What species did the Trolls evolve from?

I’m talking about one of the earlier chapters from Chronicles 1. Were are you this getting that from? Because it had nothing to do with Titans at all.

Edit: I think I remember know what you mean. Possible that there also arose new forms of life from the elemtals that were not trapped. I think there was something, but I can’t remember. I refereed to earlier tough, close to the beginning.

That’s the thing tough. I can be natural. Intervention can an d will create new ecosystems or destroy them. It still ca happen totally on “it’s own” after you left the seed there.

And I don’t really think it did change the timelines for trolls (not really). Sure the well is new, but we also never had a true age for them before. Only the “old race”.

If we’re talking about just influencing, but in this case we’re talking about seeding via something that has been created. If I created the seeds and planted them, I wouldn’t call the resulting forest natural.

This was an old Ask Cdev answer.

Q: What races were on Azeroth before the coming of the titans?

A: Besides the elementals, the only known sentient races on Azeroth when the titans’ forces arrived to subdue the Old Gods were the trolls, the race known as “faceless ones,” and the aqir. Due to the Old Gods’ war against the titans, as well as the extensive terraforming that followed the war’s conclusion, records of what races existed before even the Old Gods’ arrival have likely been lost forever.

Changing them from existing before the Titans arrived till after the Well existed is a direct change.


This deepens on a lot of things. We basically know nothing about it. If it was simply “magic” then ok…sure.

Ok that point is true. Years feel like they go faster with every single one.
The important part is still, that they were early.

I have chronicles open in my lap right now. The single only mention of Life evolving from Elementals, is Page 40. It talks about how some elementals managed to avoid being banished and eventually turned into living creatues of flesh and blood (including Proto-dragons) due to the titans ordering Azeroth causing their fury to subside.

That is the only mention anywhere of elemental turning into living beings.

Ok, see. They didn’t need the Titans to evolve in to beings of flesh in general (I though I missed something). They could have likely evolved regardless (under the right conditions). On Azeroth it seems it was for some necessary though, because of the Titan inside of the planet. She eat to much of the spirit element and this made Azeroths elemtals chaotic, true (Draenors more peaceful ones are a contrast).

However it’s not the only part describing life evolving from elemtals. For Azeroth, possible I’m not sure. I have to install my ebook app again (yep dosen’t take long) … no idea why. I will look for it tomorrow.

I mean, to be fair, it’s only due to retcons that Night Elves are no longer the original life on Azeroth that come before the Trolls in the first place.

Not if we are talking about WoW.

But the Night Elves had it pretty bad with WoW.

    The reclusive Night Elves were the first race to awaken in the World of Warcraft.


I wrote WoW. :wink:

Last I checked, WoW stands for World of Warcraft.

You linked WC3 TFT…

Yep, which for whatever reason capitalized “World” like the name of the MMO. That’s quoted from the website, not something I added.

I always presumed that the Trolls were a slave race created by the Old gods when they landed on the planet. They created the first fleshy creatures on the planet when they fought and subdued the elementals. The trolls were simply slave race the old gods used to build the black empire.

When the titans came back and created the vyrkul,earthern and other races then defeated and locked away the old gods the Trolls were freed from their masters and escaped the titan forged.

When the TItan forged went to sleep due to the curse these trolls then created the troll empire.

So i don’t think trolls are any more native than the other races just some spawn of other beings landing on the planet.

Ok that’s nice and all. But not what the lore tells us (nor ever had).

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I mean considering the origins of the centaur I really wouldn’t be surprised if this turned out to be true…

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Nor do we have anything says they were anything else. You have to remember that either they were creations of the Old gods and the curse of flesh or they were bi products of the Titans creations or a bit of both.

Trolls aren’t a naturally evolved race any more than the Humans in the game.

You also have to remember that the Titan forged(human,dwarve and gnome ancestors) had empires and had settled most of the planet long before the trolls even started making huts. The only reason the trolls ever were able to build their empire was because the titan forged all went to sleep due to the Curse of flesh. The Trolls oldest city is literally a Titan facility built by the titan forged, the trolls simply are sitting in someone else house. If anything the Alliance could have claimed Zandalar as it belonged to their Ancestors.

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Ehm no. We know that’s not the case. There is really nothing to say anything more to this.

Your alien nonsense is amusing though. Looking at you name checks out. Nice try to bait.

Its more of the Vein you don’t want to believe anything else. Trolls have no more claim to being a “Native” to Azeroth than any other races than the cross species, created or evolved there.

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Nope. We know this and we know the creations from the Old Gods.

See that’s why it’s funny. No matter how much you try, humans will always be nothing more than corrupted robots.

We know nothing flesh existed before the old god came and fought the Elementals and subdued them with their creations.

We know that the Titans then came and created the titan forged who then defeated the black empire and locked away most of their creations. They then ordered the planet and seeded it with life.

After Many aeons passed that they started to be affected by the Curse of flesh(AKA humans) and most went to sleep. Then the other mortal races started to appear.

So there is no mention of Trolls any thing prior to this so they were likely came about around the same time which means likely came about the same time as the titans ordered the planet.

So they also built the world the trolls exist in. The trolls owe they’re existence to the titan forged races.

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