What people don't understand is

Well, yeah, actually they rather do have EVERY right to do so.

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then stop abusing instance resets to force rare spawns?

no one is making you waste runs to do it

Rare spawns are meant to be rare, not exploited by resets.

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It’s been a part of the game since it started. Please show me your classic character

Do you even have a 60? THERES A MILLION different things that this goes into as well.

Perhaps you should look beyond the people boosting and figure out that there are MORE people doing things than just boosters and multi]boxers. Think for a moment that there are people that were farming SGC HOJ MCP DME Herbs and Nodes as well as Jed Fishing. Legit players who were playing the game as it was 15 years ago. This is also going to effect the AQ effort on lower end servers where people werent prepping to open the gates since day one. RFC and Stockades were the best places to get Linen and Wool respectively.

But the few bad apples (and many many cheaters) spoiled it for the people that were playing the game. That were doing things legit and you may not like it because you werent doing it. But you could and people did. They did 15 years ago. We know because that was when the first hunter soloed Tribute.

I dont run instances that often and i dont farm jump runs. However, i dont tell people not to do it. I dont tell people how to spend there gold on there time in the game. I just want blizzard to do there damn job and ban the people botting. I want it to be fair and for you to be able to go do those things on a degenerate level if you want to. But you better control it yourself.

based and truth pilled, they don’t want to play the game as intended though

unless it’s easymode and they can farm “rares” on demand every single day

Show me your level 60 classic character please switch it on the forum page, I leveled my mage to 60 like intended. I also Leveled my 120 like intended BY BUYING IT.

obviously you werent playing as intended because blizzard has forced you to change the way you played

No they didn’t? I leveled by questing you noob. Lol I also have every character 120… NOT FROM PLAYING BTW.

Just wait until those BoE items you thought you were gonna be able to afford go up 2x or 3x in price. Then tell me how your economy was messed up

Imagine thinking jed rends is only in classic. Lol. and if its a exploit why hasn’t blizzard banned people for RESETTING A DUNGEON FOR A RARE MOB. hmm? Any answers?

Yes, and why do you feel that has the slightest relevance to the topic of rare spawns?

Which it doesn’t do at all, despite Blizz saying it will.

Which Blizz didn’t claim was their reason for doing this.

So basically your entirely argument is that Blizz is lying, so don’t worry they know what they’re doing?

Also, since this seems to be the white knight’s big strategy for coming to Blizz’s defense on this- can you explain where, ever, Blizz has made it clear they have a problem with people boosting for gold, with people spending considerable amounts of time in the game, or with players legitimately farming gold?

Because if that were honestly their concern maybe they should retrieve their balls from daddy Kotick’s purse and straight out say it rather than hiding behind ‘we just wanna fix the bots’ with a fix that is easy to tell will do nothing to discourage botting.

If these are genuinely the directions Blizz wants to take Classic away from Vanilla, why don’t they come out and say it. Why didn’t they do anything about people farming r14 for 18+hours a day for 3-4 months straight?

if they’re going to come down hard on players for playing more than six hours a day in some cases, but keep a pvp system that promotes months of playing 3x as much without breaks- then they’re hyprocrites of the highest degree.

“What people don’t understand is” seriously dude, the pretentiousness of your title only for you to parrot a bunch of ignorant white knight garbage is downright comical.