What Spec Are You Leaning Towards In TWW?

I recently came back to WoW after quitting back before Catas release, Decided to come back last November and landed on a fury warrior all the way through DF. I’m curious if others are going to stay Fury as well or will they switch to arms or even switch off Warrior as their DPS class of choice?

I switched off warrior at the start of season 4 for this monk. Not because the class sucks or anything. I’ve mained warrior since the end of TBC. Needed a change.

Depends on tuning and how much the difference between Arms vs Fury is in raid and which damage profiles end up being the better option for prog.

Most of DF I’ve leaned heavily to Arms since the playstyle less coma inducing for myself, partially due to almost falling asleep playing that awful S2 set bonus and preferring that final execute phase niche to bring home those prog boss kills.

However with Fury’s changes going forward for TWW, I won’t mind as much if Fury ends up being the go to since their playstyle is shifting away from the atrocious spam that is the current gameplay.

Also prot for keys all day long, if my tank mates aren’t online :smiley:.


I plan on becoming a Dwarven version of Thor!

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I mean thats absolutely fair, This is the first time I’ve actually properly played a warrior to max level. I was usually a Paladin or I played Death Knight up until before Catas release.

Arms is looking really good imo but with the tuning of bloodthirsty vs raging blow could make fury really fun too.

If they’re close in damage I like arms more.

Isn’t Arms the better spec in terms of DPS for DF or am I mistaken?

Logs put arms above fury and having the execute damage from arms is great.

But honestly go hit a target dummy for a couple of rotations of your major cooldowns and see which one you perform better with. Gear+skill can make a big difference.

And then there is what you enjoy, which I will always suggest to play what you enjoy.

Honestly at this point, I’ve played so much Fury. I’m not switchin. Even if its arguably better, I do intend to for sure be a bit more active with my alts for sure.


For my own personal fun? Arms as Colossus.

For my raid group? W/E sims best.

That’s the winner imo. If you enjoy fury you’ll play it better.

Fury w/ bladestorm. I’m very happy that fury is going back to the BT-x-x-BT rotation that I remember enjoying when I first started playing. It might’ve been BT-x-BT in Cata, but either way I was pressing BT on cd and I like that.

I think it’s safe to say that I’m done with arms at this point. Arms sims better right now, but I only played it briefly a few different times, decided I didn’t enjoy it, and went back to fury every time. I wasn’t very good whenever I tried arms since I couldn’t stick with it long enough to get much practice. A heroic Askhandur in my vault 2 weeks ago was the beginning of the end of my time as arms - I switched back to fury w/ some s3 tier pieces and an annihilator build less than a week later with that Ashkandur as my offhand weapon.

Play whatever spec you enjoy and are comfortable with. For me that’s fury warrior (w/ no ground target abilities) and frost DK.

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Hell yeah, I’m super excited for the Earthen honestly. Finally I can play a Dwarf on Horde side.

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Honestly, I hoped Slayer would be better, but it feels like hot garbage compared to Mountain Thane and Colossus.

So far, I’ve test driven:
-Thane Fury - Absolutely owns. It’s good to have Bladestorm back, and be worth pressing.
-Colossus Arms - Giga ST. Need to test a little more.
-Slayer Arms - Hella cleave. It’s like a far better version of the Arms M+ spec right now.
-Thane Prot - SUPER GOOD generalist spec, and lots of extra AoE/Rage. I will likely run this for dungeons during leveling.
-Colossus Prot - Great ST, but felt rage starved all of the time. Might be better in high gear with raids for mitigation, but it depends on how Martial Prowess or w/e works vs. the wording. Overall, I had to be very choosy with rage, which kinda sucked, but Demolish does absolutely bonkers priority damage.

I need to get in there and play Colossus Arms and Slayer Fury in dungeons. Slayer Fury felt awful on dummies, though.

I tested only with the starter green gear, and not any of the raiding stuff, since I want to test my expectation of what the early progression will feel like. By the time we’re all gearing off of raids, we’ll have more data, and there will probably be some kind of balance changes between now and launch anyway.

I crapped on Mountain Thane pretty hard off the rip, and though I don’t care for the aesthetic’s execution, it feels a lot better to play, and very consistent.

Also, being a panda and playing Colossus, and popping Avatar, you’re huge! lol

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If I come back to warrior single minded fury. I don’t care if it is less dps.

SMF has been in the game since WotLK, and it never left. It has–and will always continue–to deal less damage than TG by design.

Good for Timewalking, though.

It left for Legion and BfA, but was restored in Shadowlands.

Dosa and bdo

I do lfr and farm transmog I don’t care that it does less damage. I play what I enjoy.

i like the thunder fury but since fury is almost always worse then arms ill go with colossus