What Should 10.0 Give? New Race(s), Class, Models, Class/race combos?

When 10.0 arrives, what should be the new highlight feature be? Each expansion has given this in some sort of format.

Vanilla: The base races and classes
BC: Draenei and Blood eyes (as well as Alliance shamans and horde paladins)
WOTLK: Death Knight class
Cata: Worgen and Goblins, new race/class combos
MOP: Pandaren and Monks
WOD: Character model updates
Legion: Demon Hunters (and Gnome hunters), later Nightborne, Highmountain, Void elves, and Lightforged
BFA: Dark Iron, Maghar, Kul Tirans, Zandalari, Mechagnomes, vulpera, death knights for all races
SLs: Character model updates

So what should be the highlight(s) of 10? Should we get a new class, race options, model updates, and/or a cata-style update to the races and classes we have now? (Like Zandalari warlocks and Night elf paladins)


As Gul’dan said “Everything…”


We were due for a new class this expansion if you followed the same historical release rate…

BC - new races
WOTLK - new class
CATA - new races
MOP - new class
WOD - yes
Legion - new class
BFA - weiner

So I personally feel attacked rn.

If there’s no new class in 10.0 I’m gonna become a full time bejeweled player


A) a story that makes sense even fractionally, B) updated graphics/player model assets (better pets, customizations for races, etc), C) bonus points for bringing back old glyphs and updating the cities to their canonical current states as just about every desecrated hub city in WoW besides those destroyed from BFA have been restored.

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new raids, player housing, AH BUY orders.


The new feature should be deleting: borrowed power, legendarys, covenants etc, and deleting each patch resetting grinds entirely. I just want to log on and run bgs / arena. Yes initial grind is fine but I dont want to constantly have to farm and farm (outside of said pve/pvp content) just to stay relevant doing some super boring content for hours a week…


Add Cat girls for Alliance. Unironically. It would help Alliance population.


New Races.
Sethrak/Kelfin (or some such) with appropriate staring zone/quest line
New race/class combos
More customization options for races that got less than others

Revamps to old maps/new quest lines to reflect current state.


I want:
Rangers (Holy spec for healing, Dark spec dps, and Spellbreaker with Glaive + Shield for tanking)

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I feel like a new race or races is about the only viable thing. The game’s already got most of the fantasy class archetypes covered, so adding more would just be piling on redundancy.

But what do I think it should give? Cross-faction play. 100%.


Yes this too! 100%

we don’t have a tech class at all though. Hunters are not it.

I’d also really like a healing archer like Tyrande. And we don’t have any class based on thrown weapons, like the WC3 huntresses or spellbreakers.


Way more dungeons and raids.

No classes, we’ve got plenty

No pathfinder

Streamline systems where any content rewards currency towards progression.

Example: stygia, why is this only maw. Should drop in raid since raid systems this patch use it. Heck make m+ drop the odd amount. Same could be said for torghast or leggo powers.

Let players choose why they want to do and have it reward overall progression. give fun content to choose from and not zero sum a players progression


-Cross faction play 100%
-screw allied races unless they’re ogres
-id be ok with tinker but only if it has a tank and heal spec and wears mail or cloth
-shaman tanks (4th spec)

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in a word, 10.0 needs to bring ‘fun’ back to the game instead of constantly testing our tolerance for how low of an entertainment bar, and how much friction, we will bear while still staying subbed and using the cash shop

the current design goals of this game are entirely focused around monetization metrics


Since SL brought character model updates, I’d love to see a bigger expansion on Class customization next!! More demons for locks, ghost wolf forms for shamans, someone brought up meta forms for DH… I think more class customization would be excellent. Melee seems a little tougher. Maybe some sort of forms of aesthetic change to their character when they pop recklessness and such.

Implement 2-3 different swing animations for each melee ability, and allow players to choose which animation they want to use for each ability… Kind of like customizing your fighting style or something. I don’t know, just a random idea lol.

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Void Elf Paladins…

If a troll can be a paladin, VE’s should as well. Lore is dead…

You are one of my new favorite people on the forums for this suggestion. I would be tripping over myself to play one of these.

This is an EXCELLENT idea. This way people would know what to go farm and not waste time farming random stuff.

“I need 50 gold ore”


Love it.


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Also…end loot RNG. I’d rather earn currency from M+ than go 25+ DOS runs without a dang trinket on tank #3 I’m working on.

arent you worried about replayability beyond first few weeks?