What races are cool for monk, iyo?

I have always mained shaman because of their great utility but I just discovered that monks have some serious sick utility too. And they have the coolest mogs i learned!

I think I will main monk here and into DF now.

I wanted to know what races yall thought were cool be it lore, looks, rp, etc?

I like night elfs but i think they look a bit bulky as a monk?

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Panda is the only way.


Asian human for sure


I made a Tauren monk back when there werent any tauren monks. Now they are so common that I see them everywhere.

I havent race changed, though, they look good in armor except for helms and the racials are quite good over all three specs.

Worgen and if you can’t stand the worgen run animation then go Dracthyr.

Nothing says monk like a dragon monk.

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I made a Dwarf Brewmaster which was great from a flavor perspective, but Dwarves look terrible in monk transmogs. I really like Kul Tirans, Zandalari, and Orcs for transmog purposes.

I think Kul Tiran males can be fun for old and fat Stephen Segal or Chris Farley Beverly Hills ninja vibes.

I can see monks and shaman having similar “all things in balance” aspect that is good for Orc lore/RP.

Since the Zandalari tried to help in the Mogu genocide of Pandaren, a Tom Cruise The Last Samurai style “the hired killer joins the clan” lore for them could be cool.


I like my highmountain tauren.

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This monk has a long history of races

Horde Female Pandaren
Male Dwarf
Male Zandalari Troll
Male Highmountain Tauren
Female Gnome

Panda and Ztroll are my favorites probably.

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I swear everyone started with horde panda in MOP, and then we all transitioned into some psychotic race lol

Fat boy or just don’t play


Is that right? I always heard monks memed on for having no utility.

Ring of peace
leg sweep is good
clash with Brew is under rated
Tiger lust as you can give it to allies and it breaks roots
Flying serpent kick is a stun if you time it right
Paralasys can be a second interrupt and can stun alot think invigorating fish sticks in gambit not kickable but you can stun stop paralysis will stop it as well as a lot of other similar type cast spells.
course the 5% physical debuff for enemies which is a big topic


I hate to be that guy but most of what you listed is not utility at all.

Utility in WoW means instance or raid wide benefit: Examples include a In-combat rez, blessing that add stats-stam/agl/str etc, brining lock rocks is utility, even sadly mage food is raid wide utility for those healers that dump a mana bar between pulls that didn’t wipe.

Teleport doesn’t help the group and can’t be used to cheese anymore. Back in WoD brewmasters could time it to avoid boss kill shots but keep the boss in place. Today the hit will still wreck the brew master because the I-Frames are no longer there. Invincibility frames. So it is just a class flavor but it is not a group utility.

Leg sweep again is no different than a bear bash, rogue kidney, a pally hoj, a warrior storm bolt, etc it is class flavor. Sure you can use it just like other classes do to add to the interrupt rotation except on bosses that are stun immune but it is not a group utility.

Clash is a poor man version of charge. But it can be used to interrupt a spell except bosses are not pulled with it
 so on the fights that need it you can’t use it for that. So not a utility.

Tigerlust I will say is actually great utility. That one raider who never moves until it is too late, looking at you desto locks. You can give them sonic the hedgehog speed. This is great utility.

Flying serpent kick is 100% not a stun. Ever. Their is not time it right. It does a minor amount of damage but it will never stun. Ask any high level pvper and trust me we track DR on stuns like old people track their bank accounts. You can NEVER make FSK stun. It is just not in the programming.

Paralysis again not a utility, its another interrupt like blind, sap, sheep, hex, repent, etc. But most classes bring a version of it. Ours just happens to be up there with rogues blind in ease of use. And again this will not work on bosses where the extra interrupt would make it utility but it is only functional on trash. Not a utility.

Mystic touch would be a utility if your raid or m+ team stacked warriors/ferals but not much else relies on physical dps. And lets be real when was the last time anyone stacked melee? So we buff raid wide a type of dps that almost no one uses
 not sure how that is utility.

Finally RoP, is amazing utility in m+ and one of the major reasons you see monks being recruited for m+ but it is almost worthless in raid. But it is border line OP utility in m+.

Again even typing this out I realize I should have just passed it by, but some of your utility was so not utility, it sent me into “what” mode. We do have 2 real moves that are utility based, as you pointed out (TL and RoP) but most of list is just saying stuff every other class brings and brings better than monks and the FsK stuff is just incorrect. And it is not a raid/m+ utility at all.

Anyway, good day, be awesome, and lets all go punch dragons in the face!


Utility in WoW is what you can use in combat that affects a fight positively for you and/or your team.

Port is a very good kiting tool, and can be used for a lot of raid mechanics and kiting to extend life. You don’t need to immune a damage hit to make this utility good.

Leg Sweep is the single best PVE stun in the game for group packs. This is utility.

Clash is also utility, it allows for repositioning, kiting, interrupting. Is it more awkward than war charge, sure, doesn’t change what it can do.

It would be very easy to make FSK a stun, and this is also considered utility but it’s under the umbrella of mobility.

Paralysis is utility. CC is utility. Para is one of the single best utility CCs in the game.

Mystic Touch is utility, yes. But it’s also just considered a debuff buff.

You typing this up shows how unaware you are to what terms are coined for what. You don’t know these bare basics of what is considered utility and spew information that is incorrect. Don’t tell me you’re a “high rated PVPer” after this, because I’m too tired to laugh today.

We also have Quaking Palm!!

All good monks will have quaking palm because all good monks are panda!


Utility is not what ever single class brings
 To be utility it has to affect the group and is usually reserved for unique things. Example mage portals in Vanilla where “Utility”.

Everyone with stun using their stun on the interrupt rotation is not utility. It is clever techniques, since you didn’t use your silence, but stunned instead but does not make it “Utility”.

And NOTHING in FSK is a stun. It is a small aoe damage and aoe slow but there is literally nothing that stuns with FSK. It will not DR with stuns, it does not stun, and it will not even interrupt a cast.

Short and sweet answer, if most classes can bring it (stuns, cc like blind sap, interrupts,) it is not Utility. If it is unique and raid wide (bloodlust, buffs, lock rocks, incombat rez, etc) it is considered utility. Lack of understanding terms on your part does not make my statements incorrect.

I get that you must white knight and try and prove everything I said is wrong but could you at least be honest about your attempts at disproving me. As you type it shows how unaware you are to what the terms actually mean and what basic monk abilities even do. LOL’ing at your FSK stuns.

Anyway have good day. Enjoy your moonguard time.


Butt bumps the cute pandarian

almost forgot bout this spell!


I have this night elf monk and am currently leveling a pandaren monk. I really like elves as monks due to their natural agility.

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I very much disagree with the linked definition of ‘utility.’ In all the years I’ve played, when various concerns about balance are being discussed , I have almost always seen ‘utility’ referenced as basically whatever your class can do that a) helps/affects the group, and b) isn’t (necessarily) directly related to one’s chosen role (so for example, a personal defensive CD like Alter Time wouldn’t be ‘utility’ but Rallying Cry would be). Like
when you’re trying to down a raid boss or build a M+ group, nobody cares that the mage can summon food or portal you places afterwards, or that the DH can glide. Those are still ‘utility,’ but what matters to a group and the composition thereof is what one brings to the table beyond just healing, damage, or personal survival.

OT: My first Monk was Pandaren, since monks and Pandaren were both now. My monk that I actually play is Draenei (female, since the males’ 'roided up look doesn’t seem very “Monk” to me).

Monk is the only class where my first choice (for Alliance) would be human. Probably the easiest race to make good monk mogs. For Horde, ztroll and orc are good choices.

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