What mistakes have you made in vanilla, that you'll try to avoid now?

Starting the game in WoD. When I originally signed up for wow, I signed up to play a game like vanilla, but that game was sadly long gone. Had I know they were to come out with classic servers I would have waited to start wow instill they came out with them. I won’t make the same mistake again, should they take the RPG out of classic like they did with retail by putting stuff in like pay to win, I will quit it the game right then and there.

Grinding and items don’t make an RPG, quality interactions between players and the game does.

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Indeed. I played a lot of Vanilla, but it was rather…unfocused. Just mostly a bunch of alts doing quests here and there. A lot of twinking though. I also played with like three different groups of friends on three different servers, so I could never commit to a single character. Which is a big goal of mine in Classic. Not saying I’m going at it super hardcore, but I want to concentrate on one main and accomplish as much as I can with that character.


skinning/leatherworking on my vanilla Paladin lulz…



Biggest mistake I made when I started was being impulsive with my money and blowing it all on things I didn’t need and always being broke. Learned my lesson pretty fast with that, and have always strived to set aside more gold than I need and am pretty picky with what I spend it on.


Biggest mistake I remember making was not putting all my talents in the same tree. I’d just spend them in whatever sounded best based on what was available to me. A friend at school asked me what spec I was playing. After laughing histarically for a bit he told me to reset my talents and try again.


Oh yeah, rolling need over greed because I thought greed was the worse of the two (I’m not greedy, but would like that thing if nobody else is greedy for it) derp…

And I remember somebody once asked me if I wanted to group up to do some “farming” and I replied that I’d rather go kill stuff. I thought he meant planting rutabagas or something. Years later I would laugh so hard when I saw the tillers in MOP


I did quite a few of the mistakes other people pointed out here. I rolled a paladin and at first I started throwing talents around to whatever looked like a useful skill. Shortly after that I got a free respec because they had revise the paladin class. I decided to go ret, but ran around with a 1h and shield until level 40 where I decided a 2h would be a better option for me. I almost blew 60-70 on an epic 1h sword at one point because I wanted a purple item so badly. Before I could buy it someone bought it and relisted it much higher on the AH and I couldn’t afford it. They actually did me a favor. I also remember spending 100 gold on Destiny when I was close to 60 because I was jealous of another Paladin I saw with it. This time around I know much more about the game and I’ll have to conserve my money to eventually buy my epic mount. I’ll also have a much better idea of how to spec and equip my character this time around.

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Well I made a number of mistakes, but the one that stalled my leveling the most was not knowing for the first few weeks that there was an Auction House.

I had blacksmithing/mining, but besides that I vendored everything, and supplemented my gear with vendor whites. Oh, and talents? Ya, there were a lot of those I couldn’t afford until later. Boy was I a happy camper when I found out I could sell a stack of 20 copper ore for 75 silver on the AH :slight_smile:

As a warlock, I picked up blacksmithing because I thought I would learn the skill to equip mail gear at a higher level…

It was a long time ago.


Actually, in Alpha and first part of Beta locks could wear leather armor, so it’s not too much of a stretch to think they would get a mail upgrade.

I’ll do my best to avoid paying out on the AH, so I can afford my mount at level 40 this time.

I leveled holy priest solo, questing. I didn’t do any dungeons. It took me so long to level.


Destiny actually dropped for me while I was about level 54. I loved that sword


I’ll do my best not to rub it in that I get a free mount at level 40. Dang, I think I failed at it already. :slight_smile:


Failed experiments get shut down, not rewarded with expansion after expansion.

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One of the biggest mistakes I made (other than leveling as a prot warrior) was that because WoW was my first MMO I believed that talent point were like the ones in Diablo 2, and once you assigned a point, it was locked in permanently.

I think I was almost lvl 50 when I finally spent the majority of my points, and it wasn’t until I had spent a while at lvl 60 before I knew that I could reset my talents.

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Can I count on seeing the mighty king of Reck Bombs in silithus?

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I don’t know if I am to blame or Blizzard is (I think it’s on them). The Mottled Red Raptor. I killed countless monsters for weeks to become the third person Hordeside on my server to have an epic mount. I got the Mottled Red Raptor.

They put a “blue exclamation” quest in the game when they did an update on the epic mounts, where one could trade their whistle for one of the new mounts (remember back then mounts were hard to get and took up a bag slot). I turned it in.

Later when mounts became account wide, I wrote several emails, talked to GMs, and called Blizz (back then they had phone customer service reps). Because I noticed even though I had bought the red mottled raptor, it was not unlocked in my mounts. I am on the autism spectrum, and you can ask all my girlfriends since then, I stay up sometimes all night looking at pictures of my old mount.

I can’t sleep and when I think about it, I can’t eat. It’s illogical, I know, it’s a video game mount (by that same logic why won’t Blizzard give it back to me, I have plenty of witnesses that can attest I had that mount because it was a huge deal!) but it will haunt me until WoW servers go down. I don’t understand why my mount did not unlock with all my others and I don’t know why they would not help me. The closest answer I got besides “sorry” or being ignored was that they had no way to verify it. Which, I personally believe they have every piece of data possible. It must show even after CATA somewhere that I had that mount, but that aside, I have been playing since the day WoW released, and that can see that too. I have the original CE. I am not a liar. I don’t see why someone cannot simply unlock it for me! But, again, I am emotional about this. It’s kills me.

Extra mistake made: So after trying for months to have Blizzard help me, I spent $400 on a card called the “Savage Raptor” mount. It was not my original, but it made me feel a little better. Well, I regret that too, because as if Blizz could sense I had found a small comfort, two patches later Isle of Giants came out where we could get the raptor eggs, and yep. They used the special Savage Raptor skin as one of those drops, so my trading card mount became nothing special at all. Man, now I am not going to be able to stop obsessing over my mottled red raptor all day! It was stolen from me. If I could have seen the future and knew Blizz would not have given it back when we could have all the mounts we ever owned across characters, I would have NEVER done what I did.

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The biggest mistake I made in Vanilla is starting to play it. I mean, 15 years later and I’m still playing the same game! Grrr.


in Actual vanilla i never really fished, always regretted that i leveled it to max in BC but damn. it was tough back then, when i picked it up i got it to i think about… 120? THERE WHERE NO POOLS back then! It was a freaking nightmare, and no one knew about how amazing Bay of storms was, day 1. Hell most people still don’t…

Man i hope Fishing pools are in game day one, or i don’t my liver can handle what may happen.