What race do you NEED to play and why do you choose it?

For me it’s Vulpera. With shadowlands the amount of flying you do from location to location is absolutely obscene and a ridiculous waste of time.

Being an interdimensional fox that can bend space and time with their caravan is irreplaceable for me.

Honestly I can’t even consider playing anything else anymore. The QOL is just so high that it’s like… going back to any other character genuinely makes me angry because it’s so slow and spending 10 minutes in flight from sinfall to any other covenant map is infuriating.

I remember that I LITERALLY went to the bathroom before and came back before I was even out of revendreth flying to night fae land.

Yeah no bueno.

Note for anyone intersted in design: This doesn’t make the world seem bigger. It is a massive waste of my time.


Naga, but… like… I can’t play it (yet). :frowning:


Kul Tiran. I returned to WoW specifically because of them. I’m a yuge fan of pirates. Any pirate related game, or game featuring pirates, I’ve most likely played.

With that aside, I’m a big fan of the body shape. I always thought the hooman design was a bit basic. So the Kul Tiran look is really nice and stylized.

Finally, now that I’ve unlocked them, I can say that the passives are really awesome. The Haymaker is really handy, Child Of The Sea is a nice boost, and Jack Of All Trades comes in handy.

Surly Burly Sailors ftw.


Dwarf, in this case Dark Iron because A) I only play dwarves & B) non-allied races make me feel like I should’ve been playing that race/class combo for years. A newer races feels less annoying to play in that regard.


Vulpera, the anywhere hearthstone and 8 extra bag slots are too good.

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Trolls cus I love them lol.


Dwarf all day baby


I just love my Blood Elves, my vibe.

small shout to for my love of Zandalari, Forsaken, VEs, and NB


I only Play BElf, I might make an ally toon if VElf Pally’s were a thing, but they’re not so here we are.

Vulpera or Tauren, maybe Worgen.
Everything else is irrelevant.
ESPECIALLY elves. I hate elves.

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But we can’t play them. :frowning: Yet.

I love snakes so much. Plus, snakes remind me of my dad and times we would go out when I was little to look for them. :snake:


Use the shadowlands wormhole generator, its better and its not a vulpera.

Void Elf.

Used to love Blood Elves, but between them really watering down anything that made them cool back during their introduction, and the general Horde playerbase’s attitude about them (at least until void elves were introduced)… eh.

Void Elves took the savage and willing to do anything nature Blood Elves used to have and put it on steroids, with an even more gothic aesthetic. Double that with being on the faction I actually just flat out prefer to main for city/gear aesthetics… it was perfect.

Something about playing something vicious on the “goodie goodie” faction also feels really freakin’ nice. (all my alts are worgen and night elves)

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Ogres and Saurok.

Ogres because I love playing as a big, dumb, and strong race.

Saurok because I love lizardmen races in general. Especially in fantasy settings.

Still waiting for the day we’ll see both as playable Horde races. :meat_on_bone::crocodile: :cut_of_meat::japanese_ogre:


My vulpera death knight has the camp, death gate, hearthstone, dalaran hearthstone, Emeni’s Kidneyhearthstone.

She is everywhere and nowhere

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Draenei. Cool backstory. Not a human. Versatile in many specializations.

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Void Elf.
I never much liked the look of many of the Alliance races except human but I also never liked their Gorilla upper body, so I played mostly Horde as blood elf. I liked Blood Elves because of their slimmer physique making them look more like humans than the Humans. Not to mention the males are voiced by Cam Clarke.
So when I found out about Void Elves, I became very excited! I could finally play as a race I like the look of while siding with my preferred faction :D!
Though I would have preferred not having an elf permanently infused with the Void, since I prefer Light/Holy themes, but then I wouldn’t have that awesome Brooding hairstyle.

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Tauren. I started playing WoW because of them. I love minotaurs, and very few games have them as a playable race.


BELFs and VELFs. Their animations are, imho, perfect.

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Rocket boots.