What racials would the Harronir have?

It’s every bit as logical as yours is. More so even because we spent considerable time with them and they had every lore reason to join up with us on account that we literally saved them from being deleted (along with all of reality) and it can be argued that they’d have a vested interest in keeping a watch over the veil from the other side to make sure the afterlives remain untampered with from this side again. Plus all 4 covenants had male and female bodies and animations which is more than enough of a foundation for Blizzard to have worked from especially considering once they get the rigging working adding textural variants is easier.

I don’t personally care if you end up being right or not. As of now, there is no canon reason for them to join us and they’ll almost certainly come with druids which is just going to peeve off a segment of the playerbase whose been chomping at the bit for the inevitable “all races all classes” pesudo promise which is almost certainly held up largely BECAUSE of druids and the “need” for each race to have unique bear, cat, and moonkin models…it’s way easier to flip a switch and let everyone be something like a priest when there is nothing racially unique about the class or even minimally like a paladin where you just need to take their existing racial mount and slap some paladin-esque armor on it.

Heck there is more lore reason for horde to get Tanuka, Ogres, and Hozen than we are to get these glorified trolls…all 3 of those races literally underwent an indoctrination into the Horde yet aren’t playable today.

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Personally I don’t care if every druid race has the same druid forms as I just use my mage tower and emerald dream versions anyway.

I think undead are the only ones who NEED them and you can just give them Kultiran lol.

I could see an aoe root

Maybe a bat form glide

Possibly something similar to mole machine but more root/nature themed

I could also see them having shadowmeld (as busted as that racial is). Their whole culture is centered on remaining hidden. It would fit them really well

Double Barrelled Middle Finger:

Make rude gesture at other players who should have gotten the allied race they wanted instead of stupid troll elves

Does AOE damage based on % highest primary stat but causes targets to become enraged.

Technically the leaks said there would be a goblin raid and then an ethereal raid… nothing to do with rootlands. So the more likely development is that rootland will just be an interstitial zone for casual players to do weekly chores for a while in between Undermine and the Ethereal raid. Very similar to the zaralek cavern zone from dragonflight.

Then we’ll probably get another mini-zone that you have to click through a portal to get to for casual player chores on what is left of K’aresh just like we had to do the emerald dream casual chores zone at the end of Dragonflight.

My guess is, we’ll fight some named Ethereal at the end of the raid in war within, and that ethereal will die… but in doing so, Xal’atath doesn’t care about him and she’ll succeed in forcing open a skybox portal to K’aresh and that leads us to Midnight where Dimensius wants to travel through from K’aresh to Azeroth for more dessert.

After doing the most recent questline… I see even less proof that Haronir will be playable. They specifically chastised Orwenya for exposing them to the mortal races and went back to the rootlands, refusing to help and refusing to deal with any of us. She exiled herself, on her own.

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Bat mode: although the Harronir will not be able to be playable druids, they can all turn into bats. Even the Harronir paladins

An extra cosmetic feature for tail or no tail. The racial ability is the tail is prehensile and can grab and trip enemies or throw them in the trees.

And a bonus to herbalism, instead of a standard herb casting bar, you get a charged spell, the higher you charge your herbalism cast, the more herbs you get. Can be cast while in bat form.

Immediately followed by her stating she would deal with them later and return, but for now she needed to find out the meaning of the vision and gather allies.

I feel like its a pretty logical assumption to assume that we are going to assist her in her homeland and win over her people, considering she specifically mentions she needs to find allies to deal with a threat in her home.


It’s called story progression. Night Elves and Blood Elves were isolationists as well… until they weren’t.

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there’s no reason why the ethereal raid can’t be in the rootlands

what i see happening is:

orwyenna returns home and tries to talk her people into accepting outsiders, goes over poorly, ethereals invade/attack, haranir suffer losses/casualties → they decide to accept our help after all → more stuff happens and decide to send people out into the world to learn about it ->they decide to do so like the earthen and having some join up with the alliance/horde

a race doesnt need to share a model with an existing race, otherwise we never would have gotten any new races ever

No, but allied races typically do. Kul Tirans are the only allied race who don’t.

I think having a racial snare/root would be pretty unique, and very useful.

Also, if the bat form is a thing for only their druids, or everyone, as a sort of racial mount.

They are a strange race, in that we haven’t seen a lot of them or their culture at all, it’s interesting.

I could be wrong, but I remember hearing that KTs use a modified Orc or Pandaren skeleton rig.

(Rexxar shares animations with KTs, perhaps playable ogres later on?)

Similar to how Vulpera use a Goblin skeleton, but with an added tail and other changes.

In the spirit of discussion, if they become allied race I could guess these racials:

Thorny Personality - 2 min cooldown. Sprout quills to injure your enemies. Reflects x% damage back to attackers as nature damage.

Seclusion - passive - Standing at least 10 yards from an ally increases your primary stat by {some long complicated math equation that boils down to not much gain}.

One with the land - passive - Reduces nature and shadow damage taken by 1%.

I am the night - 3 min cooldown - Call upon your connection to the bats of the Rootlands, transforming into a bat increasing your speed by 30% and granting you Slowfall for 6 seconds. Any non-periodic damage taken will cancel the Slowfall effect.

No Cave Like Home - passive - While indoors in any location you gain rested experience.

Neither the night elves nor the blood elves were isolationist at all. The Night elves had constant contact with Tauren and Furbolgs and others for many thousands of years before Warcraft 3. And the Blood Elves barely had any time alone before they sought out allies; and if you were thinking High Elves instead of Blood Elves…they were also not isolationist at all; they had centuries worth of contact with human kingdoms to their south before Warcraft 3 began.

None of the Elves were ever against all mortals everywhere on Azeroth like the harranir are, right now.

As I said above, I have no doubt the rootlands will be a casual weekly chore mini zone like zaralek cavern was… but that’s not what the raid will be about. Same as Aberrus was never anything about mole people, and we never needed or ever got mole people as any allied race.

They do not. The KT rig was built from scratch, which is why it took so long to for them to finally release them.


Good to know lol, I play one just because I’m starved for races that aren’t a total reskin.

They’re rather unique.

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They unfortunately borrow some animations.

Female KT jumps like a worgen. Your welcome. Now you can’t unsee this :joy:

I’m still disappointed…I just need something with hooves that looks good in armor, OKAY?!? Actually, just looks good in armor and isn’t human at this point, our transmog is terrible on anything not a human.

That’s because armor is built on the Human model, then given to AI to “adjust” from there.

It’s why I despise the idea of human armor on my Dracthyr. I’d look like a moron.