I’m such a loot goblin. And, I like having things that are no longer are available, for nostalgia purposes.
So, yes, I still use the Void Storage to help with bag space LOL
I’m such a loot goblin. And, I like having things that are no longer are available, for nostalgia purposes.
So, yes, I still use the Void Storage to help with bag space LOL
Good one!
I think I still have the divination scryer to summon the OG charger mob for the quest
My Hunter has been wearing his Ebonhold armor for years. I just love how it looks on him, I’ve never once changed it.
In fact, before this thread showed up, I was re-organizing my bags and banks, and my husband was asking me why I still had the Tomes of Tranquil Mind, and I was like “memories” LOL
But probably the oldest old school item I have is the first Brawlers Harness shirt I got when the character was created in Vanilla.
Don’t respond to this thread guys, it’s just bait by Blizzard so they can see what items to give away on the next twitch drop.
All of my items are items you can’t get anymore.
Ton of Hunter arrows
Ton of Books to change talents that we use to use in the day
my lock still has all the stuff to get his level 60 mount from vanilla
That 10s immunity vial you got as a Night Elf. Plus the original Dartol’s Rod of Transformation.
Yeah, I must’ve not kept that one
The Snake Shield from Zul Gurub ( Aegis of the Blood God )
Some low level off hand item that turns me into a wolf
My legion weapons on my monk/shaman
Azerite necklace, because I cant delete it xD
Warlock quest items, Scourge tokens, argent dawn commission trinket mallet, haunted memento,
The revealing christmas outfit.
I still wear this. It took forever to finally drop.
My Rogue still carries his Thieve’s Tools from Vanilla.
And, being an Alchemist, still has is Philosopher’s Stone in his bag.
I still have this one from vanilla:
a single use 10-second immunity from damage and spells… Never had the occasion to use it.
I put mine in my bank to “save” it for later. I didn’t want to even have it in my bags because I might “use it” by “accident”.
I mean 10 Seconds!
Off topic - I remember when the original Free Action potion duration was like 20 or 30 seconds? Plus, you could use it in battlegrounds! I remember grabbing a flag in Warsong Gulch on my druid, popping that potion and just running through the entire Horde team in mid to get a flag cap. lol
I’m a Game Hoarder, I keep everything. I also have a Banker who just holds stuff removed from the game.
Quest items like Stranglethorn pages and Crests of Beckoning, Thundering Charms and Twilight Cultist stuff.
Mature Blue Dragon Sinew, Horn of Stormwind, Deadman’s ring, the old Vanilla Quest books on my Mains. My Night Elves all have their Tharlendris seeds, Ungoro Soil and evergreen pouches.
My oldest character has the sacred mallet, Cache of Mau’ari, Black Dragonflight Molt, Attuned Dampener, Carrot on a stick and more.
My favourite…
I still have mine on my Priest, she’s a BE now.
I wish I’d kept the ‘Tear of Grief’, from the quest in Auberdine, but it had bad stats so I always sold it.