What’s with the ominous books about the Alliance?

Anyone else get the vibe that all these titles sound like in universe clickbait? It’s gotta be propaganda of some sort.

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Her father is the Lich King, but there’s nobody who views her as a princess.

Oh, definitely propaganda, but from whom and to what purpose?

The title of the one about Genn leads me to think it’s either from the Horde or, more likely, some Old God cultist propaganda we’re going to find lying around their camps in the upcoming stuff.

The Horde Grunt’s uplifting primer

If I were playing “assemble these sentences into a story,” it would look like this:

[The Traitor King] The AWFUL King of Stormwind has betrayed us all!"
[The Would-Be Queen]: “Our beloved princess has been transformed into a CORPSE BRIDE!”
[The Last Menethil]: “The Menethil Dynasty will yet ENDURE!”
[The Cursed Old Wolf]The MONGREL King of Gilneas can be of use to us!"

The AWFUL King of Stormwind has BETRAYED US ALL by getting the rightful heir, Calia, killed, but Calia’s child lives/if we can find Calia’s child the Menethil Dynasty will yet ENDURE. We can use the MONGREL King of Gilneas to find the child/support the child’s right to Lordaeron.

But, of course, that assumes there’s an active group of non-Forsaken Lordaeronians out there…

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Nah if it was written by a Horde grunt it would be the communist manifesto “Work is Da Poop. No More.”


survivors from theramore?

Probably written by an officer in the horde army.

Maybe the horde has commissars now? I hope they do. I want to see an orc in a commissar hat and great coat

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Could always be from Scarlet Crusade holdouts or even the Argent Dawn.

Actually, could also be tied to Mal’Ganus somehow - he never showed up in legion, and the last time he was actively meddling with affairs in Azeroth was again with the Scarlet Crusade (later the Scarlet Onslaught.)

The only problem with Calia though is it requires her to be somewhat common knowledge - which I don’t think she’s supposed to be. Sort of the same deal with anything involving the current Lich King - not everyone is supposed to know that there still is one and that he’s alive and well.

Actually, if we go with the Scarlet Crusade writing these, Lilian Voss could be the Corpse Bride Princess, since they surely know about her. Or Whitemane.

I think this has some weight to it, because there very well could be non-forsaken humans that used to live in Lorderon. We know some Forsaken were, and in Before the Storm we know they still have living Family that fled to Stormwind.

So if you think about the perspective of the writer being one of these Lordaeron refugees…it fits. Blaming Anduin for Calia’s death, their princess becoming a corpse, wanting the Menethil dynasty to endure, and even seeking the help of Gilneas while insulting them.

The person seems like a fanatic. They’d have to be to think Arthas isn’t part of the Menethil dynasty, they’d have to be living in the past when Terenas was ruling, before Arthas’s betrayal, and why wouldn’t they? Those were the good ole days. By writing off Anduin and the Kingdom of Stormwind, Gilneas is the only other kingdom to ask for help. They may look down upon them because they are mongrel worgen, but they are neighbors, it would be a shared interest to have non-Forsaken ruling Lordaeron again.

But like Kurogasa said, this is a lot to go on for a character that hasn’t existed in game yet. If they don’t introduce her soon in some way, I think the possibility of her involvement plummets :frowning:

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