What racials would the Harronir have?

I haven’t seen any evidence at all of haranir being a playable race; mostly because the race are against all mortals. Orweyna is a prophet in rebellion against their entire culture.


I hate to point it out but they have just as much customization as the Sylvar had from Shadowlands and they never became an allied race sadly.

Shadowmelder - 2 second cooldown, removes all debuffs and makes you immune to all forms of dmg while you stay invisable for the duration of the spell able to move and cast while its in use. 3 hour duration.


I have the feeling they will get a racial like Shadowmeld. It just seems like a thing this group of folks would have…the ability to stealth in some way. Whether it’s a mini vanish or just a legit shadowmeld with a different name, I bet it will be something like that.

If they got a root, I would love to see another class with a mass entanglement light type of spell. An instacast weak root. It’s one of my favorite buttons as a druid, and it would make sense for the Harronir to have something like that.

They are clearly meant to be a druid race, however, so maybe not?

I’m not a huge fan of the Harronir to this point. They just popped up out of nowhere without context and the questline didn’t exactly make me adore them. Hopefully, the storyline will be more expansive and involved in the runup to obtaining them as an allied race.

I’m not particularly fond of getting yet another race with tusks and animalistic features. At least they can stand up straight, though? I mean…it’s a big whatever for me.

I will say that the female Harronir model is a chef’s kiss (well, it would be without the fur/feather situation and the tusks).

It’s obvious that instead of giving us what we’ve asked for repeatedly - which is access to druid class for more of the core races - they’re giving us the Harronir. They will obviously be druids, so that’s probably the only answer we’ll get on the druid front for a while. I mean, we have Tauren Paladins–let that sit with us for a moment–but we can’t have druid on any of the core races we’ve asked for.

As a druid main, this feels very much like I imagine it did for the crowd that wanted Alliance High Elves and got Void Elves, instead.

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lol perfectly balanced!


As all things should be. -Thanos


I thought shadowmeld was perfect too but didn’t think they’d do it.

You can remove the fur/tusks on their model in wowhead at least. They seem optional


+15 to gathering food materials. How?


I must’ve skipped over those quests. What’s a Harronir?

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We already saw this play out with another race…

Rip my snake people.


Well they have basically done the customisation options already, we might get a whole string of quests or a zone featuring them and we get them as a race?

Harronir needs more content for people to feel connected to it

But as for racials I think a temporarily shifting into bat form for slow fall or perhaps limited time stealth that you can move in

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Sethrakk did not have player animations and they could not equip gear. As desperately as we all wanted them.

They had many of the player animations. The biggest one of note was the heart of azeroth animation.
As far as gear, I don’t think they would have been any different from say… worgen or tauren. They would have just needed an armor mesh.

But I agree though. They are all but confirmed at this point :joy:
We’ll probably see them in midnight become playable, if not sooner. They are literally reskinned nelves so all the mesh and animations are there.
Actually second look, the males might be a reskinned male human?

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Don’t give me hope.

Something Troll-like cuz they bat-trolls.

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The harronir are a mix of trolls/elves that kind of look like bats and quillboar. What little we know of them is that they protect the roots of the first world tree that was plucked by the titans. The Harronir are very secretive because the roots aren’t supposed to be there, and they worship Azeroth and have a strong connection with Elune.

The main Harronir we see Orwenya breaks their traditions of not revealing their presence to outsiders to save you when your ship goes down in Aj Kahet during the campaign. Other than that they only appear in a few side quests, and the most recent patch which I won’t spoil since it’s still new. But Orwenya is a focus of it.

There have been data mined files that we will go to the Root Lands in 11.3 which is their home zone (subject to be renamed) where we will befriend and recruit them.


Oh ok. I remember that quest line. I did the initial stuff when we were looking for Anduin. Nothing past that though. If there was more.

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Don’t forget they are also very naturey, like nelves.
And based on their origin, maybe even more so than nelves since they are protectors of a world tree’s roots.

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The same argument applied to the 4 covenants and we had an easy lob from a lore standpoint too…yet I see no Kyrian ascendants or Maldraxus defenders amongst our ranks.



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Why do you guys keep saying that? The Four covenant races could not wear player armor and did not have player animations. Ya’ll just be coming in here to make crap up lol.

They also only had like 10 customization options.

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Fifth and final zone for TWW will be Rootlands/Deepgrove, the Harronirs zone.

Both this and undermine were “leaked” ages ago.

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