What the heck?

Not getting trolled by Hpals and being put on Forbearance lockout when you need to bubble is a huge change.

Empyreal Ward into melee cleaves is great too.

Tuning aside, the talent design is really good. If they remain undertuned, that can be fixed. Can’t fix a flawed tree.


To be honest, I didn’t like RG mostly because I was forced to play Crusade with it.

I still don’t like the semi “rng” proc but if I get Light Decree effect with “might” I might not cringe as much but yeah, to be seen.

Idk I felt like the class tree was one of the worst design wise with the 3 capstone throughput that were all accessible.
And they FINALLY put consecrated ground in it.
Regardless of it’s usefulness, it wasn’t supposed to be in the spec tree.

Couldn’t be more happy to see crusade eat the dust too.

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we can still get all the capstones, also divine purpose is dead center in the tree (just like Ive been nagging about for so long)

oh and that lightbearer talent sounds like it might skew healing numbers a lot. I dont see it staying

Kinda sad face there’s no Dracthyr Paladin.


My exact reasoning for not liking RG as well, plus 1 minute wings was just fun as hell to me. We’ll see though, hope you’re right on that last bit.

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Yes but no longer throughput oriented.
1 is for damage and the other 2 aren’t DPS increase so, you choose what you want to help.
And you don’t even have to pick them, you can just go back up the tree and pick something else, which I think is a major step forward.

I believe this is sloppy spell ID work on blizzard’s part, nothing in the blue post mentions Crusade or Sentinel. Both were affected by Might, so I think the datamining weirdness reflects them removing the version of both spells that were affected by Might and replacing them with their full value versions.

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Ohh it could be.

What was updated on Wowhead might be completly funky.

But I think Light Decree effect could make Might compete with Crusade.
So it would make sense but… as you said.

Might have some funny business going on Wowhead side or Blizzard.

Nobody upset we lost Seal of Alacrity? That’s a loss of 4% haste and -1 second on Judgement’s cooldown.

The 1 sec off of judgment was rolled into it baseline, per the Blue Post.

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Thanks, I missed that. But we lost 4% haste still…

Actually I wonder if that is in error, Seal of Alacrity wasn’t in the blue post for things removed…

Why would we, throughput nodes are a sum 0 game.

If they aren’t there the damage or healing equivalent will be put somewhere else or directly in the spells.

Throughput had no business being so prevalent in the CLASS tree to begin with.


There are other specs than just Ret you know. Holy almost exclusively uses Quickened Invocation (with a 85-90% pick rate).

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Is there a talent calculator you’re looking at right now?

How do y’all know Crusader was removed?

EDIT: Nevermind, I guess Wowhead has one.

The trees look practically unrecognizable.

Not sure why I would ever take Steed of Liberty over Blessing of Freedom?

cuz it makes druid cry lol.

that’s an old recycled mechanic, back then when u successfully cleansed 1 negative effect, they’ll get instantly heal.

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It seems vlizzard added lots of “pick and forfet” talents that to me, dont deserve a spot.

A paladin without freedom and autofreedom on steed sounds lazy

Sacrifice auto proccing sounds lazy

I guess there really is old dudes who somewhow come to retire from wow by playing a paladin

You get freedom off the gcd with it being baked into steed, its situational, probably worse but I can see it being useful in some situations.

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I feel it might have been one of those things tethering us to Steed.

Can’t make Steed good because there’s always a chance you could use Blessing of Freedom on yourself, but the ability to use it on someone else will always skew it into one of those “This is so powerful, you must suffer for it” things.

By forcing you to either have Freedom, or a Steed that’s actually useful for more more than moving, they can make Steed suck less while not having to nerf Freedom.

Not to say I’m particularly happy about losing Freedom for better Steed, but honestly I feel like it’s better for it. With how slow paladin is when just about everyone else have much better ways move around, I tended to never use my Freedom on other players in dungeons anyway, and instead used to save my own butt.