What specs have surprised you, good or bad?

i made a rogue back in vanilla and hated it so much i never touched them again untill legion came out i broke down and decided to level one and now outlaw is one of my favorite specs to play

MoP had a lot of well-defined specs, it seems.

I loved MoP Enhancement shaman, spreading fire around large AoE packs (but dang, could you pull some threat off the tank by doing that). I loved Sub in MoP even though it was basically gimped due to no AoE.

We had a hunter in our raid group that played Surv probably 70-80 percent of the time back then, and BM the rest of the time. He did better DPS as BM but whenever he felt he could get away with it, he played Survival, because he found it such fun.


Surv was definitely the best hunter spec in MoP due to the set bonus, bm wasn’t nearly as good and was awful tbh on the later fights.

My 2 day raiding guild got top 10 world on Thok in SoO from surv hunter stacking. 5 or so of us swapped to hunter and it made that fight trivial really. Held down top ranking for all challenge mode dungeons too, it was so fun from the explosive shot chains, RIP MoP surv.

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i seem to remember him having trouble getting all the pieces he needed for some kind of OP set bonus. The ol’ memory gets fuzzy.

Of course, this is the same guy that Disengaged into a pack of melee during the Iron Qon fight, dropping the shock/stun debuff on all of us, messing up what would have been our first heroic (mythic) kill. We eventually got it but we gave him such hell for that. Good times.

You aren’t real good at the armory checking thing are you? I stopped maining this toon during BoD.

You are also wrong about both factions having to wait for eachother.

There’s already a thread about it.

You literally just posted a link that proves you wrong. Congratulations, you played yourself.

Author is a Troll Warlock happy that Alliance finally filled their hall of fame, so now everyone can do Mythic Cross-Realm. Because it requires both sides and has the entire expansion.

You’re a joke.

Either way, what does my ex main have to do with anything? Unless you think I can get AotC without touching heroic.

we’d rather you not play demo, especially in SL (things get worse without AZ traits and aff got better)

Eh, I found your garbage main. (Which required third-party tools by the way. Learn the difference between RIO and Armory.)

Green parses, didn’t clear the whole dungeon. You got carried.

I’m going to sleep. Enjoy being sad, wrong, and alone.

Because if you checked the same run my guild cleared that boss, you’d see a shaman with the similar name as this toon.


I’m not the best, but Green? Cmon now.

I’m a tank…


You always hear complaints about DH then I go and play mine for the first time in years and realize “Hey, this is actually garbage!”

Literally a green parse on N’Zoth.

Tanks can get carried. Props to your Ret paladin and healers for doing so.

No idea who they even were, they were pugs.

And yeah, of course I’m gonna get a green parse on N’zoth, I had to make sure my TD’s didn’t proc on the tentacles before I could get Psychus to it, they mostly hit nothing.

Explains a lot. Bad player, bad guild. Carries were outside contractors.

Learn to strafe and that will never happen. Clearly bad player.

I’m bored of you. Won’t bother reading anything else you respond with.

Contractors? Don’t need to pay anyone when you just list your current group up on the group finder.

Anyway since you are so kind I’ll remember to message you ingame for some tips in Shadowlands, I’m maining prot paladin.


Love it. Absolutely love it. Even more than my main mage. I feel a bit guilty. I should love my mage more.

Druid: Hate. I want so badly to love it. It’s boring.

Uh, no. Do you remember what happened when they only pruned a few skills? Pruning entire specs would cause a community meltdown. Pure DPS specs should have their specs differentiated. Like AoE DPS, Single Target DPS, and Control DPS etc. Not pruned.

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Yes. Classes were significantly better because they no longer had to worry about abilities that only worked one one mob type, of which there were only four in the entire expansion.