Legion artifacts and legendaries. Deleting them just feels wrong.
I finally put my Legion artifact weapons in my bank. Most of my characters were still carrying them around in their bags. I still keep my heart of Azeroth on each character who played through BFA., I may keep those until the end of the world soul saga.
I never throw away old fishing rods. I used to have a collection of old pre-cataclysm quest items but my oldest characters always low on bag space and one night I just made the choice to do a purge. I did accidentally keep a few antique ores and a couple of Argent Dawn work orders.
I suppose I’m going to start accumulating obsolete crafting tools now.
Bahahaha, my characters will have 2 fishing rods even though I have literally never fished in WoW in 20 years playing it. I keep telling myself I’m finally gonna do it… Oh lord.
I have an old bank alt druid from before the level squish / revamp that was logged out in incarn cat form. Whenever I log on him its perma in that version of cat form (armored).
My warrior has been wearing the same “generic crafted” shirt since vanilla
a level 1 squished staff of jordan in one of my chars banks
I think some of my dks still have noth brew in their banks
My classic paladin didn’t turn in any quests that had phylacteries so at one point they had like 4 or 5? during tbc
seemed fitting so I threw my haunted memento in the maw during shadowlands
Right? Thankfully, I still held onto it, on my Level 60 Mage, in Classic Era, for RP reasons. It’s part of her RP gear, since she is an Alchemist, and it is displayed as a potion vial, so it fits LOL
got that on my druid and will never get rid of it…sometimes i use it when i need a memory brought back.
Very cool!
I got a box full of baby teeth. Not sure which are mine. They’re like pennies to me. I see one, I pick it up.
I play different characters each expansion (despite being my usual classes) and so whatever old items my older characters have are long unaccounted for.
I’ve never cared much for holding on to items due to age. But I do save an item or 2 from each season on the characters I play. Usually whatever my final weapon was and one of the BiS trinkets.
I still have Omokk’s head in my bag, it’s ummm…a little ripe.
Essence of Infused Moonstone on my druid when you needed to summon Anzu in Sethekk Halls.
The Shovel of Mercy. That flavor text always makes me laugh. “Bashes in the skull of a Human Seedling. Do the right thing, buddy!”
Season 1 Gladiator’s War Staff back when I used to PVP.
Defender of the Timbermaw trinket and Dartol’s Rod of Transformation. Took me over a month of daily grinding to get to exalted so I could get the mount.