What Reparation's should the Alliance get?

To be a Mary Sue, your importance and power has to be unearned.

Someone who’s been a major character for 20 years can’t be a Mary Sue.

No evidence of that.

Anyone still a Sylvanas loyalist after Org should be getting executed anyway.

Prior to that, Sylvanas loyalists were most of the Horde. So…good luck with that.


So you mean the NEs if Blizz just left them alone?

A race of thrice blessed flawless people in a flawless civilization. Naturally gifted with long life, immense talent, unparalleled in magic potential, and physical aptitude that is on par with even the Horde’s most physically impressive races? On top of this, they’re the chosen people of the only real god on not just Azeroth, but the entirety of the Warcraft Universe? With the only thing holding them back from true peerless perfection is their unfairly “stolen” immortality, which Nosdormu unfairly refused to re-give them? The only race that even comes close to this sort of fantasy is the Draenei, and even they are shackled to the petty and paltry needs of arcane technology and worship chandeliers (anyone could do that).


Which they earned by saving the world a few times during the infancy of the world, and overall good civ management until recently.


They kind of earned it stopping a problem they allowed to manifest from their own people though? Azshara was an issue that grew from the Kaldorei people after all. They saved the World from their own Queen. Plus, they were also sort of granted most of those boons before any of that trouble happened; and then proceeded to use those great evolutionary leaps to break the backs of the Trolls (and only spared them because they had nothing left worth taking).


Granted. But they also stopped the Legion. Sorta…cataclysmically…

Point is, they put in some work! Even if it didn’t work out perfectly.

There’s also the issue of seniority, which they got in spades!

How exactly are they flawless when it was clearly their hubris was already the beginning of their downfall?

We dont know what Elune truly is, or just how “godlike” she truly is. Even is she was a “true” god she still wasnt able to save the night elven people.

Except Malfurion CONSTANTLY talked about how they should surrender their immortality and that trying to re-obtain was actually a selfish move.


Because the NEs aren’t the evil “Highborne” … and somehow that means they don’t share some culpability with what happened with Azshara. Even though Tyrande and Malf’s predicted ages mean they were about the same age as her; and lived comfortably in her Empire until she went nuts. That differentiation is always enforced both in story and by players so that we can ignore the fact that the NEs were essentially rewarded for … just helping clean up what was partially their own mess. But, with how Blizz writes Alliance races, they allow for that sort of cherry picking; and with how they write Horde races … they definitely allow for painting with broad strokes.

In concept, the NEs are nearly flawless; and at least some of their players seem to revel in that. And while I don’t think they’re Mary Sues by any indication with how beat-up they get, it is a bit funny to see some of the more … passionate NE fans on this sub constantly throwing around the term “Mary Sue” to refer to characters they don’t like. With little to no recognition of just how many Mary-Sue-esk power fantasy traits the NEs truly do have conceptually. The Draenei do too, but I honestly can’t remember the last time we had a truly devout fan of them on the story subs. Maybe Pheadra?


Legion, an expansion about the Alliance races, was payment for Garrosh.
Don’t worry, after WoD 2, there will be another Legion-esque expansion hyperfocusing on Alliance races.
Then Mo3 can start.

the trolls started the war and Azshara fought a war against her own people, and no nelf player or alliance player defends azshara’s crimes, like horde players do with there own crimes
Horde players are the ones, who cry about how blizzard makes them the bad guys then a post later defends those actions they where forced to do, well you know what, blizzard may have forced the story on everyone, but no one forces horde players to defend your evil actions, you do that on your own.


The Humans of Theramore and Stormwind were in both. so were the Dwarves.

Thread title says “What should they get?” not “What should they want?”


The war was sold as a necessity for the Horde’s survival. The Alliance’s actions and their unfair and bigoted characterisation of the Horde’s actions on the Broken Shore, their countless aggressions against the Orcs, Forsaken, Goblins, and Tauren gave credence to the idea that the Alliance would not tolerate the existence of the Horde a moment longer than it perceived an advantage.

When it comes to the survival of one’s people, there is no such thing as an unjustified act. One does not seek one’s enemies for justification.

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People should keep their brains switched on after reading the OP so as not to miss the point of subsequent posts.

You didn’t win the war for the Alliance. If anything Anduin managed to convince Saurfang to fight for it. Ultimately it was a desperate gamble but it was still Anduin’s action who ended the war.

Sure, but that also means the blood elves(once trusted members of Aszhara high court who were helping her with the spell to bring Sargeras into Azeroth) and the nightborne do the same!

Except Anduin was already trying to repair relations with his whol Gathering which Slyvanas ruined by killing her own people. I’d also point out the Horde has been as intolerant to the Alliance. Hell, I never forgot how the first thing they would call me when I went to Vol’jin during MoP was “Alliance filth” or do we want to talk about how even tauren druids trainers taught Horde druids they shouldn’t trust night elf druids?


This is probably the most realistic (as in, if WoW were real world, this would happen logically) outcome.


Way to play yourself.

It is however astonishing and extremely funny to see how posts like that gets liked COMPLETELY by horde players.

So it seems to be a rather common scheme that whenever an alliance player calls out horde players for their disgusting hypocricy and lack of moral standads they rot themself togather, circle jerking about it in a tribalizing way of patting their own shoulders in self pitty about how unfair others are to them.
Calling names, be aggressive as rabid dogs and even behave like their chosen identification.

It is allways the same and VERY easy to spot and call out.

I wonder if I want to do a psychological study about it… sounds interesting. Going to talk to my social psychology prof about it when university starts again here. Group dynamics are allways interesting to study on.

So what do we see here? Basically but hurt horde players who tr to find themselves a common enemy to hate on, nothing more.
Allways has been this disgusting way , which is the reason to that day I literally hate nearly every horde player i ever encountered.


sighs for three years


Swap alliance for horde in your post and it would all be just as true. We all know the writing for wow has been horrible for a while now yet we still come here to blame the other faction for it.

Honestly you do come off as a know it all first year college student with zero life experience. Might want to take a breath and do a bit of self reflection about how invested you are in a fictional peoples identity. This precieved enemy isn’t real.


I actually enjoy this thread. What a glorious trainwreck. And the most hilarious posts are the ones blaming the players for something they had no power on. As if it was all their fault :ok_hand:


Nah you don’t get it. Only Night Elf players feelings count.Horde players are all horrible people irl and deserve only the worst!