What Should 10.0 Give? New Race(s), Class, Models, Class/race combos?

open up the class race combos should be easy given the new starter area

New models/ more Model updates and customization options should be in every expansion and patch going forward.

a new class would cause balancing issues and should only happen if there is a theme that can be expressed in an interesting way.

New race options are always nice. there are a few races in the shadowlands that would make good candidates :eyes:

if we get a dragon expansion
 i want Dragons as an option.

if we look at past races. Sethrak would be really cool additions. the other lizards. *dont want to look up name atm too

ah, certain people want Tuskar and the model should be easy enough to work with given the Panda structure.

10.0 should open up cross faction group content. so like, normal mode of the game would be a pve server with no cross faction. then Warmode is a pvp server and then peace mode where having it active lets you form parties regardless of faction. add in a cross faction guild option IN addition to a normal guild. you can simply see the active guild info simply by having peace mode on or off. the guild would show up in the community tab.

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I’m hoping for class skins like void elf voidadin :octopus:

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EVE has it for a very long time and that’s what it’s for. also at times you might need an item that someone else vendors because he sees none in Ah and things it’ll never sell.

how many times did you vendor a recipe or pattern because the listing was as much as the vendor and there were none in AH?

I’d like to see a new race for alliance something cute and furry, removal of the hardcoded faction divide, more fresh customizations, fresh color palettes for wearables, and a couple new duo mounts.
developers already great at dungeons and quest set ups, no need to joggle their elbows for those.

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current classes arent balanced.

you could ask for a new spec since you’re a DH

This may not sound like much, but It shouldn’t be difficult to do: Restructure dungeons for Vanilla & Cata appropriately.

Basically, take the dungeons that have been modified or divided as a result of Cata and put them on, and only on, the Cata tab. Next all Vanilla dungeons that were removed or modified to their original state and put them on their appropriate tab. Everything is instanced and the original, unmolested ones already exist in Classic. The only trick would be to have a way to select if you are going for Vanilla or Cata when you enter on foot.

Too many of them were reduced to a fraction of their size and difficulty. Also want all the old bosses back (wish I could leave Hoggar’s corpse rotting in a field rather than under SW).

EDIT: This also complies with Blizzards latest option of Chronie Time.


I would like a new class (maybe tinker or bard), housing, a good story(SL was too weird), more customizations, cross-faction play, fewer systems (SL had too many systems for me), loads more collection achievements, better use of professions - so we can make things for our new housing.

I worry that unless certain Developers like the dolt who was saying “I asked for this!” and then proceeded to call players crap like ‘phobes’ on Twitter, as well as caustic individuals like the Developer that blew up on Twitter when the whole DFEH Lawsuit started in July, and had the arrogance to say ‘players asking about content are the problem’ are not involved in any meaningful way with this game, I fear we are going to get a lot more of the same.

I only say that because such individuals appear unable to discern between their personal lives and their professional duties, and it certainly seems most of the time like those sorts of individuals appear to thrive on making intentionally bad decisions.

In short, such people have a serious case of schadenfreude. They appear to be at their happiest when players grumble about the game because it tells them their sanctioned BS is angering the people they detest. Sad but this is what Blizzard has created. Employees or affiliates ALWAYS represent the company and it’s values. Silence is the same as affirming it is an acceptable view.

So no, a good first step if Blizzard/Insight/ wants to prove people wrong, would be to show that they are serious about change by actually doing things such as other folks on this list have suggested, and massively expand transmog / player customization. Additionally, coming down hard on any employee who cannot discern between their personal views and their professional obligations would be smart.

A good second step would also be to remove the Maldraxxian racist from the game, as the NPC is offensive by it’s mere presence in the same way as others you removed. That is of course assuming that Blizzard actually does care about equal application of the rules.

Frankly? I doubt they do. Because of their past actions in the last year it sure as hell looks like the company believes it is cool to hate on a specific ethnic group’s skin color, but damn do they go unhinged when it’s a case of shoes on the other feet. So one will forgive me if I say “prove otherwise”. Actions. Not words. Otherwise I think they are full of it and I can’t take them seriously when they say they’ve changed.

