What Reparation's should the Alliance get?

LOL What writing?

Whooo boy shots fired. Shots fired. :rofl: :rofl:

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We have scrolls on Elder Rise


So basically they want they want their cake and eat it too.

Sorry, blue friends, but you’re either the team that starts wars and commits genocides or your the good guys faction. You can’t have it both ways. You can try to argue that anything you do to the Horde would be “Justified” but you’d still be breaking peace and committing murder on a mass scale.

Daelin Proudmoore tried this and the lore still recognizes him as “one of the Alliance’s big regrets”, and he had a good reason to be pissed. Nothing will change for the next Alliance leader who would try again.


i hope i had helped you.

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By your own statement then, no reparations can be made if the war hasn’t ended.

Funny how they stopped posting the second I asked if they were akiyass. Really makes me think.

Tyrande’s war is focused right now on hunting down Sylvanas. Whether or not she chooses to keep fighting the Horde after that’s resolved remains to be seen.

Officially the 4th War is over.

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It doesn’t have to be a cash economy though. For much of Western civilisation, barter or payment in kind, was far more common than cash exchanges. The Night Elves in normal circumstances don’t live in a scarcity economy but one that’s tied to taking no more from the land than is needed. They hunt for the food they need and they coax wood out of trees, keeping it alive when they fashion it for their dwellings, instead of chopping trees down.

In certain ways the economy of the Night Elves resembles that of Star Trek Next Generation in that it is not based on scarcity. They’ve adapted however to the presence of Alliance Humans
 and of course cash operates for game purposes from the start.

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OK, lets not go this far. The NEs do have culture, commerce, trade, writing, and social structures. However, their civilization is heavily built to be self-contained. They honestly have little reason to trade beyond their borders. Hell, if allowed they’d have very little reason to interact with anyone outside their lands. Their totally self-sufficient when placed in an isolated bubble; however, they haven’t really been allowed to be isolated at least since the 3rd war.

The thing that bothers me slightly about the NE culture is generally just a lack of recognition from some of their fans that no other race could really live like they do. Its just not practical, or even physically possible for other less blessed-by-the-divine races to operate in such a way. In some ways, the Kaldorei are sort of the Trust-Fund Kids of the Wild Gods and Elune. Truly set up for success through the intervention of these God-like (or Outright God) beings; even after Big-Sis Azshara went crazy and nearly destroyed the family fortune.


He’s obviously just trolling because using logic doesn’t seem to work with Liira.


You would think that, since you’re a Horde player. He’s not funny at all, he’s a nuisance and so is anyone that agrees with him.

He’s not funny. He’s hilarious. My favorite Erevian story arc is him getting banned off the discord for constantly advocating the genocide of white people.


I don’t have discord so I didn’t know that, I go by what I see on the story forums.

Well, he’s WAY spicier outside of this place. Here he has to keep it pertaining to wow.

Being Horde has nothing to do with it. He can be bothering and sometimes he can do 180 degree opinion swap. But he is still quite amusing guy and I enjoy making fun of him xD

Well, the problem is that the Alliance has felt they have the right to eliminate the Horde since Thrall founded it. And they are shocked that the Horde might fear them enough for war. Even in BfA, for the games they played with Sylvanas’ goals, the reason you had to the War Thorns was because she had ample reasons to use to convince Saurfang that the Alliance would seek to eliminate them, no matter what they did.

Of course they also felt they had the right to eliminate Stonespire Tauren, the Drust, and the Bilgewater Cartel and decide whether the Zanadalri had the right to even talk to the Horde,


Honestly, the only reason the Alliance weren’t the ones who started the war is because Blizz really weakly invalidated or justified the crap they pulled leading up to it.

Assassination attempt against the Horde’s new leader during a full-fledged Legion invasion? Naw, doesn’t count as an Act of War. Flooding Orgrimmar with so many SI:7 agents you could literally trip over them to send the message the Alliance was always watching? In response to a clear non-hostile towards Alliance act like the Gathering? Meh, its fine
 Attacking actual Horde civilians mining a natural resource the Alliance has no claim over, with it being very murky as to whether they kidnapped Sapph beforehand? Pshh 
 an actual Act of War doesn’t count as an Act of War.

The funny thing is, Sylvie only ever uses the Stormheim incident to convince Saurfang into agreeing with the WoT. She makes the argument that Tyrande and Genn would be trying to pressure Anduin into pre-emtively attacking the Horde (which they were btw), and that Anduin would buckle to that pressure. Which, Saurfang believes because of Anduin’s weak response to Genn and Roger’s attack on the Horde’s Warchief. Because the way Anduin reacted to that event would give the impression that at best he was just too weak to discipline even Rogers; at worst, he was totally complicit in it.


Alliance didn’t start the war because they wanted to present Sylvanas as a bad guy to set up her role in shadowlands while also setting up Saurfang as a modern Grom who dies to redeem the horde.

Basically, they wanted to simultaneously outdo MoP while setting up for the next expansion. Them getting rid of Sylvanas and even Gallywix is to give the horde a complete clean break with the more grey identity they’ve had since Cataclysm began.

The way they went about accomplishing this has been beyond sloppy, of course.