What the forums need is a thread auto-lock after certain time of inactivity

Oh yea. He wasn’t anywhere near as bad as certain panda that would karen the hell out of anyone a while back. I was so happy to see their “I quit” post.


Oof yeah I think I remember who you’re talking about.

There’s some forum regulars I miss and some that I definitely do not.


For the “who cares?” crowd, there’s two main harms being done:

  • People find old, out of date answers that they think are still relevant while doing a Google search and respond to them, spreading around incorrect information. Locking the thread would be an extra cue that the information is old and potentially not relevant anymore
  • Several people necro as a form of trolling, reviving old controversial topics and putting them back on the main page because they get better traction from people who don’t look at posting dates. The T-squad did this for a while in particular to their old threads, Krogh has been trying to revive the dead “don’t add Btags to the forums” threads using the same method lately

Sometimes, but there were sometimes I was pretty sure he was. He would say something maybe relevant to the post but then it would turn into something that made 0 sense.

Shreds was a bit of a looney. Seems like his uncontrollable ranting got him perma-d

I just looked at his profile to remember the kind of stuff he would say and found this gem.

“My great grandmother was a witch, my grandmother was a green witch, my mother is a green/kitchen witch, and I practice Chaos Magic. I’m a Second-Generation Satanist, and my kids are Third-Generation Satanists. We’re Anarcho-Syndicalists.”


I was wondering where he went.

he moved on to ff14

Ha! What a nut. Still, at least he wasn’t the T troll who I believe still skulks around to this day.

Don’t mention their name they will show up.


Sounds like him yup. Start with some slightly normal thing and then go on a rant about some really out there thing that makes you wonder just how many drugs he smoked to come up with it.


One of the forums darkest chapters there…

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Is…is he like Beetlejuice??? :dracthyr_uwahh_animated:


Bringing back old threads as “gotcha” moments, bringing back inflammatory threads that the mods never dealt with just to cause more issues, bringing back old threads just to clog the beginning of the thread listing, etc.

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Took forever for him to /shoo

There’s also the thing of folks googling a forum thread, joining said forum thread, commenting on it and realizing too late it’s 3 years old.



Yeah, that happens a lot in CS, too.


That’s no reason we shouldn’t auto close. As soon as people discover a new hot topic, they make their own version. Then you end up with 3 to 10 within the same day…

I’m completely fine with closing any thread that doesn’t get any more replies

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As I said, I’m noncommital. As long as what you are doing still works alright with something harmless like the long running heavy metal thread, so be it.

I’m still worried this isn’t a good traffic pattern. In my opinion the other forums here, from Tech Support to class forums to New Player are all much slower and I bet even the EU forums are (but I could be wrong). I don’t feel the auto closure is well suited to super super bursty traffic because we could get three alternatives opened accidentally and they cannibalize themselves.

But, sure, try it out. All I would have to admit is I mildly expressed skepticism. Not a problem.

unfortunately, i would have to respectfully disagree with this proposition. i don’t believe that this feature is needed for the forums here.

thank you, though, for taking the time to share your opinion on the matter and i hope you have a lovely day, friend :slight_smile: