What might happen to Sylvanas at the end of Shadowlands

how can something be considered a threat if it is not presented as a threat?

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Different circumstances.

That was my point. They’ll want us to consider the Alliance a threat but will do nothing to make that feel like a reality.


What would the Alliance take from the Horde that would make the Horde narratively fear the Alliance? Can’t touch orgimmar for gameplay reasons.
Thunderbluff? hardly something imposing or the intended target that would make the Alliance lux vult juices pumping. Silvermoon is in the BC zone server and can’t be touched while Suramar is stuck in Legion.

Crossroads. It’s an area that has a lot of sentimental value for Horde players and lorewise it’s a vital area for Horde control over the Barrens.



I understand the emotional value to Horde players but this is by no means an imposing or valuable thing to destroy in a cinematic way to show Alliance means business. Alliance flattened Brill and I am sure that had some significance, but it didn’t inspire awe. Iron Horde did more than that… this wouldn’t really make me feel the Alliance has teeth.

I don’t think narratively it wouldn really work for what you intend.

I’m not really going to argue this more. It being sentimental is part of the reason why it would be a location that gets Horde players invested. That’s the idea. You could give it a glow up and reinforce it and then destroy it later and then fill the Barrens with Alliance NPCs like they did with the 5.3 patch. You’re really underestimating the significance of the Crossroads represents both to players and as a means of controlling the territory the Horde does have.

Perfect is the enemy of good. If you keep fussing over what would be the perfect target for Alliance to destroy you’re missing the forest for the trees. Horde players still consider Taurajo to be the worst genocide ever committed, the Crossroads would at least be twice that.

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Thats fine… just saying if you want to inspire this:

and this:

You might wanna have something like the black scar in lordaeron from Crossroads to maybe Valley of Spirits where a portion of orgrimmar is destroyed and is barely held together with a desperate defense.
I mean there is precedent for it, the Stormwind Park was destroyed for years so… its not too crazy for one expansion or two.

From my many talks with other Horde fans was that the reason Taurajo gets brought up often is because Alliance barely does anything ever. I don’t take joy from making Horde players feel bad by making them lose something. So their unhappiness at losing crossroads doesn’t make it a good target. Probably worse because now we are even more miserable together.

The Horde player is unhappy of losing a favorite spot and I am left unhappy because Crossroads compared to the scale of Theramore, Southshore, Teldrassil, Darkshore, Ashenvale and etc… is not even a blip.

I feel like the Stay a While and Listen between Draka and Thrall is setting the emotional groundwork for not only Sylvanas’s return the the Horde, but the redemption of the Horde as well

Draka: You have told me many stories of your life, Go’el. It seems some of the memories trouble you.
Thrall: Yes, I spoke of Garrosh, son of Grommash Hellscream. I’d hoped to spare him for the darkness his father knew… but instead… I fear I’m to blame for the ruin he unleashed.
Draka: Fate sets a course before each of us. How are you to blame for the destiny he wrought?
Thrall: I took him from Nagrand. I made him Warchief. But when he needed me most, I left him to falter. And in the end, it was my hand that struck him down.
Draka: Your father used to say that a wolf decides whether to come when called or to turn on its master. There is no fault, only nature taking its course. Garrosh chose his path, my son.
Thrall: But I set him upon it.
Draka: You offered him a choice. You did not choose for him. Mourn if you must, but his decisions are not your burden to bear. His path ended. Yours moves onward.
Thrall: Onward…yes. There’s much to be done. Thank you, mother.

Alliance posters here talk about the Old Horde, and how the Horde hasn’t really evolved, but it has. The Horde civil Wars show that time and time again that if given a chance the Horde will fight against a despot Warchief and diverge from the path. There may be some invisible force pushing the Horde to constantly be the worst version of itself, but the choice is in the individual.

“a wolf decides whether to come when called or to turn on its master. There is no fault, only nature taking its course.” this is some good Frostwolf wisdom. Which can be applied to Sylvanas turning on Zorvaal.

Thrall is an orc not a human, and he’s a Frostwolf. The only code of honor the Horde needs is the Frostwolf code. That’s why he’s wearing Orgrim’s plate, he’s Orgrim and Durotar’s and Saurfang’s Legacy.

Anyways, everything I say falls on deaf ears here, all I have to do now is just sit and wait to see if I’m right.


The old Horde also went through a civil strife with Orgrim Doomhammer deposing the evil Blackhand and Guldan and proceeded to kill every human and elf he could get his hands on. The things with Alexstrasza as well, being incredibly messed up.

There is just so many times the same group does the same bad things they promised they won’t repeat just a few years ago. And their reasons for fighting against the despotic warchief are always conveniently in their own interests.
What you are doing is called revisionist history. Unfortunately, it is very prelevant these days when people try to cast a better light on the South.

Are you now accusing me as being on the same level as a member of the Daughters of the Confederacy?

This morning it was anti-vaxxers, now it’s this.

Akiyass usually just calls me a communist.

(apparently I’m all over the political spectrum, antivaxxer and confederate one day, radical Bolshevist left, atheist the next day)


That shouldn’t be hard - Blizzard has deemed the Alliance the victors of both Warfronts in BfA. In game.

