What mistakes have you made in vanilla, that you'll try to avoid now?

Stick with a guild when I didn’t want to be in there due to loyalty. I’m just going to play Classic for fun and nothing serious. I’ll just enjoy my time mostly playing the game in Classic and get my raid fix in retail.

Spending all that money on blacksmithing as a warrior…yikes

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Rolled Paladin and got pigeonholed into healing. I wanted to be all things when called upon. Instead I was a healbot.

Maybe rogue, mage, lock, or warrior this go round.

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My biggest mistake was joining my first guild relatively late, I was level 32 and was in Desolace. I was so lost and feeling lonely, after I joined it, I met with lovely people and the vision I had for the game totally changed, enlarged. I learned lot about dungeons and world pvp.

I am just hoping I would find a guild as good as my first sooner than before, but I have really doubts and concerns regarding all the technology and social tools we have nowadays.

Horde was a closed box for me at the time that I scare, hate and wonder at the same time. Now I can talk, chat with them in discord. I honestly believe new social tools will have negative impact on Classic and will be the biggest threat especially for the pvp side of the game.

My biggest mistake was constantly rerolling professions and testing specs as a prot warrior. I spent thousands of gold on just those two aspects alone easily. So that also meant I spent an extraordinary amount of time in sithilus farming texts and thus gold. It was the running guild joke… can we get Makall out of sithilus he has an UBRS key. Maybe he’ll find time to tank some 5 mans, ha ha.

Not vendoring my gear with stats to buy current level grays would be a good start.

Trying to stick to one proff and not changing after getting a fair distance into it. (Like abandoning black smith after grinding through mithril to become an alch at level 46)

Save gold for a mount starting at level 1 and actually using the auction house to sell items instead of vendoring (again)

Being an altoholic…

Being inefficient with time…

Spending on the auction house…

The big three. Idk how some people do it sometimes, I played the game a lot but still take 3x longer than a lot of people who get to 60.

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I didn’t vendor a red whelpling pet…

Not knowing about talents as early as I should have.

This is very good advice. Not selling everything and buying poopy greens of the AH for twinking each level bracket was my big mistake I won’t make again lol

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Not knowing about talent points until level ~40 then spreading them in each tree to be “balanced”

Using gear based solely on armor value (unless the color was higher rank).

Not knowing how to link items so actually typing them out like “[Item]”

Not using most of my abilities.

Thinking I HAD to wear plate (I was a paladin, so cloth might of been an upgrade)

Being mad that priests immunity bubble was like a 15 second CD and mine was 5 minutes (not knowing it was an absorb).

Not optimizing questing. When a quest told me to go to Westfall I would, rather then finishing all my Elwynn quests first. So my quest log got full fast.


10 chars

playing enhancement with a staff

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At no time did I ever fear the elite mobs in Alterac, bringing aggro down on my group and jeers on myself.

Lucky I don’t have to worry about repeating what I never did!

As an older gamer WoW was my first and actually only MMORPG. When i played open beta before launch i was hooked. It was everything i wanted all my TSR gold box series games on my old Commore and Amiga computers to be. As someone who started gaming in 1980 I’m still astonished at what we have now in gaming across all platforms. Just blows my mind thinking back to Pools of Radiance or Dungeon Master in the mid 80s and where we are now in relation to realizing and implementing an entire world into a game that we can all run around and have adventures in. I just love it. So here we go:

1st - stick to 1 main toon! I was and still am in retail such an altoholic. Had one of each class and just split my time between all of them and leveled so slowly and spent so much gold for nothing

2nd - it took me until TBC to fully grasp and utilize the AH. This time around I will be strictly sticking to gathering herbs/ore and selling them on AH.

3rd - I’ll actually level first aid and fishing this time around as i level

4th - leveling and grouping will be a different experience this time around, until TBC I really just sticks to myself and enjoyed going around Azeroth on all my Alts just questing and looking around with no real aim other than enjoying this cool world.

5th - I was Horde the entire time during classic. Loved it. But I think this time around I will go Alliance and do all the things I missed while playing horde.

6th - I will play on a PVE server from the start this time. I was On the pvp server Gorefiend my first couple of years and there were many times I was frustrated being ganked constantly in STV trying to level to the point I would just take a break and not play. It took a long while for me to understand that PVP and PVE servers were different and it was last couple months before TBC that I switched to a PVE server.

I’m sure there is a lot more I could think of but I’m guessing we all have similar stuff we will do differently the 2nd time around.

Spending all my god damn gold on ridiculous BS and not having mounts at 40…

My very first memory was of not being able to get out of the night elf starting zone. Though I must say, jumping off the cliff from the tree on the opposite end of the map was quite enjoyable! Still… this time I will start in SW or IF because multiple low-level zones are within easy traveling distance of one another.

Not getting flight points early.

Not realizing that I could travel to other same-level zone across the seas when I ran out of quests. It would have made leveling from 50-60 less painful on my Pally. Very strange… I knew there was another continent, having started in both SW and Teldrassil, but it just didn’t click for some reason. There was a subconscious invisible wall between the continents due to the ship leaving me swimming in the water in the early days instead of taking me with it.

Trying to level three toons at the same time. Big mistake. I was constantly running out of gold for the first few weeks. This time I’ll level a good farming toon first (my warlock), get to 60, then use him to feed gold to the next one. Plus save choice BOEs for the other toons in the bank as I go.

Trying to quest too far ahead of my level. I could take the mobs down, and liked the difficulty, but I was constantly running out of quests because the mob experience was being penalized. So I kept perpetuating the problem.

Won’t spend two hours trying to beat the run-jump quest on the bridge past Dunmoor, north of the Wetlands. Will get an accel pot this time.


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I will avoid playing.
