Probably not joining a raiding guild and not bothering with PvP ranking up to at least R10, until much later. I always thought it would be too stressful and time consuming, but it really wasn’t unless you decided to grind R14 or the guild was doing Naxxramas.
Missing all that gear for the largest portion of the game, made me less competitive in PvP and thus the game wasn’t as fun as it could have been.
Playing on private servers later on, made me realize those things.
Roger that! I’ll never make that mistake again. Pretty sure my poor old Tauran is mouldering away by a stream somewhere, fishing rod in his rotting hand, victim of yet another steenking level 60 ganker [ptui, may they rot in hell].
Leveling a Fury Warrior solo. /shudder
When I first started I had the opposite problem. On the 1st character I got past level 10 (a druid) I didn’t even realize there was more than one talent tree.
Intellect pants on my rogue.
Giving obvious dirtbags a fair chance at a raid slot. I tell myself this every time I do these things, and every time, I find myself using talent I know in the back of my head is too unstable or sociopathic to go the distance, just because everyone wants to do molten core yesterday.
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Moving on from people who stopped playing.
My best friend’s brother deleted his 25 NE warrior that I was levelling with because they shared an account the brother was paying for.
The friend kept promising that he’d buy an account and level with me - but he kept making excuses and playing different games.
But was adamant that I don’t level without him.
He never played until Cataclysm came out - but he was so bad it was funny.
He clicked like a maniac - and used only a handful of abilities.
I spent an hour putting easy to use keybinds (Like Q, E, R, and shift modifying them) and he quit 3 days later complaining it was too hard to learn.
He came to my house a few months ago - and I have roughly 70 key binds memorised - I don’t even have them visible.
(Including interface, toys I like, a variety of different mounts, automated party comms etc…)
Sticking with 2 or 3 hardcore mains and not having 20plus random toons at varying low levels because I wanted “the full experience”
Oh to be 13/14 years old again lost in Azeroth haha
Walk into the middle of a Azuregos pull and get caught in the ensuring melee that happens when the Horde shows up and everyone starts fighting each other along with the boss. I died so fast and my game crashed because of everything going on.
I’m staying clear of world bosses until I hit 60.
Looking for Mankrik’s wife… Luckily there was Barren’s chat…
Oh yeah, giving away free mage food… people pay for that…
Mained a rogue and thought slice and dice was useless all the way up to BWL where i was trying to figure out why another rogue in greens (compared to my mostly MC epics) was able to keep up with me in damage.
I think this is a perfectly valid way to play the game and not really a mistake as long as you had fun doing it. You could easily say players who only played one class also missed out on a lot of content. Just perhaps not the content you missed out on.
not waste my time with a guild going no where. loyalty is great but I wouldn’t pass up the opportunities I had to get in a good raid guild this time
Based on this thread, this seems a common mistake many of us made.
Being to young to know what the hell was going on, and playing the game on a potato. I’m looking forward to jumping back into classic.
lol love it. And so it begins!
Rerolling a class due race or name.
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