What new Alliance races would people ACTUALLY play?

Arrakoa or playable dragons are really the only ones I am interested in at this point.

Though… ethereals could definitely be interesting.

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I always thought Centaur would make a good Alliance race. (As opposed to Horde due to Centaur being at war with the Tauren).


Only if the healer can ride the tank into battle.

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Playable dragon aspects. With a human / elf combat form and a way to change into a drake for a travel form similar to druids.

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Ethereals are my top request. Their partnership with Void Elves would make it a pretty seamless alliance and I think we need a commerce race.

I can’t say I care what the majority wants since the majority of this game plays elves.


High Elves would definitely top the list, with or without paladin as one of its class.

Vrykul would probably be next highest.

But as much as I personally would like Saberon, I don’t think they would be played that much. Next the whole (outrageous) tail thing, the most asked for feature for Worgens is to have them NOT turn into worgens, which I think really shows where Alliance players stand when it comes to beastman races.

This would also apply to any of the other beastman races like Arrakoa, Sethrak, Tuskarr, ect.

So High Elves and Vrykul, I guess :woman_shrugging:.


I think it’s kind of interesting that the only ideas and suggestions people can come up with are existing factions that probably weren’t super popular to begin with. I understand people fixate on the “allied” part, but honestly who cares about that, why do they have to be an allied race anyways, why not a new one altogether?

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Yes, i would want the true High Elves (new model) first and foremost but Blueberries are an ok distant second.

I think Saberon (or some flavor of cat person, preferably ferocious but small and cute could work too or even better…BOTH), Tuskarr, Tortollan and Jinyu are prime ideas for the Alliance. Perhaps the Sethrak as well. Not a fan of Ethereals or the Arrakoa personally. The eagle headed style of Worgen are something i might like to play as well.

Just as a side note, not interested in AT ALL:
Large Humans or a counterpart (Kul Tirans are an abomination of a tall fat “human” so Alliance can have basically overly tall humans for some reason but they didn’t do the skinny normal sized ones for some reason).

Medium Humans (SW Humans and Void Elves fit this nicely).

Small Humans (Gnomes and Dwarves fit this).

Perhaps something new altogether but i’m not sure the game is in a place to take a gamble like that when the Alliance as a faction is hurting so bad for any type of population.


No more elves.

sethrak please


Those high Arakkoa from WoD. Ethereals. High elves because I’m sick of alliance paladin combos and velf hairlines leave something to be desired (just give them more hair pls ty). Venthyr (I absolutely adore them, but I’m not super fond of the idea of them being playable). A few horde races.

Basically I want some old things the game taunts and cross-faction to be more in-depth. I want to make my shaman a moo, my paladin an elf, and maybe something else idk. Might even poke at that mag’har priest I have on the back burner. Or the Nightborne I don’t have geared. Humans in wow don’t look like any person I’ve ever seen irl.

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Murloks for the alliance and kobalds for the horde. Then open up demon hunters to the goblins and gnome in the same expansion.

No new alliance races. The alliance is trash. Their cities are terrible, their leaders are terrible, and most of their races are terrible

Time to eliminate the concept of allied races as grinds to get more work out of players. Turn existing allied races into customizations for the races they are based on, or just into races on their own merit.


vrykul are very different than either human option currently. both in appearance and lore/aesthetic.

they’re definitely not a “lightforged should’ve been base draenei customization!” situation.


Saberon and half ogres for the Horde.

The only allied race I wanted for the Alliance was Wildhammer but looks like they just turned the entire race into a tattoo and feather :roll_eyes:


I already play four. So not going to change much. Might gear a bit more is all that will happen.

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We already have one on each faction; that would be the biggest waste of another race ever.

Lots of people have suggested that. It is pretty solid as another race. Both factions would want it but Horde already got Vulpera!

I think the “compromise”, to a race that would be far too large (so “mini Vrykuls” would be the player race), was Kul’Tiran (unfortunately.) Also, Horde and Alliance would hate that their faction did not get the Vrykul.



a man can still dream.

Yeah. Their mistake was not making them more “buff” and not so hefty. I think people would have liked Kul’tiran then (especially female ones.)


I agree - but do you want ANOTHER human race for the Alliance so that we, the Horde, can mock you for being the inferior player faction and you not getting what you deserve, as we do because we are the developer’s pet faction?

Stand up for yourself and ask for more exclusive races.

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