What race do you NEED to play and why do you choose it?

Orcs, i just love the savagery they represent.
Half of my alts are orcs.


cuz i can be a dino
or i can ride a holy dino

Blood Elves. Fabulous and superior aside, they have great lore especially when they added the heritage armor.

I would love to include Nightborne, but unfortunately we were tricked with their customization, and they removed the flip animation. /sighs

I like Blood Elves. As somewhat reluctant members of the Horde their cynicism and snark fits in with my own personality. I find them easy to have an internal RP story going on inside my head as I play them.

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It’s an effort

to not be a troll on every alt

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I prefer to play my Blood Elf. Made it back during in The Burning Crusade and have loved it since.

I also like to focus on all of my achievements on my main. I rarely work on achievements on my alts unless absolutely necessary such as the Heritage Race achieves.

Draenei for life

I agree. Love snakes, and the Sethrak voices are awesome, imo.

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Goblins and gnomes ftw! I love playing the underdog and kicking butt when no one expects it. It’s especially fun in pvp, people blow a forehead vein when they are killed by the gnome monk punching them in the shins!


I love my Kul Tiran and wish I could Haymaker more often!


My Druid had to be a Night Elf. :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:

Draenei and Mechagnomes. Usually because they get Primary Stats for being a race.

When PvPing, either a Night Elf or a Void Elf.

Night Elf women aesthetically are my favs.

Blood Elves

The rest of the Horde is comprised of Lumpy Hunch Monsters. Granted, the Orcs can stand, to paraphrase a certain Orcish officer, “Tall and Proud” now, but the appreciation for that fact is overshadowed by how freakin’ long it took.

Anything but Humans or Kul Tiran. They’re boring. But that’s just me.

Blood Elf. I can be, somewhat, vain & narcissistic in real life. I love the snooty faces the females have.

Night borne rogue. For a fair while I mained a Night Elf rogue and I loved him. When I went back to horde no rogue felt right again. I always had one but race changed them a bit. Once Night borne appeared I am once again looking at that ridiculous stealth rocking stance and loving every minute of it.

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I’m a sucker for reptillian races and none have been added as a playable one since the game started.

It’s really rubbing my nerves and making me hate Worgen more and more.

E: Oh wait I misread the title.

The proper answer for me would be either Tauren, Worgen, Vulpera, and Pandaren

I’m just sick of humanoid faces in general (Orc, Troll, Human, etc) and would rather pick something that doesn’t look remotely human or…well, can choose to not look human anymore.

At this point in time, if I wanted to see another Human, I’d go look in a mirror.

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After playing a Nelf for so long, I’ve become very dependent on Shadowmeld. It is so useful in like every scenario possible.

Like I legit struggle when I don’t have it as my “Oh :poop:” button. Luckily playing a Rogue and or Mage voids that for a decent amount so… :grinning:


Same here, the damage/heal cooldown is ok, and the 10min cooldown rested zone anywhere outside is nice, but nose for trouble is very often underestimated.

5% of players total health absorbed from first hit of each enemy adds up to alot of damage just negated passively (and typically means the first hit of anything that isn’t a boss is absorbed).

For example just run through all the packs of elites to get to the world boss, take hits from all of them but get there without being dazed off or with any actual damage because all the first and only hits they often get are absorbed.