What races are cool for monk, iyo?

monk vulpera is a path of no return, the animations are great.

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Where??? please tell me one monk set (that is not the SOO tier set) that is not a complete joke.
I love monk, but tbh they have the worst mogs of all classes

I kinda like the Tomb of Sargaras outfit set but its all personal preference on what people like or dislike

Also like my current one from Mogu Shu Vaults. Again Personal preference you may or may not like it

I like Vulpera. The only way to do a play on words for a female fox and pay homage to Donnie Yen at the same time.

Monks have some of the coolest set mogs lol.

Literally all MOP ones, WOD were okay, Legion ones were beautiful.

Pandaren for animations, Human and Orc for transmog.

Although, one thing to note is that fist weapons have awful clipping on male orc. I got my mage tower skins back in Legion and I was so disappointed by how badly the WW skin clips through my legs.

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I started as a male Panda.
Changed to Undead.
Changed to Orc.
Switched factions and went Dwarf and joined an all dwarf RP guild and haven’t looked back.

Kul Tiran makes a great thematic Brewmaster. Good racials for it, too. Nothing special — looks or performance-wise — when it comes to Wind or Mist, though.

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Blood elf looks good in all gear, but for me it’s anything but Tauren.

Nothing more immersion breaking than having a bull backflip

Panda! <3 <3

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All my Characters have a whole freaking backstory because im an RP’er at heart.

So Vulpera, Obviously!

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Panda monk!
This is the way