What race for rogue in Classic?

Honestly I agree with Volitar’s Post but, I’m going to say Undead just cuz that’s my plan.

you cant beat WoTF vs locks, and if you’re smart about cannabilize it’s always slightly usefull (just dont sit for the hole duration eat a corpse watch you’re back and stealth bounce out.)

I’n the end, Orc for it’s racial and Dwarf if you go alli…go Horde.

Definitely Gnome or Undead!



  • Stoneskin - While active, grants immunity to Bleed, Poison, and Disease effects. In addition, Armor increased by 10%. Lasts 8 sec. 3 minute cooldown.

Arguably the reason to go dwarf, although it has a short window.

  • Frost Resistance - Increases Frost Resistance by 10.

Minor boost against Frost Mages and Naxxramas.

  • Gun Specialization - Guns skill increased by 5.

Really doesn’t make a difference for rogue, but it’s there and you can make use of it.


  • Escape Artist - Escape the effects of any immobilization or movement speed reduction effect. 1 minute cooldown.


Engineering Specialization - Engineering skill increased by 15.

You’ll probably be taking Engineering if you’re interested in min/maxing, this only makes it easier to level though. There is no bonus for 301-315 Engineering.

Expansive Mind - Intelligence increased by 5%.

Weapon skills will level faster, unsure if intelligence has a direct affect on resist rates.

Arcane Resistance - Increases Arcane Resistance by 10.

Probably most useful for resisting polymorph, although I wouldn’t count on it.


Sword Specialization - Skill with Swords and Two-Handed Swords increased by 5.

Mace Specialization - Skill with Maces and Two-Handed Maces increased by 5.

Screams Combat Rogue.

Perception - Dramatically increases stealth detection for 20 sec.

Actually very powerful in Classic, the opinions on this are biased from private servers where this skill doesn’t work.

Night Elf

Shadowmeld - Night Elf Rogues and Druids with Shadowmeld are more difficult to detect while stealthed or prowling.

Stealth is a lot harder in Classic, this may make the difference for some players.

Nature Resistance - Nature Resistance increased by 10.

Useful against Elemental Shaman and Ahn’Qiraj.

Wisp Spirit - Transform into a wisp upon death, increasing movement speed by 50%.

Good if you rarely die, doesn’t really matter if you get back to your corpse and have to wait on a timer.

Quickness - Dodge chance increased by 1%.

More dodge is good, although may result in more Overpowers against you.



Blood Fury - Increases base melee attack power by 25% for 15 sec and reduces healing effects on you by 50% for 25 sec. 2 minute cooldown.

Solid DPS cooldown, basically Mortal Strike yourself for it, though. As a rogue, you’ll probably be off alone stalking people, so you won’t have heals available anyway.

Hardiness - Chance to resist Stun effects increased by an additional 25%.

Resisting a quarter of stuns is amazing against other rogues and paladins.


Berserking - Increases your casting and attack speed by 10% to 30%. At full health the speed increase is 10% with a greater effect up to 30% if you are badly hurt when you activate Berserking. Lasts 10 sec. 3 minute cooldown.

Claims to be the best Horde DPS cooldown, personally not my favorite.

Regeneration - Health regeneration rate increased by 10%. 10% of total Health regeneration may continue during combat.

Not a whole lot, but may be enough to keep you alive.

Bow Specialization - Skill with Bow Weapons increased by 5.

Throwing Specialization - Skill with Throwing Weapons increased by 5.

Refer to Gun Specialization.


Will of the Forsaken - Provides immunity to Charm, Fear and Sleep while active. May also be used while already afflicted by Charm, Fear or Sleep. Lasts 5 sec. 2 minute cooldown.

The claim to fame, although I’d say Escape Artist is still better.

Underwater Breathing - Underwater breath lasts 300% longer than normal.

Maybe if you catch someone before they surface and you haven’t been under long you could stunlock them into drowning while you’re fine.

Shadow Resistance - Shadow Resistance increased by 10.

Helps against Warlocks, Shadow Priests and Naxxramas.

Only included the racials I thought would be useful in combat. There are other factors that make gnome good for PVP as well, like World Enlarger/Noggenfogger Elixir to make yourself hard to target. I assume that will be less of a problem these days with clicking skills being less common.


Taurens didn’t get to roll rogues in Vanilla. That wasn’t until MoP, silly

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I stand corrected.

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Human/UD for PVP
Dwarf/Orc for PVE

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Wait, you think it’s “silly” that tauren couldn’t be rogues until mop?


There’s a comma there for a reason, silly.


M troll animations for stealth, kick, and hemo are godlike.

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Tauren have been able to be rogues since day 1. They’re just that stealthy.


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