Why is it that I keep seeing threads like “Justice for Ret Paladins!” demanding changes to the game to cater to them? “No DPS option for Ret please fix!”. On and on. Why don’t I see the same threads about Shamans, or Druids. It’s always Paladins for some reason. It’s pathetic. Nothing needs to be “fixed” because nothing is broken. It’s how the game was designed and it doesn’t need to be changed for a version of the game that runs concurrently with another version that ALREADY HAS CHANGES.
Season of Discovery has given you literally everything you could want and MORE. The servers are live right now. Why do you people insist on complaining about Classic when SoD is right there for you to enjoy? Honestly, I suspect it’s because a lot of people have left those servers and gone back to fresh so they think they have to follow to chase the pop, but feel entitled enough to demand changes or “i won’t play i’ll just unsub, you won’t like that will you Blizzard huh??”
I sometimes wish Blizzard would just take a firm stance on things like this and publicly say “NO”. I think because people saw how they caved to peoples demands about dual spec, instant mail and such (not that I necessarily disagree with these changes, I’m more ambivalent than anything else) and feel like they’ve been given an inch so why not try take a mile.
“Well if it was so good then why did TBC change things?” Good point, luckily for you TBC Classic is coming yet again. See you in a year.
They said they are not taking a strict “no changes” policy on the fresh servers, only on maintaining the feeling of Vanilla. People are suggesting what they believe to be smaller changes that will improve the quality of life of certain classes without impacting the overall feeling of the game
You don’t have to agree with them, but to act as if they’re doing anything “wrong” and make an entire complaint topic about it makes you no better than you believe them to be
Uh how tf is your character lvl 85…
Oh ok, thought I had a stroke.
Making class changes alters the feeling of Vanilla beyond what has already been altered. They aren’t going to change anything else because why would they when SoD is already running? It will just become SoD-lite and I suspect people will just stop playing if they have nowhere else to go. The people that want Vanilla I mean.
I disagree. Small additions like simply giving paladin a taunt do not fundamentally change their identity. SoD runes completely change how classes functions, like shamans being able to tank
I wouldn’t say no to Starfall.
A Paladins identity is a support/healer. Giving them a taunt does virtually nothing because they aren’t able to tank anything beyond what they already can tank without getting crushed/critted. You would have to significantly alter their itemization on gear.
The game doesn’t need these small additions. There already exists a version with them (SoD) and people should be happily playing that and let others enjoy Vanilla.
Then why do they have a tank talent tree?
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Why do you think that it’s a “tank” talent tree? It offers a bit of flavor like most talent trees do for classes that accentuate their strengths. It let’s them aoe farm quite well, or be a menace to Rogues in pvp.
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Because it’s literally called “Protection” and has several talents that increase the class’s ability to tank
So? Paladins already protect their allies and like I said, it offers more flavor and utility for them. Only in Cata and onward did a talent tree define a class and its role. You could argue in TBC-Wrath that you had to spec a certain way to fill a role, but Vanilla wasn’t designed this way for the most part.
Like how a Warrior doesn’t need a single point in Protection to tank, but it’s still a tank class.
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It’s like 3 people who keep making the same thread.
Apparently a Seasonal server designed specifically for them wasn’t good enough. And they can’t get over the Retail mindset that a class should excel in every role in every aspect of the game. Vanilla didn’t work that way.
Pure cope. If Paladin was never meant to be a tank they wouldn’t have been better defined to do so from TBC onward
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Yeah it’s very bizarre trying to understand these people and what motivates them.
TBC onward was a very different game to Vanilla, which is the original point of my post and this discussion. It’s irrelevant here
Got a question for yea.
How do you tank in raids as a Pally? What’s the main source of threat?
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I would love to have a conversation about class changes on the next iteration of vanilla where the goal is to do this. But that’s not what we are playing now
Enhance is a pseudo tank tree too. They can rank everything up to 60 basic dungeons just fine. They have a shield block talent and parry and armor boost.
Giving shamans a taunt wouldn’t let them raid tank. You would have to drastically reitemize their gear, just off of one change
It simply doesn’t just “work that way”.
That’s the Pandora’s box you open when you start making a full on changes server. Now that people know basically any change is possible everyone has their own list of things that should and should not be. And then some of those permeate through the Seasonal/Era barrier.