My guild.
My guild.
Leveling, questing, mog farming, rep/renown grinding, mount farming, hunter pet taming, battle pet farming(when I do it), flying/running around on cool mounts and many other smaller things. Still love the style of the game and the characters and a lot of the new mounts. There are still a lot I wish the game had or did, but overall I’m very happy using WoW as my time waster and real world ignorer.
The camera angle and the game engine. Both of those things just fall flat in every other game I’ve tried to play. Like, I want to get into No Man’s Sky, but what if the controls are slightly different than this, then I probably won’t like it.
The game is still fun, don’t get me wrong, but a lot of it, heck maybe most of it, is that it is familiar and as much as I talk about how bad I am at it, I really do understand it far better than I would even come close to trying to pick up a brand new game.
Last other game I tried was Diablo 4. I didn’t really like it and came back in a couple months. I guess I might try back after their first expansion, but I also kind of think I’m never going to enjoy that game unless I’m so severely burnt out on this that it’s either play something else or not play at all.
Expectation that they release more playable races (please no more gnomes).
Addiction lol.
I just like working on Rosenivys story as I play.
Playing with friends and m+
There are far more things that stop me from playing than keep me playing nowadays. I don’t like the homogenized pets or the funneled skill trees or the constant nerfs when a class/spec finally feels fun or the level scaling where instead of just base values they go off of yours so if you get stronger so do mobs so you never feel stronger or them giving us playable races that’s in the minority, most not even in my top 20 or 30, instead of the most wanted races.
I left in 2011 due to Horde getting first BE’s and than Pandas instead of Ogres and was, and still am, salty about it. Came back around pre-WoD and again pre-Legion and was enjoying Enhancement Shammy both times when they nerf batted him and he was no longer fun so rage quit and missed both Xpacs. Feral might have been hit also but can’t remember since Enhance Shammy sticks out a LOT both times.
Came back in SL’s because I wanted to get back to the old style faction war but was hugely disappointed to find out the Horde was a soap opera with in-faction fighting and no faction war. But I loved the AZ traits, it allowed me to theme my classes and they felt more fantasy-like which was awesome. Rezan’s Fury on hunter allowed me to have a little pet attack, Thunderous Blast on Shaman made him feel more elemental with bolts of lightning going off in battle and Tidal Surge on Mage/Shaman with shooting water during combat was fun and very mage-like to me.
Dragonflight I came back because of the Dragonriding which is really fun. I’ve always liked the Dragonflights also so felt a connection and came back for some more Dragon lore. RIP Krasus/Korialstrasz. Named my Drac Korialstraza to honor him and also only allowed 12 letters so couldn’t name her Korialstrasza.
Most recently I came back to try Hardcore Classic. It is so slow and I forgot how it used to be. I started playing around 2006/2007 and a lot of what is in Classic was still around than but I had gotten used to the QoL changes that came after so didn’t remember a lot of what I am experiencing until I reexperienced it again and than it jogged my memory which feels sort of good.
The new Xpacs though, not sure I’ll be coming back. Stone dwarves for Horde instead of Ogres? WTF? Ogres come from stone giants so give me them instead especially since I’ve wanted them BEFORE we got BE’s.
The heroic powers just don’t un-funnel the skill trees which is the main problem with the game I have. So tired of creating alts of same class/spec and them playing basically the same damn way so delete and stop playing due to boredom The skill trees need WAY more variety and allow a more diverse playstyle than currently do. If I create multiple of the same spec I should be able to create a different playstyle more than once which isn’t even really possible now it is such a minor change that ten MM hunters will all play virtually the same. Not enough variety for me personally.
To each their own.
No other MMO feels like the whole package.
GW2 has great PvP. Instanced PvE is bad. Their world bosses are cool though
FFXIV has great PvE, but their PvP is bad.
WoW just kind of does it all.
The fact my girlfriend loves this game and it makes her happy when I play with her. Other than that i’m actually interested in seasons of discovery.
Outside of that i dislike the profession system, i dislike there is no player housing, i dislike how raiding is done, i dislike the community on the internet, i dislike the fomo, i dislike world content at this point cause outside of fyrakk event which was kinda of cool (didn’t do the time stuff) everything has been a let down. PvP is cool but the balance is atrocious. I dislike the alt unfriendlyness (which majority of the issues will be fixed in TWW).
But warbands and delves might actually spark real interest in retail wow again. And the AI feature is a plus.
My gnomes and dwarves keep me going. Can’t leave them alone for a longer period.
Burning trees, slaughtering elves, punting gnomes, and head butting dwarves. FOR THE HORDE!
/10 char