Friends play it
If they didn’t play, I would have abandoned it years ago
Friends play it
If they didn’t play, I would have abandoned it years ago
It’s the unprompted ERP whispers. I gain power every time I get one.
Male Worgen are very popular these days.
I am basically a goldfish, I like to run around and explore things in this awesome 3D world. I also do some M+ dungeons on a lot of classes now, but I had no idea what Mythic+ or raiding was until like 6 years ago. Before that, I literally would run around zones that were higher level than me and get one shot and run back as a ghost and keep running around. I also queued for LFR and clicked random buttons (to go with my randomly-picked talents, of course) and talked with people in trade chat. Velen was nice most people were not rude or anything.
I also “play” Guild Wars 2 and by that I mean I run around the world of guild wars 2 and teleport everywhere and explore. I used a level boost and have no idea what is going on but am still having fun!
My favorite channel
Pets, mounts and mogs.
Lance Topsail has a story and I must play for it to continue. Sometimes weird things happen which keeps it interesting. For example he just got married.
Stockholm syndrome
“Surely this time I won’t regret subscribing. I used to have so much fun a while ago. This time for sure it’ll be different definitely I can feel it.”
It’s still more fun than not. Lately especially, I’ve been really enjoying Demon Hunter.
I would say going for a goal but it sadly feels pointless now. Two things that led me to this thought process. The first was Pathfinding for DF expansion. I thought hey, it’s not to much this expansion so lets do this. Did every achievement and went to do the last for Embers of Neltharion. Complete it and went to go look to make sure I got it and see that it’s blank still. Do research and see I done everything and it should come up as complete but it’s blank. So I go to fill out a bug report but after I notice there is a lot of reports on the same thing. Embers of Neltharion is bugged. I get that people have had a dislike for flying in general but I like the convenience it brings. And why put it in the game if you’re going to break it to not be able to be used? You give me a product but it’s broken.
Secondly, the lava snail mount. I don’t know why but I wanted it since seeing it on TikTok and youtube. But you have to dive in a pool of lava to be able to get it with a helluva long click time. So, I sat around spamming (yes sadly) for healers to help me get it and even had offered to pay for their time. Got up to 100k gold and silence. Kind of shocked at it. So I looked and content creators most popular choice to get it was A shaman healer. So spent the next few days leveling him to 60 and gave it a try. Could not do it and got the idea that I have to get him geared and to 70 to get the mount. So I feel just bored. I learned that I am not a shammy player nor have I enjoyed the toon personally. And no, I am not knocking Shamans nor the playerbase who loves them but for me I enjoy Rogues and Hunters.
In the end, I love goals. But it feels everytime I set one I am disappointed in the end. Either the goal is set at such a hard level or it feels sabotaged. Sorry for the long rant.
I take breaks every now and then, but I’ve been here since day 1. For me… its certainly a lot to do with my main character I’ve brought through it all: its a story that keeps going. Lots of memories with nearly 20 years, heh, and I look forward to decades more!
One other reason is a source of fanart. I plan to do a bunch more finally, and especially with dragons-that is really makin my art side itch lol. Gotta get some more done!
The replayability of it all is what keeps me coming back.
those ‘one and done’ games really dont interest me at all.
I like games that you play thru and youre dying to do it again.
Most of the game is like that except for a few annoying spots I just avoid.
The familiarity of it is relaxing. I feel like I am where I want to be when I log in lol.
That’s a weird take.
Simple. My own imagination and my ability to make my own fun. I am able to tell my own stories to myself and ignore garbage lore in game.
Right now I’ve pretty much only been playing Classic. I’ll sometimes jump into a timewalking dungeon or do a holiday thing. Maybe an old raid or bunch of world quests if I want trade post tender for something cool in there.
I wanna know where the story goes, and I enjoy leveling alts. I can just turn off my brain and watch tv/listen to music while playing through all kinds of different old content.
What is this " tv " you speak of ??
I think the level squish was stupid. I mean, here we are already raising it to 70, now 80… and we’re just gonna end up right back where we were. Why not let those level numbers just keep going… a lot of us were proud of what we earned.
Coming from Perfect World it makes sense. Perfect World Malaysia English Server before Perfect World International came about and the level cap was 150. It was hard to hit that. PWI’s level cap was 105, but later implemented a rebirth system where you could go back to lvl 1 with increased stats. Which made leveling a little easier in a way, each time you did it.