What Sword?

I used to enjoy the story as much as the next guy, but can we maybe find something less trite to be outraged over today?

I honestly think they came up with the cool moment when Sargeras stabs Azeroth

with absolutely no “and then” in mind for the afterwards

Now, they are all trying to come up with something that makes sense
 and haven’t been able to figure out anything that doesn’t sound dumb

What sword are you talking about? There is no sword.

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Remembers what they did to Arthas.

I think it’d best left alone.

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Removing the sword would probably do more damage than leaving it in. If Azeroth was to scale with Earth, that sword would be orders of magnitude bigger than Mt. Everest.

How would you even go about removing something like that? Magic? Some of the most powerful artifact in the entire setting could only remove its corruption. Actually removing it safely with magic would likely require something like on thes scale of the Well of Eternity. Maybe i am misremembering, but even the Well of Eternity wasn’t enough to trasport Sargeras to Azeroth, only an Avatar. So we would possibly need several Wells of Eternities worth of magic remove the sword.

And don’t even mention mining it out. If that sword were to topple it would cause such an apocalyptic event that it would make the Cataclysm look like a sneeze in comparison.


Oh, no that isn’t a sword. It’s a piercing. You see Azeroth is going through her rebellious teenage Titan phase right now. We don’t really notice otherwise since Titans don’t hatch until they are fully formed adults. Alliance and Horde scientists are unsure what part of her the jewelry is actually piercing yet though. Most are hoping it’s her nose while the less savory researchers are hoping for other body parts.


Their game their story. Don’t like it then quit. Not like you play anyways just stalk the forums :wink:

Ion already made a statement to that topic ages ago. Just stop it already with that stupid sword. The devs already stated that it’s not dangerous anymore because the corrupting powers were drained and the world around it has healed. It’s just there now, like a giant rock or a needlessly large building and doesn’t do any harm.

The only annoying thing with this topic are people who are not able to accept the infos we already got and still pretend like there needs to be done something with the sword.



I think I saw one of their flip books a few times in a book store I frequent.

I don’t think the IP has that kind of strength anymore.

If anything it makes for good contrast as for the kinds of writing I read in the Siege of Terra series. Though they have the advantage of a much richer lore, that doesn’t confide itself to Marvel trends.

I do play, you just wouldn’t care to notice the strides I make to strengthen your argument.

exactly , im hoping next expac well get to remove the sword and catch up with everyone etc .

until next expac

There’s literally nothing we can do about the sword. If you pull it out, Azeroth would die from the huge gaping wound. How would we even pull it out to begin with? It’s a giant magical Titan sword, our magic probably wouldn’t have an effect on it. We don’t exactly have a place to put that thing either.


Mana bombs.

first world problems

The sword that stuck in Azeorth’s back , HELOOO!!!

Did a Blizzard employee take over Maizou’s account

I hope so. They addressed the sword. There was a whole expansion where we healed the WOONZ, doing anything about the sword would just damage Azeroth further. Its a non issue.

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Until Blizzard uses it when it’s appropriate, yes.

Acting like the zone saw use afterwards. All Silithus was was an additional loading zone to getting to the heart chamber. That’s it. They could’ve stabbed a zone upwards in Feralas and literally nothing would’ve changed.

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 that’s the resolution, though?

As opposed to what? We drained its power.

It’s just vibing there because that’s all it or anyone else can do with it. It’s a sword the size of the Chrysler Building. I doubt it’s even worth trying to mine it or anything. What if you knock it over accidentally and the thing wipes out Un’Goro too?

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