You still might be having a stroke…
Yea but that was vanilla. Tbc is coming anyways.
Oooooh tbc.
How much I want to remember how much I hated thee!
its like going upwind into an opiate plume, you know its gonna be bad for you, but you just gotta find out.
I’m right and you know it btw, take your meds schizo (we’re watching you from the super secret discord)
I’m going to need you to go google “Ranger Panties”.
Real men embrace 4 inches.
I was just burning my toast, thankfully.
“Fixing” paladins will open Pandora’s Box, it’s not like Ret was the only spec in need of a fix. Personally I would only ask to have Arcane Shot to scale with AP.
They didn’t mean they would change the entire game though lol. They aren’t changing classes to be “viable”. The fact is they are already viable but people don’t want to make their own guilds or raids to take them.
Actives is right, in vanilla classes are not defined by their spec. That is very much a retail “innovation” a paladin is a paladin. you’re supposed to make use of all your abilities, even the untalented ones.
Spec viability wouldn’t be an issue if people just joined guilds that are more tolerant towards other classes and specs aka NOT THE TRY-HARD META-PARSERS. One person claimed that they cleared raids filled with 100% Paladins of various specs, and they had a blast. Some would call it an actual challenge, you know?
I’ve met dozens claiming they’d permit Boomkins and Ret Paladins in their raid list. Just join THOSE guilds and don’t be a part of the meta-try hards that ruin the fun in the game.
This was due to the developers running out of time. Paladins (as noted by the original class designer on multiple occasions and among other dev interviews) stated that the paladin was left unfinished until TBC.
I don’t care if they implement changes here or not. A taunt isn’t going to fix protection anyways so I’m still not sure why that would be the only thing some people are asking for, but at the same time, I keep seeing people mention what X or Y class is when they apparently don’t have any context on the actual design intent.
Actually I’m playing Fresh because SoD is precisely what I didn’t want from a Classic+ which was overturn all the classes to the point of silliness. If Ret got number tweaks to their current toolkit in Fresh I frankly wouldn’t complain it changes nothing but the damage but it’s also a balancing act of making them even more of a walking freight train in PVP.
And I’m not suggesting they do
This is a horrible take. The one thing something is best at is not the only reason to play a class. The classes still feel different whether their power is low or high anyways. Fixing classes that are broken or unfinished is not homogenization. You don’t scream the game is homogenized because druid has taunt do you? Or that both pld and priest have a flash heal? or that druid and rogue both have stealth? thats not how it works
the MGC need to stop letting their members out in public
bro you have posted nothing but L takes and you’re still here looking for more?
still waiting for that source by the way to back up your fictitious claims that you pulled out of your proverbial
I’ve said it before but people just want to be personally catered to.
They want a vanilla with their one little change of preference. (Balance druids to work, paladin taunt, etc)
SoD exists. Go play it. You’re never going to get a vanilla with your “one widdle change” unless you actually create it yourself on a private server. Shoo.
Why aren’t they playing SoD? Why do they feel the need to latch on to the new thing like some kind of parasite and demand that people capitulate to their demands? SoD should be a slam dunk for these people, so why aren’t they playing it??
Could it be, perhaps, that SoD is dying and people have left it for fresh, possibly because a lot of the changes are too much? I mean if it is so good and has everything people want, surely they’d just stay there and not care about fresh, right?
I personally enjoy the meta in Classic. It’s…Classic. It’s Vanilla. That’s its identity. If you don’t care for it then honestly this game isn’t for you, just like SoD wasn’t for me.
SoD has too many changes. I want classic t9 have changes only for ME and ME alone!