Funnily enough, they actually just did a poll for this on Reddit’s ClassicWoW and it was like 80% calling it DM where around 20% was calling it VC out of roughly 1000 votes.
Don’t forget that people generally prefix their LFG with “20 mage” or “56 Druid”.
It should be painfully obvious, even without “north”, etc., what the context is.
yeah I totally agree. I can’t imagine why people would refer to Deadmines as DM.
LFG RFC(RC) is now = LFG Bazzalan or LFG B
LFG WC is now = LFG Mutanus the Devourer or LFG MD
LFG DM is now = LFG Edwin VanCleef or LFG EVC
LFG SFK is now = LFG Archmage Arugal or LFG AA
LFG BFD is now = LFG Aku’mai or LFG A
LFG Stocks is now = LFG Bazil Thredd or LFG BT
LFG Gnomer is now = LFG Mekgineer Thermaplugg or LFG MT
LFG RFK is now = LFG Charlga Razorflank or LFG CR
LFG SM/GY/Lib/Arm/Cath = LFG Bloodmage/Arcanist Doan/Herod/High Inquisitor Whitemane = LFG B/AD/H/HIW don’t confuse Ragefire Chasm with Graveyard now.
LFG RFD is now = LFG Amnennar the Coldbringer or LFG AC
LFG Ulda is now = LFG Archaedas or LFG A Don’t confuse Uldaman for Blackfathom Deeps now.
LFG ZF is now = LFG Gahz’rilla or LFG G
LFG Mara/Orange/Purple/Princess is now = LFG Lord Vyletongue/Razorlash/Princess Theradras or LFG LV/R/PT
LFG ST is now = LFG Shade of Eranikus or LFG SE
LFG BRD is now = LFG Emperor Dagran Thaurissan or LFG EDT
LFG LBRS is now = LFG Overlord Wyrmthalak or LFG OW
LFG UBRS is now = LFG General Drakkisath or LFG GD
LFG DM:E:W:N is now = LFG Alzzin the Wildshaper/Prince Tortheldrin/King Gordok or LFG AW/PT/KG
LFG Scholo is now = LFG Darkmaster Gandling or LFG DG
LFG Strat Living/Dead is now = LFG Grand Crusader Dathrohan/Baron Rivendare or LFG GCD/BR
Ive always seen it as VC. Playing on Uldum and Illidan back in the day, both Horde and Alliance called it that. Its VC.
I mean it was literally called VC at the time, but you keep it up champ! Nice effort.
maybe on your server but the majority of other servers it was DM
I dunno. On Malorne in 2005 it was called VC. All three of us on that server agreed.
There’s nothing wrong with the group forming part when you take out all the cross realm and teleporting parts, it’s ultimately not any more or less personal than using trade chat and is in a lot of ways more effective.
Mostly the dislike comes from people who don’t actually understand how LFG works compared to LFD/LFR and people who refuse to admit anything in vanilla could actually be improved.
Nobody is saying it didn’t happen. Acting like it was used across the board 100% is where you’re stumbling.
The only people that call it VC are the people who claim they’ve played since beta but didn’t start playing until well after Dire Maul release.
Dire Maul wasn’t even in the game at launch. There was literally only one thing in game named DM for the first few months.
If you call it VC you’re wrong.
Find me one screenshot of someone calling Dire Maul DM with no direction applied.
I guess the entire Illidan and Uldum servers were wrong?
I played horde and ally on those servers back in the day. I’ve heard both VC and DM. But once Dire Maul came out, it was always VC.
I also remember strat being either strat or live and UD strat. At least I think that’s what i remember.
Every instance in the game was abbreviated using the name of the dungeon, so when someone claims its named after the final boss of the instance I have an issue with it. Again see the list I posted.
If you are going to call it VC using your logic you should probably consider calling UBRS GD, LBRS OW, BRD EDT, ect. BY YOUR LOGIC…
just sayin
I’ll be the bigger person and apologize. At the time I played on Illidan and Uldum and everyone there called it VC. I forget that servers had their own communities and its possible they developed their own lingo. Illidan was a full server, so I just assumed everyone else used it.
However, that doesnt make VC wrong. Its just what we used. I will definitely be using it in Classic.
But its literally not MY logic. Its what my servers called it. I just assumed to avoid confusion with Dire Maul… Made sense to me. I didnt make this up.
Whisperwind didn’t.
Considering Deadmines was released prior to Dire Maul, DM originally meant the former. It was later that the distinction was made and VC was mostly used by those that arrived to the game post-Dire Maul patch.
Edit** can’t grammar good.
You mean former
yes, I am slow today.
most likely from Wrath on