What Sword?

Is this going to be a regular thing with the WoW devs now? Just ignoring the sword in Azeroth and making a giant joke out of a world changing decision they made?

Like, it was funny the first time, but now it’s just annoying that it’s being swept under the rug that we’re actively ignoring the sword that’s impaling the world soul of the world we live on that an entire expansion focused on it piercing her to such a degree she was spurting blood out of everywhere, even where she wasn’t stabbed.

But sure, what sword?


Would you be happier if they said “we don’t have any plans for the sword now or in the future” ?


Yes, actually. Acknowledging the sword exists and they will address it one day is better than not even acknowledging the sword exists.


Like everything else in WoW, it will remain status quo until they decide to change it. No need to continually reassure players about it. Hyjal is still being attacked by Ragnaros’ forces in the Cataclysm zone, how many years now? Nobody seems to care about that as much as they do about a sword in a zone that barely ever saw any use before the sword existed.


I think the deal with the sword is because it being put there was a part of the finishing part of the legion expac (which last i heard was pretty popular and well liked) and were past that and it’s basically been sat on ice.

With that said? I would love for Blizzard to revamp old zones with new quests and stuff because I like Azeroth and don’t see the appeal/need to explore a brand new location every patch. Them resolving things like the ‘visible from surrounding zones’ sword stuck in the ground would be nice though


I am not in any rush to see any changes to Silithus, especially if it will come at the cost of waiting longer for other new things I want in the game, of which the list is vast. If you mean that the default state would just be Old Silithus, and have some NPC saying “The gnomes came and took the sword out for the metal!” that would be fine. But I’d rather get a new unseen zone than get Silithus 3.0.

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They aren’t ignoring or making a joke out of the sword.

They are making a joke about the forum posts that keep showing up crying about the sword.


They never ignored it. It’s cleansed and the wound is fixed. The sword can’t come out. So it stays.


Azeroth probably has one heck of a migraine though.


They should have dealt with it. Its a head scratcher. The WoW team has kind of been dismissive of the lore over the last few years.

That’s not how stories work?

It’s generally accepted that there is going to be some level of narrative disconnect (outside of instances where Blizzard uses phasing) and that the status quo likely picks up where the questline ends.

Your example of Hyjal being attacked doesn’t work, because there IS a new status quo. We handled Ragnaros and his forces in Patch 4.2, Hyjal hasn’t been under attack for over a decade in the story.

The sword, on the other hand, had no resolution. We drained most of the power in our artifacts to stop is from killing Azeroth and then we dealt with the planet bleeding out in BfA from said wound.

While it isn’t exactly URGENT, there is still the matter of a very lore relevant weapon just kinda vibing there in the desert for years with no further comment.

Even saying the Explorer’s League and/or the Reliquary, the Kirin Tor, or literally anyone is researching it would be something, but as it stands, it’s like the entire world stopped caring about this giant unwanted landmark that killed a town’s worth of people, people who played important roles in the War of the Shifting Sands, just because planet blood is spicy.


It probably wound up in a stalemate between should Azeroth absorb the sword or destroy it and make it tumble down into a giant heap of space scrap after the heroes get her stabilized. But then other important things probably came up causing the issue to be shoved onto a back burner.

But we’ll never know unless at Blizzcon someone actually asks something like “Was the Sword planned to be a permanent fixture?”

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knowing their development cycle they already know what they want to do with it. It’s just that they can’t say anything about it yet w/o being in a spoiler territory. As always people just need to be patient about it and let the dev actually tell us the story.


What sword?

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Patience? in GD??


I think they’re making a meme out of it because the playerbase is making a bigger deal out of it, but it’s honestly not that serious. They know the sword is there, it’ll likely be dealt with sometime in the future when the narrative focuses upon it. However for now the dark magic has been siphoned from it thanks to our artifacts. So majority of the danger it posed has passed.

WoW is always made up of fairly loose story threads that’ll likely be addressed in the future at some point. Burning Legion wasn’t defeated overnight, nor was Kil’jaedan. Bolvar sat on the Frozen Throne for like… 10yrs before he had any significance. Gilneans and Night Elves are still homeless as a current thing that needs to be tied up.

I’m sure the sword will eventually be dealt with in time as well.


Just wait… BFA 2.0

walked into that 1 didnt I?


que espada

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Or…they could just leave it there. It makes sense if you think about it.