Personally were I advising them, I’d look to dropping all political narratives in favor of a solid and enjoyable fantasy adventure that is largely apolitical. Something so broad in scope that it would appeal to many people, other than a small knit focus group internally.

I of course am operating under the assumption that such a thing can still actually be done by the folks working at Blizzard. As much as I hate to say it, they appear to be far more focused on personal wish fulfillment, than creating products that will appeal to the majority of players, and competes with their competitors.

The company feels like over the years it has become more and more comprised of developers who would rather hold the IP hostage in stagnation, use it as a soapbox for social activism, and watch the game burn; simply to stick it to players. Thus the shareholders are probably the ones who are going to have to do something about that.

I will however give this company one major point of credit where it’s due. I expect Ghostcrawler and his ‘frat-buddies’ would of already conducted a massive forum purge of the players by now. I mean he did so back when CRZ was a topic. Discussion of it? Bang, banned from forums.

So yeah, the fact that people are actually being allowed to discuss such concerns and matters ‘is’ an improvement. But for how long that arrangement will last before someone in the company goes full dictator hat mode again, because they feel they were the victim of a micro-aggression, is anyone’s guess.

Whether you call yourself Blizzard, Insight or Whackbag Inc., your words do not matter.

Your actions do. Players are not responsible for what those actions bring.


content at a decent pace, devs who actually listen. a new class is a given.

No more classes until they fix the ones already in the game and can prove they can handle them in the long-term.

For starters? Make every talent on every row actually something people might use.

Half the talent trees are filled with crap that nobody ever takes.


Hrm . . . Leeeets see.

pulls out list

New races: Vrykul for the Alliance and Ogres for the horde.
More customizations for all the races.
Update the older beast models and models in general.
A dilophosaurus with a semi accurate model at least (no stupid frills, raptor heads, or toxic spit)
A great story
More transmogs (racial themed, class themed, ect)

There is more but this shall do . . . For now.


A good coherent storyline I can actually feel engaged with.

I cared about going to Northrend to defeat Arthas, I cared about putting down Garrosh after he went off the rails, I cared about storming Argus and putting an end to the Burning Legion.

Hell, even Deathwing and the Iron Horde had their moments.

I don’t care about the Jailer, I don’t care about putting an “end” to him and his plans because I don’t care about him having been haphazardly jammed into old lore. He’s entirely flavourless and the retroactive attempt to frame him as a “mastermind” does not make me care about him at all. His “master plan” seems totally asinine and doesn’t make me view him as “deceptively cunning” at all.

I just don’t care about where the story has been heading the past couple of expansions and in turn struggle to care about any of the content that’s tied to said story.


Best stories that value the horde, the alliance and their conflicting races.
New races and better options for racial customizations. New classes and specs. Better guild system with guild houses and houses. Improvement in the professions system so that they have more synergies and that what we learned is not discarded in the trash when the new expansion comes.

This can bring players back.

Or Blizzard may continue to sell pets and mounts in the store. :roll_eyes:
It’s been working so well, hasn’t it? :smirk:

No more new races please! I haven’t even bothered with unlocking the one’s we already got.

We need major CLASS UPDATES with new animation, etc for all the existing classes.

We could also use a few new classes. Bard, Necromancer, Void something?

DRAGONS! We need dragons. I miss dragons
 if only there was a Island of Dragons to explore?

Class Skins
Ogres for Horde
Vrykul for Alliance
Class Quests

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Amen. I still don’t even understand the guys plan or virtually anything about him. The storytelling has been objectively bad this expansion with a microwaved plot. They dishonored, disrespected, and destroyed the lore that has been built up over the last 18 ish years by forcing the jailer into all of it.


More customization’s to AR and original races.


And more class combos. Worgen and Goblin monks, etc.

I’d love a Tinker Class, but I’d be good with those ^.

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The new D4 skill animation looks interesting. The animation for your ability becomes more prominent as you grow stronger.

I want a new class (Tinker or Bard), Sethrak race, cross-faction PvE, and a complete overhaul of class specializations. Every class should have a tank or healer option, and some DPS specs should be overhauled.

Also, a baseline music system like the Musician Addon.