What race do you think makes the best DK?

This is just an opinion post. I’m not asking “What race should I play?”. Just curious what you think and why? Spec doesn’t matter unless your partial to 2-handed or dual-wield.
I really like the idea of an undead DK but hate the fact that they can’t stand up straight and that their bones are all poking out like their flesh is just going to fall off. But the idea of killing and then eating your enemy just screams undead DK. lol.
Also I don’t know why but I just love the intro armor look and always mog into it with new stuff I get. I guess it’s partially do to the shoulder pads not being gigantic and stupid looking. The starting armor shoulder pad on an undead does stick up a bit to much on it’s right shoulder though. And it’s not because of the bone sticking out and pushing it up. The left one is fine.
I also really like the Orcs as DK looks when you make their skin really dark. Just fits better IMO. The blood/void elves look pretty cool too. The males anyway. The females are to darn skinny. They look like they have an eating disorder or something.
Sorry to anyone that has an eating disorder. It’s NOT anything funny. I dated a woman with one and that was hard.
The dwarfs also look kinda cool as DKs.
The only thing I don’t like about the DK is the lack of healing. I actually prefer the paladin because of this but out of all the race/class combinations the DK with their original armor is my favorite look.
Anyway, enough rambling. What’s your opinion?
Oh yea, I prefer 2-handed style. Would love to try frost if it ever goes back to 2-handed.

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The answer, as always, is troll of either flavor. Everything about them is awesome, though I’ll admit that Zandalari look a bit better in most plate. Darkspear edge them out slightly if you’re using a robe mog though.


Blood Elf/Void Elf females for skimpy mogs. Zandalari, Orc and Human for male with bulky mogs. Night Elf/Human for good looking mogs and the best racials. Dwarf female if you want to expose your full butt crack with cloudkeeper/blazing legplates.


On topic: i like belf dk mogging the best. The proportions and armor sizes are perfect.

Off topic:

You take that back! I know they’re no paladin, but their healing feels good imo. Plus it’s getting better in sl!

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In that case you will be happy when i inform you that Undead in SL can change if their skeleton parts are going to show or not. And that affects armor as well.


Male Zandalari death coil animation is bugged/laggy as Unholy.

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I agree with OP about the Undead. I don’t mind the bones as much as the hunch which is why I changed this guy to Zandalari. If I was alliance then I’d roll Dwarf.


Forsaken, clearly.

So nice we were resurrected twice.


I really like forsaken to be honest, If i didn’t like moon guard as a server so much, i’d be forsaken again.


Pandaren. I know, a bit of an oddity, outside of Gie it wasn’t common before recently. But I like the idea of a being who has focused on a meditative style, on containing their emotions and channeling it, moving from life to undeath and channeling the new emotions this form brings.


Dk healing is getting nerfed by 15% in shadowlands at least unholy and frost

I have 5 dks currently: human male, tauren male, gnome male, goblin male, and human male. Of those, I prefer the human male - I think the dk-specific armor sets look best on human males. They also look good on orc males, and dwarfs (female dwarfs are a myth).

Really, the only incorrect answer to the original query is diaper gnomes.


Seconded, cant keep us down!


Plate looks good on female orcs. I went mag’har because I really like the mount speed bonus.
I’ve been pretty happy with the decision. She looks badass :slightly_smiling_face:

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If I could do human I would. Seems pretty much every armor looks better on them. Zandalari are the next best looking imo even despite the feet and have ok racials imo.

Humans and orcs are the OGs of the class. Humans have the more DK look, Orcs pet damage + trinket abilities are the win.


Never played the WotLK DK quests, huh?

Very clearly gnome…

If the clsss can wear plate, the best look is always Orc

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