What Should 10.0 Give? New Race(s), Class, Models, Class/race combos?

In terms of new races, I want to see the following become playable, in no particular order other than alphabetical:

:japanese_goblin::trident: Kelfin (Horde)
:cut_of_meat::japanese_ogre: Ogres (Horde)
:cut_of_meat::tiger2: Saberon (Either)
:wine_glass::bat: Sanā€™layn (Horde)
:meat_on_bone::crocodile: Saurok (Horde)
:snake: Sethrak (Either)

As for classes, Iā€™d like to see Necromancers. Either as their own class or a class skin for Warlocks. Iā€™d be happy with either as an option. :skull:

Also would like to see more character slots per account in some form. Speaking only for myself, Iā€™d happily purchase more if it were an option.

That is about all I can think of off the top of my head right now.

THIS, just generally bring back MoPā€™s talent and stuff and itā€™s basic class design where itā€™s actually fleshed out.

Absolutely, some of the BEST pets donā€™t even keep their unique features: Sanguifang/Lonehunter and their swords, the giant ghost wolves around various expansions are untameable even though they ARE undead, Gorehorn, etc.

THIS, and allow a bit of mix and match, even the minor NPCs establish that not everybody uses the same armor type even in the same classes. We have battle mages in plate, as minor NPCs. In the very least let us use and mog the next armor type down or in clothā€™s case UP.

:point_up_2: If story is garbage, everything is, as the story sets the tone and establishes most other aspects of a setting, if the story is consistent everything is inconsistentā€¦

A good case study of analyzing how character and plot mesh.

The only thing that will keep WoW competitive is the ā€œA Realm Rebornā€ treatment.

Lots of lore-friendly ways that could be pulled off as wellā€¦ but Team 2 probably thought SL was going to be an absolute smash hit so we havenā€™t got anything like that coming down the line in the near future.

We will get:

  • 4 zones!
  • 8 dungeons!
  • 1 raid
  • A new hub city, with 3 mailboxes and a portal to org/sw!
  • NEW STORY featuring Sylvanasā€™ character developmentā€¦ starring Sylvanas!
  • New ā€œDark Rangerā€ class, led by Sylvanas!
  • 10 new mounts
  • 200 color variations on those mounts.

What we will not get:
-player housing
-Dyable armours
-professions mattering
-advancement paths for casual players
-resolutions to the hundred or so unaddressed plot loopholes and unfollowed plot thread.
-We will never fire the goblin cannon

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  • 4 new allied races at the beginning.
    ā€¢ Sethrak
    ā€¢ Saurok
    ā€¢ Ogre
    ā€¢ Jinyu/Ankoan
  • 2 new classes.
    ā€¢ Artificer
    ā€¢ Void Sovereign
  • Core races are able to play any class except DH.
  • Complete world revamp, current world will be set to BFA chromie time.

Prepatch 10.0 New Class: Animamancer.

Heroic class, ranged, mail armor.

1- Spec. Dark green maldraxxi magic.
2 - Spec. Dark red ventyr magic.
3 - Spec. Dark grey domination magic.

Expand all races/class combos. But leave 1-2 restrictions based on lore.

Example: Night elves & draenei can be anything but Warlocks.
Void elves & undead can be anything but druids and shamans.

New class/race combos via class skins, as well as class skins to add more options.

Outside of that, maybe new race or allied race for each faction.

All of those things. Remove race/class restrictions, new allied races, more model options.

No, they should focus probably focus upon fixing fundamental issues with the game and not try and add more. Also there are builds that probably need to be revamped and balancing that needs to be done.

And not to nitpick but the Nightborne, Highmountain, VEs and Lightforged were actually a BFA feature. It was opened near the end of Legion for anyone who had pre-ordered BFA. Same goes with the Allied DKs at the end of BFA, that was actually a SL feature that was released early for those that had pre-ordered SL.

Update - and for crying out loud, finally give the rest of the core races their damn heritage armor already.



They are having trouble pushing out content as it is. Every new race/class combination is more work in armor, game play design, and balancing that has to be done. And the classes are already pretty thin in terms of uniqueness.

And Iā€™m not sure how they would make legion work with a new class.

I would love to see more race/class combos and(or) races.

Remember when blizz was all if we dont do tier sets for all the classes and just go by armor type weā€™ll be able to make some really cool sets! Yeah

No new class doesnt guarantee we get better class balance. It just means we wonā€™t have a new class. Which would be one of a handful of sure fire ways to bring people back to the game, at least to try it out.

They could do both if they really tried

a cool bug

I want the Horde to finally get a cosmic race that rivals the Draenei but is subtle enough to not stick out of the ā€œHordeā€ aesthetic.

The classes are never going to be balanced as much as they are now since they all do different things. Thatā€™s a pipe dream. Never going to get 100% balance unless everyone plays the same thing.

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Horde needs Eredar imo. Let us rez Thalā€™kiel and make him join us : )

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Eh, I think this is a pipe dream.

The classes have never been balanced but that didnā€™t stop them from adding three more.

New customizations for all races and allied races, new race/class combos like gnome shamans and orc priests for example, good story.

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  • More zones, a lot more quests per zone than the last few expansions, multiple story lines for each faction and some different class quests. 7-8 medium to large zones would be nice.
  • Multiple dungeons per zone. Come on, it canā€™t be an asset issue after 17 years. You have assets up the wazoo. Give use a lot of dungeons. 2-3 per zone.
  • more raids including some with one-off BBEG that are related to the main story. There have to be are rulers and despots around the cosmos that just have to be poked.
  • Around the content build new towns and cities. Again, these should be different for Horde and Alliance.
  • Toss in some arenas and battlegrounds for good measure. These always get left out and while not actually new content, they give players maps to build their own PVP content within.

Finally, if there is time, then worry about races, classes, new model tweaks, and class/race combos. These are all great ways to encourage people to play content but they arenā€™t content by themselves.

Can I just get unique casting/animations for Nightborne? I hate that some are shared withā€¦ā€¦those elves!

New classes are a must at this point. Weā€™re due at least one, but probably two.