What makes you keep going in WoW?

Besides the art and music.

For me it’s kinda the random stuff. From WQS wanting you to kill 80 bugs. To playing WQ games, like a turtle made it to the water. Going on a adventure to capture a demonic goat. To WoW making you to the past expacs and go “what sword”?

It’s the little but cool things that keep me going.

No other MMORPG really does this type of thing. They mostly follow a specific formula of how they want you to play (which is kinda like how wow does questing) And that’s pretty much it.


I don’t know. It’s still just super fun to me. :dracthyr_love_animated:


I’m not sure but whatever it is its definitely not that I’m an addict in denial.


Well you are a addict anyways

The level squish caused me to stop playing so level progression kept me playing.

There’s a gun pointed my head to keep subbed. Please help me! :exploding_head:

I’m sure the forum snobs will eat me alive for this, but I really like the stories being told. They’re not perfect, but they’re fun and I really like playing my characters through them.


Oh nay, you enjoy the story, how dare you? XD

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Not much anymore.


My guild for me.

It’s a guilty pleasure. But I’m here for it.
NOT YOU, ZOVAAL! *spray bottle*
But the rest of it, usually.

Sometimes it’s campy, sometimes it’s dumb. Sometimes I’m like “Why is Elisande here? I really need to read my quest text better.” But, man, I’m having a good time following it usually.

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Seems you found your spark again to play WoW QUICKLY :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

But me? I can make the gold… boredom…
And I enjoy the fantasy side of it, art, classes, nostalgia a bit, the feeling of it all.

The last and only thing that really keeps me logging in is the gold making, professions but that has been waning. Starting to question it.

Finding new ways to play the game is the biggest one for me. Projects I like to work on using the world and such is the second biggest. Perhaps the best way I can put it, is I always set myself a goal, and by having said goal I have something to strive for. Be that a achievement, transmog, mount, and such.

(Sips :beer:)

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Making my own grind out of old xpac parts and pieces manually, since current xpac content is loss of player agency + timegate as progress trashy stuff.

I 100% gave up on caring about gearing or being anywhere near current content, anything current is held hostage and troll bait ruined into worthless timegate sticks with no player agency and do not allow true grinding.

It really is just me putting together grinding out of legion/bfa/sl content for long term cosmetic goals that keeps me around. I want to care about gearing badly, but it’s troll bait by the devs and/or corporate ABK.

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You mean you don’t like being put in a weekly lockdown to get a decent piece of gear?

The only reason I’m still here are the pet battles.

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Totally not addiction.


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But are you?

There’s nothing interesting on t.v.

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There’s hardly anything interesting on tv these days tbh. Last time i watched tv was 5 years ago