What Reparation's should the Alliance get?


i will just quote myself

Also well if it is such a pity party for the nelfs, horde posters could just leave it alone as a thread for nelf and ally fans just to vent, however nope, they also want in, to diminish our grievances and push on their own grievances on our faces i believe thats even worse, you can go and make your own pity parties.

honestly i already knew this crapfest was going to happen if not for chips and giggles i wouldnt even bother.

ps: i cant make decent snark without being censored by this bloody forum.

edit: also renat is right.


 stopped reading here.

crying about a crythread to cry even more that others cry is allways the pinacle of hypocricy and total lack of self reflection.


Well. I see this thread is going about as well as the last time it came up.


And you know what?
It will continue for years over years over years over years over years 
 till Blizzard fixes it.
Its now 2 years and still the same.
Some things won’t be forgotten nor forgiven.

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I mean, I got to see the absolutely hilarious heel turn where Calia went from terrible antithesis of all things Forsaken, an Alliance character forced on a beleaguered Horde playerbase, and an heir who had given up all claims of her lineage, to the “rightful heir” or Lordaeron and a totes 110% Horde character, just because someone with a blue background mentioned taking back Lordaeron.

I count my amusement a fair price for the flames.


And it’s a game.

Blizzard can’t “fix” players being snippy or otherwise awful at each other based off of what faction they’re playing.

That’s not Blizzard’s fault. It’s fine to be and get passionate about something you care about, but it’s not fine to be a bellend about a (usually) fun and (blatantly) dumb story.


The Horde needs to be the first into the Fray when the next world ending threat comes around and they need to stop it all by themselves no matter what it costs them.

The Alliance can be prepared incase they fail but atleast they can prove they will fight to protect the planet even if it costs them everything.


Sylvanas flew away, you could make a case that she owes you reparations. But the rest of the horde is innocent, so yea, you’re the antagonist for wanting to steal innocent peoples money through reparations.

If the alliance will not fight to protect the world, The horde would be justified in letting the bad guys have an open path into the Alliance heartland.

Seriously, if you cant stop blaming innocent people over teldrassil, YOU are the antagonist in this story now.


What he knew was the smuggling tunnels that allowed him enter Darkshore from an unexpected angle and essentially form a pincer movement.

A lot of people seem to think that the Night Elves have a patent lock on forest guerilla tactics.

These same people seem to forget that Doomhammer and Thrall along with Saurfang have a hell of a lot of practise using guerilla tactics against both the Draenei and the Humans of the Alliance.


If this was they Hordes outlook then they don’t really deserve have a say in how Azeroth works. The Alliance might as well dissolve the Horde as obviously so they cannot threaten the Alliance as they are the ones who are always stabbed in the back by the horde when World end threats come along.

The horde needs to take responsibility for following Sylvanas and giving her the power to do so much harm. If they Horde cannot prove that they want to help protect the planet what is the point of letting them exist?


The Horde has saved the world countless times. But the Horde doesn’t need the permission of the Alliance to exist. If the Alliance wants to disband the Horde, I have two words for them. “Molon labe” Google it if you don’t know it.


when? and what I mean by saving the world it means not some raid party killing a boss as any faction raid parties could do that. but the actual horde stopping a villain from destroying the world without the Alliance.

What kind of arbitrary rule is this? If we can’t count raid party killing a boss, that eliminates most instances of saving the world. Guess all the times the Alliance killed a raid boss and saved the world didn’t count either, “because any faction could do that”.


Raid bosses are instances of where both factions are fighting the threat. The horde doesn’t do it single handedly nor does the Alliance.

However the Alliance did stop the Horde when they invaded and were being swayed by the legion. The Alliance stopped Garrosh from taking over the planet by resisting the Horde. The Alliance also stopped Sylvanas from getting her Valkyr and killing us all. We also resisted the Horde again in BFA and stopped her again.

If the Alliance didn’t exist to resist the Horde. they probably would have killed everyone and destroyed the planet.

If the Horde didn’t exist the Alliance likely could have dealt with all the other world ending threats by themselves considering how many resources they lose to horde aggression.

Take for example warcraft 3, the Horde land on Kalimdor and immediatly Grom start attacking every alliance force he sees and thrall then helps him. he then also kills cenarius and whole armies of Night elves. If the Horde hadn’t done that the Alliance and Night elves probably could have held of the legion much easier, especially with Cenarius on side. The Hordes Assistance in fighting the Legion to protect the world tree hardly makes up for all the damage they did.

Most of the time the Horde is more a hindrance than a Help fighting these threats.

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That is not correct, Chronicle Volume III says which raids were done by which faction. The Horde beat Kael’thas in Tempest keep for example.


but the Alliance was also fighting Kaelthas forces, so while the Horde may have got the Kill they didn’t defeat Kaelthas’s forces by themselves.

That’s not what it says. On some raids it says only the horde or alliance were there, on other raids like Icecrown Citadel it says both were there.

Did chronicles say the alliance wasn’t fighting the elves at all in BC? or if the Next one says the Alliance got all the kills on the legion bosses does that mean the horde did nothing in legion? No it just means it was a Horde raid group that got the kill not that they were the only ones present.

Chronicles was more like the Horde went for Kael’thas and the Alliance went for Kil’jaeden. Thematically it fit that the Horde got Kael and vice versa.