What’s with the ominous books about the Alliance?

Apparently in 8.1.5 there are some very ominous books about the Alliance and this time leave no room for doubt about who they refer to.

  • [The Traitor King] The AWFUL King of Stormwind has betrayed us all!"

  • [![]The Cursed Old Wolf]The MONGREL King of Gilneas can be of use to us!"

  • [![]The Would-Be Queen]: “Our beloved princess has been transformed into a CORPSE BRIDE!”

  • [![]The Last Menethil]: “The Menethil Dynasty will yet ENDURE!”

What to make of all that?


Specific words in all-caps makes me think there’s some secret involved
Maybe The Traitor King is about how Anduin set Saurfang free?

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there is any idea of where this come from?
how can we read it? :stuck_out_tongue:

and… the “beloved princess” is calia right?

That’s from the wowhead link in their speculation article. Those items are actually datamined. That part is not speculation.

I’d assume it’s Calia. Especially the corpse part,
Now why there are 2 books on her, who knows. All I know is I really don’t want her to show up unless it involves her death or becoming evil.


Yes but i mean, where does this drops ingame?

These could be the set-up for the Alliance rejection of Calia. More and more I’m thinking that lightforged undead will end up as a cosmetic option for Forsaken, to serve as the new reproduction method for Forsaken.

It works out much less frustratingly if Anduin loses control of the population and Calia is rejected. Forsaken, some might say. But then again, that last title is ambiguous about what that endurance means for Calia and the intentions of the author. I stand by my assessment that putting a Menethil in charge of the Forsaken is a damned travesty - they have less reason to want a Menethil ruler than just about anyone else.


Oh, I don’t think anyone knows yet.

It’s probably related to some nyi Crucible of Storms related quests. Either before or after. Sort of like how the Xal’atath quest works is my guess.

I think we are still on the first build only.

Very interesting. These books seem like propaganda to me, like their subjects are designed to cause doubt or conflict with very certain people, mostly humans. It also seems like the Old Gods’ style of corrupting people against one another. These books could even come from a corrupted vision of the future.

[The Traitor King] seems to be trying to cast doubt on Anduin.
[The Cursed Old Wold] is insulting Genn, but also saying there’s a purpose for him.
[The Would-Be Queen] could be directed at the refugees/families of Lorderon, reminding them the heir is now a “corpse bride”, which seems like an expression rather than a literal bride. I thought this could be aimed at the people of Silvermoon about Sylvanas but she was no princess.
[The Last Menethil] Again towards the refugees of Lorderon I believe, reminding them Menethil is now synonymous with undead domination. That the undead are trying to rule. That Calia is the new undead ruler out to kill us all, like Arthas Menethil.


If Calia is introduced as some beloved princess of the Forsaken that is now a light undead, i propose we throw the writers into the volcano.


That particular outcome is almost certainly impossible.

For it to work Calia would have to join the Horde. Ya… that’ll never happen.

I still have a feeling Calia will be used for a future allied race, Lightforged Undead. I also just realized, corpse bride could be referring to her as well, her and Anduin did have a thing in the Before the Storm book. What if he married her? Convincing the human population he wanted to would certainly cause quite a stir.

i am trying to think who exactly anduin betrayed.
The nelfs when he released saurfang?
or maybe this is from forsaken angry about calia’s death?

the book of the menethil has me worried, because the only way to make them “endure” would be if calia can reproduce, but she is dead.
Are we going to see her daughter?

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I’m pretty sure for anatomical and royal necessity reasons that couldn’t happen…

I think these books belong to another human? Or squid human?

edit: these books have more contained.

Could just be a book being passed out to make the general Forsaken population aware she’s alive.

Makes me wonder if the Doomsayers are going to show up again.


That was my first thought, too, but it could also refer to Rastakhan’s deal with Bwonsomdi, tying his bloodline to that loa (making Talanji a “bride” to death), or even to Talanji allying with the Horde, which is run by an undead.

On the other hand, everything else seems to be Alliance/human related, which would point to Calia. Two books about Calia/the Menethils would seem to be redundant…unless we’re going to discover that Calia wasn’t the last of her bloodline, after all. Do we know her child was killed? Or does she just believe her child was killed?


It sounds likely the last two are connected but in an unlikely scenario what if that is not the case?

The Last Menethil could be referring to Cilia but you have to remember she had a child, so it could be referring to that child.

The Would-Be Queen tells us that Cilia currently as undead will marry to become Queen but if not it could be referring to “their” undead princess that will become Queen.

The Cursed Old Wolf could talk about Genn’s use for “their” plans. It might have been written after the events in the Cataclysm where the Worgen of Gilneas joined the Alliance.

As for The Traitor King could be referring to Anduin but it could also be talking a past Kings of Stormwind. Likely Varian with his past dealing during the third war and/or not taking back Lorderon.

While looking at the books as a whole they may little to do with the Old Gods but with a conspiracy within the Alliance that had been building up strength over the years over the issues with either the Horde, Forsaken or the Alliance itself.

While thinking more about the weight of these books I started to think back about what Varimathras had said to the Alliance PC in Antorus.

So, your Alliance still endures. Longer than I expected, though she has already planted the seeds of its downfall. She is patient, that one.

When your thrones run red with betrayal… when your holy places burn and the shattered mask hangs above your hearth… only then you will know. And it will be too late.

It matters not. You are blind to the true darkness closing in around you.

Looking back at it now and looking at these books I think Varimathras was referring to Cilia and not Sylvanas, It’s possible that Varimathras was aware Cilia being alive and this growing momvent within the Alliance that wished to bring back Lordaeron.

He kept this information way from Sylvanas to cause chaos to the Forsaken in the future, as well as the Alliance.

And looking at the Books tittles it possible that they were written in different points in Warcraft history.



More fuel for the Taelia “Menethil” fire.

Excuse me… gotta go vomit.

:running_woman: :face_vomiting:

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This one made me think of Talia. I’m most likely wrong, but her dad is the Lich King. If she got killed, I wonder what he would do?

Plus, two books on Calia is redundant, and I don’t think Talia is a Menethil.