:

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Ok yeah know what fudge it I have no idea what to make of these new talents lol

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the pathing is also very weird some going to the left heavily and not to the right… Im starting to get worried

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Prot is looking to be kinda cracked for group healing.

Judgement of Light + Lightforged Blessing (buffed to 3% healing) + Lightbearer.


Omg YES.

It’s a class tree rework!

those are not important.

if they truly removed crusade that would just make me so hyped. AW Might by default with sanctified wrath sounds great.

Dude, those are amazing changes.

At least for the talents and the direction taken.

No more throughput, almost only option on how you help your group.

No more triple capstone either.

That’s the bomb, holy crap, alright now this makes me feel like a paladin!


yea but they are very undertuned… those healing numbers in your cleanse and blessings dont sound impactful.
freedom becoming a talent also sounds weird. yea but not all changes are in so we have to wait

I dunno maybe i’m just hyper skeptical of changes lol

I don’t hate losing things like having to stand in consecration so our WoG actually healed good, but again I will miss Golden Path because I actually liked throwing it down for some nice small blanket healing.

But I do acknowledge it was crazy undertuned and contributed to the long standing problem of having Consecration do way more for the class than it has any reason to, for what it does.

So wait, is Avenging Wrath going to be a 2 minute cd now or am I missing something?

Tuning is not what matter right now, it’s the philosophy change.

Blessing helps your party in various matters.

Blessing of Sacrifice can now be used as a cleanse against poison and disease and prevent applications.

They speed them up.

You reduce the CD of movement ability when you lead the charge.

We have a group impact.

The numbers will get work on.


They seemed to have put Lights Decree effect on it.

Which technically could warrant making it 2min again.
Which is a step backward admittedly.

And that would make RG pretty much staple because no ones want to play with 2 mins CD anymore after having 1 min wings.


Thanks for the reply, yeah that’s what I was worried about. Not too big on that tbh.

you will only have group impact if the numbers on those talents are actually good noticeable. some talents still need to go like reduced cd on divine toll that very few use and sounds more like a trap. turn evil has two aditional talents now… when should dhave been baseline .
steed has once again gotten what 4 or 5 talents across the entire tree? whats crazy is with templar you can get 8s steed with cavalry only.

whats good is zero cd repent , and flat 30s hoj for when you get cc’ed
also idk why they buffed lightforged blessing for ret when its gonna be canned mark my words.

Im more excited about the spec tree changes not gonna lie. if crusade is gone…