What pets do you have?

We have 1 kitty, we adopted her almost 5 months ago.
She’s 2, her name was Mommas at the Humane Society and we kept it.
She’s an absolute joy!

I do not have the trust level I don’t think to post an image.

3 dogs, 3 cats. It’ll be down to one of each eventually, and probably only one at all even further down the line, but for now it’s a crowded household. And I’m okay with that.

2 dogs and a cat.

Not allowed to post photos here. yet.

Daww what a good boy.

I like that folks are trying to undo some of the more damaging features bulldogs and pugs are born with like the super short muzzle. Yes it looks cute but I prefer my doggos able to breathe properly. ( Not saying you’re mistreating your doggo. )


I am allergic as well and they used to trigger my asthma super bad when I was a kid. But I’ve had my boys for 7ish years now and I am mostly “used” to them (and they don’t go in our bedroom so I think not sleeping in cat hair helps the most).

Rats are great! I had 2 but 1 just recently passed so I am down to one. Feel kinda bad because they are social animals but at least I am working from home and can be around him all day. He seems to be okay but he’s a bit over 2 yo now and I’m not planning on getting anymore after him. But he is super sweet and I’ve had him since he was a week old!

I got a ton of pets. And if you all want pics, just look in the mirror!

2 cats.
both orange.
both fat.


yes! I am super happy his muzzle is a bit longer and not super compressed. he still struggles when he gets overheated, but if I don’t let him stay outside too long in the heat it’s not a problem.

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Aw maybe get your rat a friend? If not then some extra cuddles and playtime help.

Yeah its hard moving on after losing a rat. Reason I haven’t gotten any new ones. ( Well that and we found out AFTER our rats died that the apartment doesn’t really allow them in the first place. Oops )

I have 2 doggos and a catto.

Oldest doggo is around 3 yrs old and is a shizu bishon mix, other doggo is a border colly around 2 yrs old.

Our catto is 17 or so, we keep them seperated as we dont know how the dogs will react to an old grandma kitty cat and would rather it not go uh…bad.

One cat named Mouse…two Parakeets…male and female…named Beaks and Chi-Chi…

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A fawn colored pitbull
A JackChi
1 orange cat and 1 black cat (sisters)

I have two rescue cats… and 4 aquariums. One saltwater reef and three freshwater planted… The saltwater and one fresh is at home, and two fresh in my office.

Yeah probably a good idea to keep the cat away from the border collie, they are herding dogs and they will nip at the heels of other animals… no matter the size lol

Before this border colly we had another with 3 cats and while he’d try to herd the heck out of them when he was younger, he never even remotely tried to fite them, heck i’d often come home to him sitting out on the lawn with one of the cats cuddling him. One of said cattos outlived him and her and this current dog got in some uh…tussles. Hence why with this next cat we’re being cautious.

Also heck I just made myself really sad remembering all my old pets.

I’ve always wanted a bird. But I know I wouldn’t be great with one.

Thankfully thats what youtube is for lol.

Where do you live? I’ll ship the ones my daughter dumped on me.

A bird? Heh nah apartments stingy with pets. I’m just not extroverted enough for a birb.

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I used to have a beagle but she died 3 years ago from cancer, best dog I ever had still missing her, as for now I don’t have any pets !

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I’d say try your local Lost/Found/Adopt Pets groups on facebook, you’ll find someone to take them, especially if they’re small.