Tuskar as neutral
Not really, it just depends on if Blizzard want it or not, they already shoved Blood Elves into Horde because of “Lore”.
Sethrakk is most def. near the top of my list.
We need some new type of race, we’ve got a bunch of furry animals, regular humans, couple orcs etc etc…
By new type of race, lizard or something just really different to what we already have.
If we’re pipedreaming, I want Faceless Ones.
Honesty, most People want Vrykul and Orges, which it is most Requested Highly to be Playable Races. Same as Nagas, and Dragon. But I like really much on them.
Having a playable Chosen would make me forget about ogres for a while, for sure.
We should just lump all the elves into one faction already. Night elves, blood elves, Saynlynshamalaman, Troll (deformed elves) and high elves. Silvermoon Harry can be their faction leader.
Sethrak. Please and thank you.
They’re fantastic. I absolutely adore them.
Myself and another forum goer wrote this thread.
Playable Sethrak please!
I don’t care what faction gets them either. They’re that amazing.
Im pretty sure ive made a few thread about how its interesting the chosen seem to be using a skeleton rig for a possible playable ogre race. And the Giant centurions for the kyrian are clearly a modified ogre rig with alot more animations. This is close to what happened when the zandalari were introduced in MOP. Im pretty confident we will be seeing playable ogres quite soon.
I think there are too many as is and would prefer fewer (to closer match WC3 lore). But Naga and Fel Orc would be my top suggestions. It’s challenging for Naga considering they aren’t bipedal, so I’d go with Fel Orc.
amen brother
#1 Vrykul
#2 Mantid
#3 Ogres
cry havoc and let slip the murlocs of war!
Give me sethrak. I don’t care which faction, just let me be a snek.
skeleton, so i can tell ppl i have a bone to pick with them
The Alliance should just get thrown some playable clan of vrykul already. If added, they could potentially have access to every class barring demon hunter, though the average player would likely gravitate toward warrior, paladin, druid, or DK.
I want the Horde to get yaungol. They would at least have mages since they worship a fire god and have pyromancer NPCs in Kun-Lai and the Timeless Isle, so that would be the closest you’ll ever have to a tauren mage. Sadly, support for them is very small compared to jinyu, hozen, mogu, mantid, and even saurok.
succubus, cause who doesn’t want to whip ppl
Quilboars and Gnolls.
Legion. A different demon type for each class.
Anything that doesn’t have a human face, sethrak, naga, etc