What makes you happy?

I know how you feel, this year has been really hard on a lot of people including myself. I’ve been working through this entire pandemic being an essential employee and work has been so busy and stressful like I’ve never seen it before. I’ve struggled with depression on and off for years, and this year has made it appear again.

What I do after work to get my mind off of things is exercise, my favorite thing being yoga. In a world of chaos and everything being fast paced… yoga is my time to just be and concentrate on myself and slow everything down. To me it works miracles. I also love being out in nature so I try and sit outside on our patio when it’s not too hot and go on walks with my husband. Also finding a good movie/tv helps a lot too as a distraction.

Best of luck to you OP & everyone else who is going through a hard time lately :purple_heart:


Homemade Iced Tea. That’s it.

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Make plans that I can look forward to.

Pre-Covid it was usually a fun trip like an amusement park or festival but now it is usually more intimate like an evening of drinks and board games with friends, swimming and/or gaming with grandchildren, lunch with family, ect.

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oh yea, summertime. Nothin like getting a bunch of guys together to play with the balls, warm up some wieners, and you can’t forget the iced tea so nobody gets dehydrated. I can hear ol’ Harry singing in the 7th right now.

exercise, stretching, enough sleep, time for myself, playing games, achieving goals ive set for myself, ignoring stupid cause theres so much of it around nowdays ^


I pick up one of my many crafting projects that I have planned and then finish something, even if it’s a small something or small project getting something accomplished for the day helps me to feel a bit better.

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Watching anime :’)

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Truth – I just got back from a five-mile bike ride, and the theme from The Rockford Files is playing on Pandora. Life is good.

Firstly I will take some St Johns Wort herbal tablets, and then make a cup of ‘Tension Tamer’ tea.

I usually cook a really healthy, nutrient rich meal when I’m feeling down; it has two-fold benefits. Eating nice food is comforting, and nutrients help balance everything.

And I write how I’m feeling in my Diary, even if I can’t really express how I’m feeling.

I am really susceptible to anxiety, so I always have strong foundations of help in place, in my mind, to hold my hand through it all. Sometimes this doesn’t work.

Good luck. Sudden sadness is never nice.

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When i dont get bullied by false flagging trolls :frowning:

My brain makes me day dream if my mood takes a sudden dip in sadness. It’s like “woah buddy this is intense let me just put you on auto pilot for a second while I fix this”

Random blues I either go to bed or draw one specific character I have. I do kinda wanna send this character thru another redesign ( they’re on redesign number 3 I think ) because I don’t think they have a decent silhouette. We’ll see

This character has sharp teeth and a permanent grin so drawing their teeth is oddly soothing for me. I had quite a giggle when I finally watched Hazbin Hotel’s pilot because my favorite character was right up my characters alley when it comes to design.

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Well if I wasn’t so dang anti-social I would talk to someone (more romantic interest than rando friend), sing, go to sleep, or go hug my mom or dad since I moved back home during the pandmenic.

The PvP Gear system from TBC-WoD makes me happy.

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If it makes you happy, then why does it make you so sad.

Very little these days.

Getting a new book.

Same man, same. :pensive:

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See I’m weird, when I’m in a funk I listen to sad music. Something about it makes me feel better.

Seeing my pup’s tail wag. Never fails to get a smile out of me, no matter the mood.

In-game, helping people or doing something kind for someone else usually helps my own mood quite a bit.

If I’m really, really sad or miffed for some reason, watching old movies is often a go-to of mine.


Sleep and animals. Having a pet can be a huge boon to your overall mental health even during the happy times. Especially if it’s one you can hold, doesn’t even have to be fluffy, snakes for example can be just as good as a dog or cat.

If you are capable of caring for an animal, then I would highly recommend getting one.

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