What might happen to Sylvanas at the end of Shadowlands

At least you are honest about it.

I see where you are coming from. It is easier to scapegoat Sylvanas with all the Horde’s sins and push her into a black hole, so we actually don’t have to examine what’s actually wrong with the Horde in the first place, which Sylvanas actually exposed in BFA.

But between you and me that just sounds like what an ostrich would do. Just stick your head in the sand and ignore all the bad.

We have to face the bad parts of the Horde eventually. Sylvanas fans are just like rip that bandaid off “Let’s go!” Here’s my laundry list on how the Horde sucks… it’s alphabetized!

A is for Anduin
B is for Baine
C is for Capitalism/Communism…

…you get the idea.