What specs have surprised you, good or bad?

Good surprise: Demo lock. Never played it until about 2 weeks ago, and it’s not like I just walked in the door around here. I was there when Demo locks were told “we’d rather you not play Demo,” and we had a Demo in our raid group at the time who I thought we were going to have to send an interventionist to his house, he was so mad. I finally just rolled one to see what they’re like and so far I like the playstyle. I don’t know why but it just flows better to me than Destro or Afflock.

Bad surprise: Survival hunter. The conspiracy theorist in me wants to say Blizz wanted to float a trial balloon to see how well the game could be played on a console, and Surv hunter was the result. If you take the right talents you can probably play the entirety of Surv combat using a single taskbar, including cooldowns. Otherwise I’m not sure what they’re going for … new players who like playing with pets? It feels like half a spec.

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It’s because our spells lead one into another. Destro has harsh stopping and starting because of conflag. It’s just disrupts the flow of the rotation

Affliction is the same with having to stop and refresh dots.

They just don’t flow like demo does

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The spec that surprised me the most was Demon Hunters’ third spec. Not familiar? That’s because they don’t have one.

Point is that Demon Hunter quickly became one of the most popular classes in the game despite being a recent addition and despite having fewer specs than every other class in the game.

Seems to me that many classes could do with a pruning. Instead of pointlessly adding another flavor of the same role (Mages, do you want to be a ranged dps, a ranged dps, or a ranged dps?), Blizzard should ensure that each class is viable and fun in the roles they are capable of being instead of having one right choice and one or two unplayable choices.


So… you personally, how do you determine if a spec is viable or not?

Unholy DK. I played Blood DK because I liked tanking and never really tried the DPS specs. Holy moly, Unholy DK is pretty fun and is making DK a contender for one of my characters in shadowlands.


Prot pally for leveling. I tried to enjoy ret, but just couldnt get into it. Then one day i went prot pally, my survival went through the roof, my rotation simplified, and it just always felt super fun (instead of proc watching). I think its having that shield slam (FACE SMASSSHHHH!!!). Its just such a satisfying spell to hit and feel the fantasy.

You wouldn’t have to if there was only one, but math is how you determine it. One number is objectively bigger than another number.

Blizzard has spent two decades proving they can’t do balance. At this point, it’s the same argument as having removed talent points: All they did was provide the illusion of choice by giving you a lot of wrong options.

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You didn’t answer my question.

You can’t say this.

Then not state what you think is viable.

So… again… In your eyes, what makes a spec viable.

Yes I did. Obviously I can.

Just because you don’t understand how the game works doesn’t mean I didn’t explain it.

Have you ever heard of logs and parses? Some DPS are objectively better at doing DPS than other DPS.

Instead of failing to balance 50 DPS specs because so many classes have 2-3 of them, they could balance 12 specs.

Frost and Arcane are not viable DPS specs for Mages. Delete all mage specs and all mages are now Frofircane mages.

So since you mentioned logs, this must be about raiding. So using raiding as the example, wouldn’t it mean every spec is viable if they all recorded a N’zoth kill, or a Jaina kill? Just examples by the way.

No. It’s quite easy to find a group to carry you.

Let me know how that goes before your faction achieves the ability to cross realm mythic.

I love Subtlety Rogue! Here’s hoping that they’re still OP when Shadowlands goes live. (But if they’re not, I’ll still play it)

Same here I was amazed how much dmg they do with AOE, run around dotting and stuff dies fast.

Strong talk from a guy who hasn’t cleared Normal.

Cross-realm Mythic has been available since April. It actually doesn’t become available for either faction until both factions’ leaderboards are full.

But I guess a below-average player with no raid experience like yourself wouldn’t know that.

Both of those specs were amazing to play in MoP, demo lock and surv hunter (MoP) probably the 2 most fun specs I’ve ever played in any game ever. No idea why they were gutted and completely changed.

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Not to mention they removed some abilities that were basic to classes and added them to “pvp talents”.

Also my favorite is “hey lets remove and aoe ability that was in your toolkit and add it to the pos talent system” they introduced to us a few expansions ago.

i made a rogue back in vanilla and hated it so much i never touched them again untill legion came out i broke down and decided to level one and now outlaw is one of my favorite specs to play

MoP had a lot of well-defined specs, it seems.

I loved MoP Enhancement shaman, spreading fire around large AoE packs (but dang, could you pull some threat off the tank by doing that). I loved Sub in MoP even though it was basically gimped due to no AoE.

We had a hunter in our raid group that played Surv probably 70-80 percent of the time back then, and BM the rest of the time. He did better DPS as BM but whenever he felt he could get away with it, he played Survival, because he found it such fun.


Surv was definitely the best hunter spec in MoP due to the set bonus, bm wasn’t nearly as good and was awful tbh on the later fights.

My 2 day raiding guild got top 10 world on Thok in SoO from surv hunter stacking. 5 or so of us swapped to hunter and it made that fight trivial really. Held down top ranking for all challenge mode dungeons too, it was so fun from the explosive shot chains, RIP MoP surv.

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