The Alliance getting the big time “In Game wins” is par for the course.

Blizzard came up with a whole system to explore the Faction Conflict in a Zone Wide Scale, through Warfronts. And the Alliance was granted victory in both Darkshore and Arathi.

The Alliance had an entire Warfront system dedicated to their victories in game.

The Alliance bias is unending.


Since you keep telling me to learn how to read I would strongly encourage you to the same.
I said you were doing something and gave examples of similar behavior in other more serious subjects in real life.

I did not make any insinuations of your political beliefs. Only that you behave and do things that group we are aware of use. That is all.

Man I love getting entire zones dedicated to my victory… i mean it was just so blatant that I needed an Internet Q&A to find out who actually won.

Actually, both the Alliance victories are mentioned in-game. There’s a quest you can do called “A New Hope” in the Darkshore warfront that says the Alliance won in Darkshore. As for Stromgarde, Turalyon says it was reclaimed in Stormwind Keep. So, he is technically right.


For someone who claims all lore should be ingame he doesn’t even read ingame lore haha.

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I didn’t read through any of this, just wanted to write down my speculation so I have proof!!

Zovaal: Dies.

— We go back to Oribos. —

Baine: And what of the fate of Sylvanas Windrunner?

Sylvanas: I seek judgement… from Tyrande alone.

Everyone else she tried to murder: ummmm, okay I guess?

Tyrande: … now is the time for renewal, not revenge.

Sylvanas: nods
Sylvanas: walks to the Orbios Portal- ready to jump down

Anduin: Sylvanas! If you jump… there’s no coming back this time.

Sylvanas: … we can’t choose who we… love… little lion.
Sylvanas: Jumps into the Maw to find Nathanos…

Arbiter Pelagos: So long heroes, thank you for all that you’ve done.

Bolvar: Stays

Anduin: Bolvar… you’re not coming with us?

Bolvar: I swore an oath to an old friend, I forever will be the jailer of the damned. That Oath has not been fufilled.

Anduin: … I … I understand. May the Light be with you, even here.

—Back to Azeoth–

Greymane: Anduin! You’re safe.
Anduin: Yes old friend.

Greymane: And what of Sylvanas?!!
Anduin: She’s… gone.

Baine: Side glances at Greymane…

Anduin: Come now, champions, there’s lots to do… for Azeroth.

Did you get chills!?!? (or throw up?) :smiley:

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I’m on board. You sold me. This is all you needed to say.

it was never “serve” anyone who thought she said serve is wrong. She was going to say love.

How do you get New Hope quest? I farmed all the gear for the NEs back in BFA. I don’t remember seeing it. There was supposed to be a cinematic with some lame clapping but I don’t think it ever came out of PTR.
As for Turalyon I must have missed it, when did it happen? Because back in BFA I don’t remember getting a big announcement or cinematic or event stating that Alliance won Arathi Highlands. I mean for a zone designed to give me a feeling of victory like you know when Horde players burned Teldrassil down I would have noticed it.

You go to Darkshore and pick it up from Maiev, after you finish the Darkshore storyline. It was made available in Shadowlands, but was in the game in since 8.1. They added it to the game, but it was never made available due to a bug, maybe.

In Stormwind Keep, if you talk to Turalyon, he says that the Alliance reclaimed Stromgarde. Here’s his full dialougue. It’s in the last paragraph.

"In King Anduin’s absence, I have been entrusted with the protection of Alliance citizens.

It feels like lifetimes ago that I helped a young Varian Wrynn secure his throne. Now I am charged with keeping it safe for his son.

The Fourth War took a terrible toll on the Alliance. Our military might has been depleted. Stormwind’s nobles are keen to see our defenses restored.

Reclaiming Stromgarde was a good first step. Perhaps there are other holdings of the old Alliance that could be secured."

There’s nothing very flashy. I get what you’re saying.


Ahh it was a shadowlands thing yeah… by shadowlands I was pretty checked out.
After farming my gear and mounts, I just never went back there.
In Tides of vengeance they just tell you we got a foothill and we got to fight the Horde. We never really see tyrande until the end of the expansion.
killing an undead night elf to reclaim the darkshore was just some epic level trolling by the devs.

Yeah we hold the fortress still, not really a statement that the Horde was pushed out. There are two Horde fortresses there, as always blizzard is very vague when it comes to stuff like this.

Just hoping for some good content.

“Your father used to say that a wolf decides whether to come when called or to turn on its master. There is no fault, only nature taking its course.”

A wolf does not have the same intellect or sense of morality as a person, so I’m not sure of Durotan’s/Draka’s analogy.

That logic actually implicates Sylvanas. Zovaal set her on the path as of the latest retcons, but she chose to walk it (the soul split didn’t take away her free will, and even Uther rejected that the “Banshee Queen” and “Ranger General” were two different people).

Stromgarde was held by undead independent of the Scourge or the Forsaken; they weren’t part of the Horde. Plus, the Ebon Blade softened them up a bit first when they went to reanimate Thoras Trollbane was one of the Four Horsemen.

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