What makes you happy?

I eat multiple hot dogs.

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Hugging my cat :cat2: :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


When down, I indulge.

Kick Netflix on and grab my stash of Hershey Kisses. I’ll bury myself in a few episodes, then I make a point of opening the curtains or going outside.

I get the winter blues something fierce, even happens in the summer when I spend too much time in my basement or living room. I try to find and absorb that sunlight.

It’s been bad this summer, it’s been really hot and I suffered a knee injury, so walking around is uncomfortable. I also don’t wanna sit outside when it’s 95⁰ and 72% humidity. :woman_shrugging:


Every night around sundown, I go out and take a few laps around the block on my bicycle. I’ve marked out a two-mile figure-eight in my neighborhood. Two and a half times around takes me about a half-hour. That makes me feel pretty happy while I’m doing it, and afterwards while I sit here at my computer, in front of a box fan, with a glass of lemonade.

Currently going on a crisis over a recent break up of a 4 year relationship,

It is difficult to utter in words with how you feel and think because it is too overwhelming and quite flooded that it renders you vulnerable all the same.

Though I am slowly transitioning out of it. Its seeing my family every now and then and just valuing their company which paves avenues of strengths to lift me high once more while adjourning through “broken heart” process.

Family means much to me, and I cannot ever put that aside.

Other than that going for walks and on and off exercise


Welp, when my guy is available i usually hang out with him. he always makes me happier, even if we don’t say anything to each other… just being in his presence comforts me. He’s really my best friend just as much as he is the love of my life… idk what i’d do without that big lug.

when he’s not available? idk tbh… i usually just try to ride out the depression, distract myself with a game (like wow), or the forums. maybe ill watch one of my favorite tv shows? and of course ill pray. sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn’t. sometimes feeling numb is the best these things can do for me. other time, I just sleep.

Ive been thinking about getting on some kind of anxiety/depression medication for a while… but it’s been kinda tough to start the process. also thought about getting on birth control, they say that for some women it can help level their emotions out… but theres also the risk of everything getting 10 times worse, so… NOT doin that one without a doctors “okay”.

oof, sorry that’s a bit depressing.


Nothing. It’s literally up to me and only me to create it for the moment until that stops.

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you need to forgive her and take her back. If i learned one thing in life from Alinity it’s that when a guy cheats it’s bad but if a girl cheats it’s because she wasnt getting what she needs from the relationship. Forgive her and do better this time.

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The right medication (if needed—no shame) plus an unbiased voice/set of ears can help a ton. Plus teach you methods to become more self sufficient in regards to your happiness.

Something about what you said made me think DBT, but I also do not know you at all! On another note, very cool that you found someone so special!

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Knowing that the past few hundred years of history are a mere aberration that will be corrected within my lifetime.

My dog
My family
Activities I enjoy such as Video Games and Programming DLC on my own if possible

I do a lot of coping from a lot of failed relationships and classes… and i mean a lot. Care to think how I felt for a couple of years of being in a same situation in life. It’s like being quarantined for life.

And people have gone insane for staying in home for far too long. I, however, seem to be doing fine.


When I feel any discomfort, anxiety, sadness, whatever, I tend to work out. Whether it be lift some weights or hitting the bag. Always works 100%.

I keep feeling this way lately. Down. Just disconnecting from everything and listening to outside and looking at the sky and feeling the wind actually helping a lot. I spend too much time working or staring at my phone to do this forum stuff or reading articles about other people.

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which part of the last 300yrs was abnormal? is technology going away? Cars and flight? tell me i must know what are we correcting?

tell me! are we finally getting rid of country music?!?!


Animals, people helping animals and treating them with kindness and respect. Same goes for people helping those in need. Sleeping (I have chronic insomnia, so any day I’m able to get some Zs is a good day). Getting lost in writing and hoping one day to be published and able to make a decent living at long last. That’s about it these days. The U.S. is a cesspool (I won’t list the reasons here, as I don’t want to get hit with the ban stick), and I fear it won’t get much better in my lifetime.


First thing get some sleep.second ,don’t watch the news and third do something just funny,silly or crazy <good enough for the laugh.

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panda feet makes me happy

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I go to sleep.

but ya what makes me happy?


If you have kids it’s easy to find happiness. If not, I also think of goals I’m working towards and how good it’ll feel.

Next year, crossing the finish line and qualifying for Boston.

Getting promoted to a higher belt.