What old school items are you still holding onto?

My priest and rogue I made in BC still have the original Archmage Vargoth’s Staff.

My old paladin still has the Tiny Voodoo Mask

She also still has

Which is still in game but I’ve held onto it since I’ve done the Netherwing grind waaaaaay back then


My trophy

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Nagrand cherries. :laughing:


Screen shotted but not shown tool tip, in all three is the Barov Trinket from WPL quest


the runed scroll that starts the northern barrens quest from mists patch for siege i think it is.
deadmens hand ring from tbc. some letters from old guildees who no longer play back from tbc.

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I have one of these on one of my toons.

It’s not a classic toon. It’s a retail Warlock.


I still have my Argent Dawn commission, and my Stormpike Guard … thing. I forget whether it was a neck, trinket, or something else.

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Still BOE

a man is wearing a black sweater and making a funny face .


Its crazy that war within is about fungi… and we get to wear mushroom hats !!!
and me holding this item since woltk, really felt like true destiny

I joined in wod so i have nothing crazy old.
But as for what i do have… i dont know. The bank is where things go to die.

I have a million bats from legion prepatch. Still waiting for them to be worth something… :stuck_out_tongue:

The other week i found an unlearned mount in my void storage. No i dont know why i would have put it there. But i did apparently.

So much junk…

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I still have the urn needed to summon nightbane. I need to keep it in the back or else my auto sell trash addon snags it haha

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Aw I don’t have one. I would have, I did that back in the day, but I must have gotten rid of it.

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Oh man, a lot LOL

Haunted Memento

Carrot on a Stick
This toon who has it is 54, hence the red letters but still never getting rid of it.

Mallet of Zul’Farrak

Tomes of the Tranquil Mind x5

Argent Dawn Commission Trinket

Inert Minion’s Scourgestones x16


I laughed like an idiot when I looted it in BC for the first time. Now any time it drops while playing a new character it goes into that character’s bank.


Still got my brazier of invocation.

Thieve’s tools and thistle tea


I might still have some really fancy high level throwing daggers, ha.

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And, a twink toon, I don’t really play, anymore but haven’t deleted because she’s so old and the only one with:

Seal of Wrynn

Never gonna delete her.

I have absolutely nothing. I sell/delete everything at the start of a new expansion. Only a few legendaries that won’t let me delete them are still in my bank.

I like going in with a completely clean slate.